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Created December 31, 2012 18:07
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from __future__ import print_function
import random, itertools, sets
## The following represents thought process and has not been subjected to rigorus proof
# Possible pairings can be represented as two varieties of cycles in the permutations of the residents due to the restriction on reflexive pairings.
# For each permutation there is a single cycle through all 7 name and a two disjoint cycles through 3 names and 4 names respectively.
# Total unique pairings are therefore less than 7!*2 = 10080 (less because cycles of a particular permutation generate equivalent pairings)
# There are 7! permutations. Cycles through all 7 that produce equivalent pairings can be elminiated by considering only permutations that begin with a particular digit (eg. 6).
# Therefore unique pairings for cycles through all 7 generates 6! = 720 (ie 7!/7) pairings.
# Considering 3,4 cycles inside of each permutation there should be (7!/(4!*3))(4!/4) = 420
# accounting for equivalent pairings we are left with 720+420 = 1140 possible pairings
# Maximum bound on years before a repeated pair must be 6 because for any individual there are only 6 possible partners.
# But testing shows that all possible partners can be exhausted in as little as 4 years.
def cycle_to_pairing(p):
return zip(p,p[1:]+p[:1])
def cycle_7_pairing(p):
return tuple(cycle_to_pairing(p))
def cycle_3_4_pairing(p):
return tuple(cycle_to_pairing(p[:3]) + cycle_to_pairing(p[3:]))
def pairing_to_set(p):
return sets.ImmutableSet(p)
def list_of_pairings_to_set(ps):
pairs = []
for p in ps:
return sets.ImmutableSet(pairs)
def filter_pairings(pp, pairs):
return [p for p in pp if not p & pairs]
def pairing_to_string(p, names):
lines = ['{0} is buying for {1}'.format(names[x[0]], names[x[1]]) for x in p]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def generate_possible_pairings():
'''calcuate all possible pairings using sets to eliminate equivalent pairings
This is acceptable because there are only 7 residents as numbers increase an alternative
strategy should be considered.
residents = range(7)
all_permutations = list(itertools.permutations(residents))
possible_pairings = set([])
for p in all_permutations:
return list(possible_pairings)
def pairing_distribution():
'''count occurences of each pair among all pairings to be sure that the distribution is equal'''
counter = {}
for x in generate_possible_pairings():
for y in list(x):
if not y in counter:
counter[y] = 0
counter[y] += 1
print(counter, len(counter))
def simulate_consecutive_years(n=100):
'''runs a simulation of picking consecutive years to test theory about how long it is possible to go without repeats
testing provides validation for 6 being the upper limit
in approximately 10% of the tests the possiblites are eliminated after 4 years
no smaller values have been observed'''
all_counts = {}
for i,x in enumerate(random.sample(generate_possible_pairings(),n)):
print('\r'+str(i), end=' ')
pp = generate_possible_pairings()
counts = [len(pp)]
while pp:
pp = [a for a in pp if not a & x]
if not len(pp):
x = random.choice(pp)
counts = tuple(counts)
counts = len(counts)
if not counts in all_counts:
all_counts[counts] = 0
all_counts[counts] += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
history = 4
resident_names = ['Buddy Holly','John Bonham','Elvis Presley','Kurt Cobain','Janis Joplin','Richie Valens','John Lennon']
historical_pairings = [((0,2), (2,4), (4,6), (6,1), (1,3), (3,5), (5,0))]
while True:
historical_pairings = historical_pairings[-1*history:]
filter = list_of_pairings_to_set(historical_pairings)
remaining_pairings = filter_pairings(generate_possible_pairings(), filter)
pairing = random.choice(remaining_pairings)
except IndexError:
print('All unique pairs have been exhausted!')
print(pairing_to_string(pairing, resident_names))
if raw_input().upper() == 'Q':
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