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Last active February 26, 2024 20:07
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rocket-pool/smarnode development scripts
# Print usage
usage() {
echo "Usage: -v <version number>"
echo "This script builds the Smartnode builder image used to build the daemon binaries."
exit 0
# =================
# === Main Body ===
# =================
# Get the version
while getopts "admv:" FLAG; do
case "$FLAG" in
*) usage ;;
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
VERSION=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S")
echo "No version specified, using $VERSION"
echo -n "Building Docker image... "
docker build -t rocketpool/smartnode-builder:$VERSION -f docker/smartnode-builder .
docker tag rocketpool/smartnode-builder:$VERSION rocketpool/smartnode-builder:latest
#docker push rocketpool/smartnode-builder:$VERSION
#docker push rocketpool/smartnode-builder:latest
echo "done!"
# Get the platform type and run the build script if possible
PLATFORM=$(uname -s)
if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Linux" ]; then
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/smartnode rocketpool/smartnode-builder:latest /smartnode/rocketpool-cli/
echo "Platform ${PLATFORM} is not supported by this script, please build the daemon manually."
exit 1
# Get the platform type and run the build script if possible
PLATFORM=$(uname -s)
if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Linux" ]; then
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/smartnode rocketpool/smartnode-builder:latest /smartnode/rocketpool/
echo "Platform ${PLATFORM} is not supported by this script, please build the daemon manually."
exit 1
if [ $last_exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Build failed."
exit $last_exit_code
echo -n "Building Docker image... "
# TODO: Lame - somehow make sure version always comes from the same place:
VERSION=1.11.8-dev # must be same as `RocketPoolVersion` in shared/version.go
docker build -t rocketpool/smartnode:v$VERSION -f docker/rocketpool-dockerfile .
#!/bin/env bash
THISDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd) #this script's directory
# no lifecycle api so no curl ...
# curl -X POST http://debprime.local:9091/-/reload
$THISDIR/ down prometheus && $THISDIR/ up -d prometheus
#!/usr/bin/env bash
THISDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd) #this script's directory
# Get the first argument and save it to container_name; fail if the argument wasn't provided
if [ -z "$container_name" ]; then
echo "Error: Container name not provided."
exit 1
# Check if container_name is valid; fail with an error if it's not
case $container_name in
echo "Error: Invalid container name."
exit 1
$THISDIR/ down $container_name
$THISDIR/ up $container_name -d
echo "Tailing logs for $container_name. Press Ctrl+C to stop viewing..."
$THISDIR/ logs -f $container_name
# FYI: this csv be seen in `docker inspect rocketpool_eth1`
docker_compose_files_csv=$(docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.docker.compose.project.config_files" }}' rocketpool_eth1)
# split the comma-delimited list into an array
IFS=',' read -ra docker_compose_files <<< "$docker_compose_files_csv"
# create the command arguments for the -f option
for file in "${docker_compose_files[@]}"; do
docker_compose_args+=("-f $file")
# use the command arguments with docker-compose
#docker compose "${docker_compose_args[@]}"
#echo "docker_compose_args: ${docker_compose_args[@]}" $@
#exit 1
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=rocketpool docker compose --project-directory ~/.rocketpool ${docker_compose_args[@]} $@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
THISDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd) #this script's directory
$THISDIR/ exec -it prometheus wget -q node:9102/metrics -O -
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