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Last active August 31, 2020 00:11
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  $ airflow <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  connections    Management of connections resource  
  dags           Management of dags resource         
  eventLogs      Management of eventLogs resource    
  importErrors   Management of importErrors resource 
  pools          Management of pools resource        
  variables      Management of variables resource    
  config         Management of config resource       
  health         Management of health resource       
  version        Management of version resource

airflow connections

airflow connections


  $ airflow connections <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec     Print specification of context          
  create   Create a connection [post_connection]   
  list     List connections [get_connections]      
  show     Get a connection [get_connection]       
  update   Update a connection [patch_connection]  
  delete   Delete a connection [delete_connection]

airflow connections spec

airflow connections spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow connections spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow connections create

airflow connections create

  Create a connection [post_connection] 


  $ airflow connections create <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --connection_id string    
  --conn_type string        
  --host string             
  --login string            
  --schema string           
  --port string             
  --password string         
  --extra string

airflow connections list

airflow connections list

  List connections [get_connections] 


  $ airflow connections list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string    The numbers of items to return.                                        
  --offset string   The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

airflow connections show

airflow connections show

  Get a connection [get_connection] 


  $ airflow connections show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --connection_id string   The connection ID.

airflow connections update

airflow connections update

  Update a connection [patch_connection] 


  $ airflow connections update <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --update_mask string     The fields to update on the connection (connection, pool etc). If absent or   
                           empty, all                                                                    
                           modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified      
                           names of fields.                                                              
  --connection_id string   The connection ID.                                                            
  --connection_id string                                                                                 
  --conn_type string                                                                                     
  --host string                                                                                          
  --login string                                                                                         
  --schema string                                                                                        
  --port string                                                                                          
  --password string                                                                                      
  --extra string

airflow connections delete

airflow connections delete

  Delete a connection [delete_connection] 


  $ airflow connections delete <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --connection_id string   The connection ID.

airflow dags

airflow dags


  $ airflow dags <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec                 Print specification of context                            
  list                 List DAGs [get_dags]                                      
  show                 Get basic information about a DAG [get_dag]               
  update               Update a DAG [patch_dag]                                  
  clearTaskInstances   Clear a set of task instances [post_clear_task_instances] 
  dagRuns              Manage dagRuns of the dags                                
  details              Manage details of the dags                                
  tasks                Manage tasks of the dags

airflow dags spec

airflow dags spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow dags spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow dags list

airflow dags list

  List DAGs [get_dags] 


  $ airflow dags list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string    The numbers of items to return.                                        
  --offset string   The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

airflow dags show

airflow dags show

  Get basic information about a DAG [get_dag] 


  $ airflow dags show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string   The DAG ID.

airflow dags update

airflow dags update

  Update a DAG [patch_dag] 


  $ airflow dags update <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --update_mask string     The fields to update on the connection (connection, pool etc). If absent or   
                           empty, all                                                                    
                           modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified      
                           names of fields.                                                              
  --dag_id string          The DAG ID.                                                                   
  --is_paused true,false

airflow dags clearTaskInstances

airflow dags clearTaskInstances

  Clear a set of task instances [post_clear_task_instances] 


  $ airflow dags clearTaskInstances <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string                  The DAG ID.      
  --dry_run true,false             Defaults is true 
  --start_date string                               
  --end_date string                                 
  --only_failed string                              
  --only_running string                             
  --include_subdags true,false                      
  --include_parentdag true,false                    
  --reset_dag_runs true,false

airflow dags dagRuns

airflow dags dagRuns


  $ airflow dags dagRuns <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec            Print specification of context       
  create          Trigger a new DAG run [post_dag_run] 
  list            List DAG runs [get_dag_runs]         
  show            Get a DAG run [get_dag_run]          
  delete          Delete a DAG run [delete_dag_run]    
  taskInstances   Manage taskInstances of the dagRuns

airflow dags dagRuns spec

airflow dags dagRuns spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow dags dagRuns create

airflow dags dagRuns create

  Trigger a new DAG run [post_dag_run] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns create <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string           The DAG ID. 
  --dag_run_id string                   
  --execution_date string

airflow dags dagRuns list

airflow dags dagRuns list

  List DAG runs [get_dag_runs] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string                The numbers of items to return.                                               
  --offset string               The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.        
  --execution_date_gte string   Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date.                       
                                This can be combined with execution_date_lte parameter to receive only the    
                                selected period.                                                              
  --execution_date_lte string   Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date.                     
                                This can be combined with execution_date_gte parameter to receive only the    
                                selected period.                                                              
  --start_date_gte string       Returns objects greater or equal the specified date.                          
                                This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the        
                                selected period.                                                              
  --start_date_lte string       Returns objects less or equal the specified date.                             
                                This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the        
                                selected period.                                                              
  --end_date_gte string         Returns objects greater or equal the specified date.                          
                                This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the        
                                selected period.                                                              
  --end_date_lte string         Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date.                     
                                This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the        
                                selected period.                                                              
  --dag_id string               The DAG ID.

