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Created May 26, 2010 12:51
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XPTemplate priority=lang-
let s:f = g:XPTfuncs()
XPTvar $CL {#
XPTvar $CR #}
\ _common/common
\ html/html
let s:nIndent = 0
fun! s:f.html_cont_ontype()
let v = self.V()
if v =~ '\V\n'
let v = matchstr( v, '\V\.\*\ze\n' )
let s:nIndent = &indentexpr != ''
\ ? eval( substitute( &indentexpr, '\Vv:lnum', 'line(".")', '' ) ) - indent( line( "." ) - 1 )
\ : self.NIndent()
return self.Finish( v . "\n" . repeat( ' ', s:nIndent ) )
return v
XPT django_tag hidden " {% $_xSnipName %}..{% end$_xSnipName %}
{% `$_xSnipName^ %}`cursor^{% end`$_xSnipName^ %}
XPT django_short_tag hidden " {% $_xSnipName .. %}
{% `$_xSnipName^ `cursor^%}
XPT trans
{% trans "`cursor^" %}
XPT block
{% block `name^ %}
{%endblock `name^ %}
XPT comment alias=django_tag
XPT csrf_token alias=django_short_tag
" cycle
XPT debug alias=django_short_tag
XPT extends
{% extends "`template_path^" %}
XPT if
{% if `condition^ %}
{% else %}
XPT for
{% for `item^ in `range^ %}
{{ `item^`cursor^ }}
{% endfor %}
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