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Created June 14, 2014 21:59
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Demonstrates how a custom type can be used with the solvers in ODE.jl
using ODE
import Base.norm # we will extend norm to support our new type
const delta0 = 0.
const V0 = 1.
const g0 = 0.
# define custom type ...
type CompSol
CompSol(r,x,p) = new(copy(r),x,p)
# ... which has to support the following operations
# to work with odeX
norm(y::CompSol, p::Float64) = maximum([Base.norm(y.rho, p) abs(y.x) abs(y.p)])
+(y1::CompSol, y2::CompSol) = CompSol(y1.rho+y2.rho, y1.x+y2.x, y1.p+y2.p)
-(y1::CompSol, y2::CompSol) = CompSol(y1.rho-y2.rho, y1.x-y2.x, y1.p-y2.p)
*(y1::CompSol, s::Real) = CompSol(y1.rho*s, y1.x*s, y1.p*s)
*(s::Real, y1::CompSol) = y1*s
/(y1::CompSol, s::Real) = CompSol(y1.rho/s, y1.x/s, y1.p/s)
# define RHSs of differential equations
# delta, V and g are parameters
function rhs(t, y, delta, V, g)
H = [[-delta/2 V]; [V delta/2]]
rho_dot = -im*H*y.rho + im*y.rho*H
x_dot = y.p
p_dot = -y.x
return CompSol( rho_dot, x_dot, p_dot)
# inital conditons
rho0 = zeros(2,2);
y0 = CompSol(complex(rho0), 2., 1.)
# solve ODEs
t,y = ODE.ode45((t,y)->rhs(t, y, delta0, V0, g0), y0, [0., 2pi]);
using Winston
# dynamics of rho
plot(t, Float64[real(R.rho[1,1]) for R in y], t, cos(t).^2, "bo")
oplot(t, Float64[real(R.rho[2,2]) for R in y], "--", t, sin(t).^2, "rs")
# dynamics of x and p
plot(t, Float64[R.x for R in y], t, 2*cos(t)+sin(t), "bo")
oplot(t, Float64[R.p for R in y], "--", t, cos(t)-2*sin(t), "rs")
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