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Created February 6, 2024 17:40
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This Fuzzy Search algorithm offers both speed and ease of understanding. A significant advantage is its capability to not only provide the score but also the range of matching characters.
import Foundation
/// FuzzySearchCharacters is used to normalise strings
struct FuzzySearchCharacter {
let content: String
// normalised content is referring to a string that is case- and accent-insensitive
let normalisedContent: String
/// FuzzySearchString is just made up by multiple characters, similar to a string, but also with normalised characters
struct FuzzySearchString {
var characters: [FuzzySearchCharacter]
/// FuzzySearchMatchResult represents an object that has undergone a fuzzy search using the fuzzyMatch function.
struct FuzzySearchMatchResult {
let weight: Int
let matchedParts: [NSRange]
extension String {
/// Normalises the characters of the string by converting them to ASCII representation.
/// Each character is transformed into its ASCII equivalent, and the resulting array
/// of FuzzySearchCharacter objects contains both the original and normalised content.
/// - Returns: An array of FuzzySearchCharacter objects representing the original and
/// normalised content of each character in the string.
func normalise() -> [FuzzySearchCharacter] {
return self.lowercased().map { char in
guard let data = String(char).data(using: .ascii, allowLossyConversion: true),
let normalisedCharacter = String(data: data, encoding: .ascii) else {
return FuzzySearchCharacter(content: String(char), normalisedContent: String(char))
return FuzzySearchCharacter(content: String(char), normalisedContent: normalisedCharacter)
Checks if the string has a prefix matching a fuzzy search character starting at a specified index.
- Parameters:
- prefix: A `FuzzySearchCharacter` object containing both content and normalized content for the prefix to search.
- index: The index at which to start searching for the prefix within the string.
- Returns: An optional integer representing the length of the matched prefix if found; otherwise, `nil`.
func hasPrefix(prefix: FuzzySearchCharacter, startingAt index: Int) -> Int? {
guard let stringIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: index, limitedBy: self.endIndex) else {
return nil
let searchString = self.suffix(from: stringIndex)
for prefix in [prefix.content, prefix.normalisedContent] where searchString.hasPrefix(prefix) {
return prefix.count
return nil
/// A protocol defining the requirements for an object that can be searched using fuzzy matching.
protocol FuzzySearchable {
var searchableString: String { get }
/// Performs a fuzzy search on the conforming object's searchable string.
/// - Parameters:
/// - query: The query string to match against the searchable content.
/// - characters: The set of characters used for fuzzy matching.
/// - Returns: A FuzzySearchMatchResult indicating the result of the fuzzy search.
func fuzzyMatch(query: String, characters: FuzzySearchString) -> FuzzySearchMatchResult
extension FuzzySearchable {
func fuzzyMatch(query: String, characters: FuzzySearchString) -> FuzzySearchMatchResult {
let compareString = characters.characters
let searchString = query.lowercased()
var totalScore = 0
var matchedParts = [NSRange]()
var patternIndex = 0
var currentScore = 0
var currentMatchedPart = NSRange(location: 0, length: 0)
for (index, character) in compareString.enumerated() {
if let prefixLength = searchString.hasPrefix(prefix: character, startingAt: patternIndex) {
patternIndex += prefixLength
currentScore += 1
currentMatchedPart.length += 1
} else {
currentScore = 0
if currentMatchedPart.length != 0 {
currentMatchedPart = NSRange(location: index + 1, length: 0)
totalScore += currentScore
if currentMatchedPart.length != 0 {
if searchString.count == matchedParts.reduce(0, { partialResult, range in
range.length + partialResult
}) {
return FuzzySearchMatchResult(weight: totalScore, matchedParts: matchedParts)
} else {
return FuzzySearchMatchResult(weight: 0, matchedParts: [])
/// Normalises the searchable string of the conforming object by converting its characters to ASCII representation.
/// The resulting FuzzySearchString contains both the original and normalised content of each character.
/// - Returns: A FuzzySearchString
func normaliseString() -> FuzzySearchString {
return FuzzySearchString(characters: searchableString.normalise())
/// Performs a fuzzy search on the normalised content of the conforming object's searchable string.
/// - Parameter query: The query string to match against the normalised searchable content.
/// - Returns: A FuzzySearchMatchResult indicating the result of the fuzzy search.
func fuzzyMatch(query: String) -> FuzzySearchMatchResult {
let characters = normaliseString()
return fuzzyMatch(query: query, characters: characters)
extension Collection where Iterator.Element: FuzzySearchable {
/// Asynchronously performs a fuzzy search on a collection of elements conforming to FuzzySearchable.
/// - Parameter query: The query string to match against the elements.
/// - Returns: An array of tuples containing FuzzySearchMatchResult and the corresponding element.
/// - Note: Because this is an extension on Collection and not only array,
/// you can also use this on sets.
func fuzzySearch(query: String) -> [(result: FuzzySearchMatchResult, item: Iterator.Element)] {
return map {
(result: $0.fuzzyMatch(query: query), item: $0)
}.filter {
$0.result.weight > 0
}.sorted {
$0.result.weight > $1.result.weight
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