airflow dags dagRuns show

airflow dags dagRuns show

  Get a DAG run [get_dag_run] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string       The DAG ID.     
  --dag_run_id string   The DAG run ID.

airflow dags dagRuns delete

airflow dags dagRuns delete

  Delete a DAG run [delete_dag_run] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns delete <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string       The DAG ID.     
  --dag_run_id string   The DAG run ID.

airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances

airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec          Print specification of context           
  list          List task instances [get_task_instances] 
  show          Get a task instance [get_task_instance]  
  xcomEntries   Manage xcomEntries of the taskInstances  
  links         Manage links of the taskInstances
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances spec
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances list
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances list

  List task instances [get_task_instances] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string                The numbers of items to return.                                               
  --offset string               The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.        
  --dag_id string               The DAG ID.                                                                   
  --dag_run_id string           The DAG run ID.                                                               
  --execution_date_gte string   Returns objects greater or equal to the specified date.                       
                                This can be combined with execution_date_lte parameter to receive only the    
                                selected period.                                                              
  --execution_date_lte string   Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date.                     
                                This can be combined with execution_date_gte parameter to receive only the    
                                selected period.                                                              
  --start_date_gte string       Returns objects greater or equal the specified date.                          
                                This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the        
                                selected period.                                                              
  --start_date_lte string       Returns objects less or equal the specified date.                             
                                This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the        
                                selected period.                                                              
  --end_date_gte string         Returns objects greater or equal the specified date.                          
                                This can be combined with start_date_lte parameter to receive only the        
                                selected period.                                                              
  --end_date_lte string         Returns objects less than or equal to the specified date.                     
                                This can be combined with start_date_gte parameter to receive only the        
                                selected period.                                                              
  --duration_gte string         Returns objects greater than or equal to the specified values.                
                                This can be combined with duration_lte parameter to receive only the selected 
  --duration_lte string         Returns objects less than or equal to the specified values.                   
                                This can be combined with duration_gte parameter to receive only the selected 
  --state string                The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR            
  --pool string                 The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR            
  --queue string                The value can be repeated to retrieve multiple matching values (OR            
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances show
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances show

  Get a task instance [get_task_instance] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string       The DAG ID.     
  --dag_run_id string   The DAG run ID. 
  --task_id string      The task ID.
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context       
  list   List XCom entries [get_xcom_entries] 
  show   Get an XCom entry [get_xcom_entry]
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries spec
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries list
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries list

  List XCom entries [get_xcom_entries] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string        The numbers of items to return.                                        
  --offset string       The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set. 
  --dag_id string       The DAG ID.                                                            
  --dag_run_id string   The DAG run ID.                                                        
  --task_id string      The task ID.
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries show
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries show

  Get an XCom entry [get_xcom_entry] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances xcomEntries show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string       The DAG ID.     
  --dag_run_id string   The DAG run ID. 
  --task_id string      The task ID.    
  --xcom_key string     The XCom key.
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context     
  list   List extra links [get_extra_links]
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links spec
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links list
airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links list

  List extra links [get_extra_links] 


  $ airflow dags dagRuns taskInstances links list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string       The DAG ID.     
  --dag_run_id string   The DAG run ID. 
  --task_id string      The task ID.

airflow dags details

airflow dags details


  $ airflow dags details <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context                           
  list   Get a simplified representation of DAG [get_dag_details]

airflow dags details spec

airflow dags details spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow dags details spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow dags details list

airflow dags details list

  Get a simplified representation of DAG [get_dag_details] 


  $ airflow dags details list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string   The DAG ID.

airflow dags tasks

airflow dags tasks


  $ airflow dags tasks <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context                     
  list   Get tasks for DAG [get_tasks]                      
  show   Get simplified representation of a task [get_task]

airflow dags tasks spec

airflow dags tasks spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow dags tasks spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow dags tasks list

airflow dags tasks list

  Get tasks for DAG [get_tasks] 


  $ airflow dags tasks list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string   The DAG ID.

airflow dags tasks show

airflow dags tasks show

  Get simplified representation of a task [get_task] 


  $ airflow dags tasks show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --dag_id string    The DAG ID.  
  --task_id string   The task ID.

