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Last active January 12, 2017 20:42
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Generate a normalised MacOSX foldername from a selected outgoing item in apple mail
V 1.03 Copyright © 2009-2017 ACSR Industrialdesign – Armin Stross-Radschinski,
You may incorporate this code into your program(s) without
restriction. This ACSR sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to
redistribute this ACSR sample code as "ACSR sample code" after having
made changes. If you're going to redistribute the code, we require that
you make it clear that the code was descended from ACSR sample code,
but that you've made changes.
This script takes the information from a selected mail item in
apple mail and creates a normalized folder name suitable to
archive the content of an outgoing mail starting with a timestamp,
a directional type prefix, the name of the communication partner
and the subject of the selected mail. Then it copies the name
into the clipboard. See other script for incoming mails.
ToDo: Remove / substitute characters not suitable for folder names.
Attributes of type date
tell application "Mail"
set selectedMessages to selection
if (count of selectedMessages) is equal to 0 then
display alert "No e-mail selected" message "Select an e-mail bevore you invoke this applescript!"
set theMessage to item 1 of selectedMessages
set theDateTime to "Date received: " & date received of theMessage as text
set theSender to (extract name from sender of theMessage) as text
set theRecipient to (name of recipient of theMessage) as text
set theBetreff to subject of theMessage as text
set theDate to date received of theMessage
set theTime to (time string of theDate) as text
set theTime4Files to characters 1 thru 2 of theTime & "-" & characters 4 thru 5 of theTime & "-" & characters 7 thru 8 of theTime
set theDayTemp to (day of theDate) + 100 as string
set theDay to characters 2 thru 3 of theDayTemp
set theMonthTemp to ((month of theDate as number) + 100) as string
set theMonth to characters 2 thru 3 of theMonthTemp
set theYear to year of theDate as string
set theShortYear to characters 3 thru 4 of theYear
set theShortDate to theShortYear & theMonth & theDay
set theLongDate to theYear & theMonth & theDay
set theMailFolderName to theLongDate & "_" & theTime4Files & "_MailE_" & theSender & "_" & theBetreff
display dialog "Suggested foldername for storing the plain files of " & return & "the content of this e-mail in your communications folder is: " & return & return & "\"" & theMailFolderName & "\"" buttons {"to Clipboard!", "OK"} default button 2
if the button returned of the result is "to Clipboard!" then
set the clipboard to theMailFolderName as text
end if
end if
end tell
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