airflow eventLogs

airflow eventLogs


  $ airflow eventLogs <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context    
  list   List log entries [get_event_logs] 
  show   Get a log entry [get_event_log]

airflow eventLogs spec

airflow eventLogs spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow eventLogs spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow eventLogs list

airflow eventLogs list

  List log entries [get_event_logs] 


  $ airflow eventLogs list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string    The numbers of items to return.                                        
  --offset string   The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

airflow eventLogs show

airflow eventLogs show

  Get a log entry [get_event_log] 


  $ airflow eventLogs show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --event_log_id string   The event log ID.

airflow importErrors

airflow importErrors


  $ airflow importErrors <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context         
  list   List import errors [get_import_errors] 
  show   Get an import error [get_import_error]

airflow importErrors spec

airflow importErrors spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow importErrors spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow importErrors list

airflow importErrors list

  List import errors [get_import_errors] 


  $ airflow importErrors list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string    The numbers of items to return.                                        
  --offset string   The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

airflow importErrors show

airflow importErrors show

  Get an import error [get_import_error] 


  $ airflow importErrors show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --import_error_id string   The import error ID.

airflow pools

airflow pools


  $ airflow pools <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec     Print specification of context 
  create   Create a pool [post_pool]      
  list     List pools [get_pools]         
  show     Get a pool [get_pool]          
  update   Update a pool [patch_pool]     
  delete   Delete a pool [delete_pool]

airflow pools spec

airflow pools spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow pools spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow pools create

airflow pools create

  Create a pool [post_pool] 


  $ airflow pools create <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --name string     
  --slots string

airflow pools list

airflow pools list

  List pools [get_pools] 


  $ airflow pools list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string    The numbers of items to return.                                        
  --offset string   The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

airflow pools show

airflow pools show

  Get a pool [get_pool] 


  $ airflow pools show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --pool_name string   The pool name.

airflow pools update

airflow pools update

  Update a pool [patch_pool] 


  $ airflow pools update <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --update_mask string   The fields to update on the connection (connection, pool etc). If absent or   
                         empty, all                                                                    
                         modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified      
                         names of fields.                                                              
  --pool_name string     The pool name.                                                                
  --name string                                                                                        
  --slots string

airflow pools delete

airflow pools delete

  Delete a pool [delete_pool] 


  $ airflow pools delete <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --pool_name string   The pool name.

airflow variables

airflow variables


  $ airflow variables <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec     Print specification of context      
  create   Create a variable [post_variables]  
  list     List variables [get_variables]      
  show     Get a variable [get_variable]       
  update   Update a variable [patch_variable]  
  delete   Delete a variable [delete_variable]

airflow variables spec

airflow variables spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow variables spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow variables create

airflow variables create

  Create a variable [post_variables] 


  $ airflow variables create <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --key string      
  --value string

airflow variables list

airflow variables list

  List variables [get_variables] 


  $ airflow variables list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --limit string    The numbers of items to return.                                        
  --offset string   The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

airflow variables show

airflow variables show

  Get a variable [get_variable] 


  $ airflow variables show <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --variable_key string   The variable Key.

airflow variables update

airflow variables update

  Update a variable [patch_variable] 


  $ airflow variables update <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --update_mask string    The fields to update on the connection (connection, pool etc). If absent or   
                          empty, all                                                                    
                          modifiable fields are updated. A comma-separated list of fully qualified      
                          names of fields.                                                              
  --variable_key string   The variable Key.                                                             
  --key string                                                                                          
  --value string

airflow variables delete

airflow variables delete

  Delete a variable [delete_variable] 


  $ airflow variables delete <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

  --variable_key string   The variable Key.

airflow config

airflow config


  $ airflow config <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context         
  list   Get current configuration [get_config]

airflow config spec

airflow config spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow config spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow config list

airflow config list

  Get current configuration [get_config] 


  $ airflow config list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow health

airflow health


  $ airflow health <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context     
  list   Get a instance status [get_health]

airflow health spec

airflow health spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow health spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow health list

airflow health list

  Get a instance status [get_health] 


  $ airflow health list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow version

airflow version


  $ airflow version <group> <command> 


  --help    Show help message and exit. 

Command List

  spec   Print specification of context        
  list   Get version information [get_version]

airflow version spec

airflow version spec

  Print specification of context 


  $ airflow version spec <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options

airflow version list

airflow version list

  Get version information [get_version] 


  $ airflow version list <options> 

Global options

  --help                                      Show help message and exit.        
  -o, --output tsv,list,json,js,id,uri,yaml   Specify output format of command   
  --query string                              JMESPath query string              
  --verbose                                   Make the operation more talkative. 

Operation options
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