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Created January 30, 2016 00:35
Show Gist options
  • Save ad510/aab036b7139c2658eac9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ad510/aab036b7139c2658eac9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
markdownfmt outputs
  • HTML
    • HTML Tags
    • HTML Attributes
    • Parent/child sibling
  • CSS
    • CSS Selectors
    • CSS Cascade
  • DOM Manipulation
    • On ____ callbacks
  • A web framework (React, Angular, Backbone, etc)
  • Phaser
    • Physics


+ Covered by blockley

= Can be covered by blockley challenges

- Can't be covered easily by blockley

  • Functions +
  • Computational thinking (includes understanding programs run in order) +
  • Loops +
  • Conditionals =
  • Variables =
  • Objects -
  • Arrays -
  • Callbacks -
  • Promises -

Daily - Explicitly show computational thinking (Idea --> Abstraction --> Algorithm --> Code) in examples - Demos everyday

  • Fix blockley run in script tag properly

Provide CSS

Have cheatsheets of all fundamental concepts made and ready to teach before camp starts so that we can have impromptu mini lectures that seem more structured.


w1: 2 projects, t-w, th-fri

  1. day

    1. Intro stuff, energizers, getting to know people
    2. Hacking twitter
    3. Lunch
    4. Fundamentals of html (& css) through making a portfolio website
    5. PB&J, trust robot
      1. computers can only do thing in order
      2. computers can remember things
      3. computers can do things over and over again
      4. computers can choose to do one thing or another thing
      5. computers can do something when something else happens
    6. Ship! MVP of portfolio website
  2. day

    1. Review from day 1, finish up website
    2. Context for lessons of Hack Camp (center on JS)
      • teach the fundamentals of computer science
      • tech the students will learn at Hack Camp
    3. Lunch
    4. Blockley (funcs, comp thinking, loops, variables)
    5. Ship! Blockley project
  3. day

    1. Blockley (focus on funcs and variables)
    2. Jump into phaser with examples (playing with samples on phasser's website)
  4. day

    1. phaser game brainstorm (need a win condition to their game to go forward)
    2. Blockley (focus on conditionals and loops)
    3. building phaser game
    4. Ship! First Phaser game (from Wed and Thurs)
  5. day

    1. Building phaser game + shipping
    2. Ship! own phaser game (mini-hackathon)
  6. day

    1. Revisit HTML/CSS and introduce javascript
      1. formal introduction to details of html/css
    2. Focus on functions, variables, callbacks
    3. Events
    4. Twilio text message/phone call
  7. day

    1. Focus on loops, conditionals, arrays
    2. DOM manipulaion
  8. day

    1. Firebase or Dweet
  9. day

    1. Design mini-workshops (CSS)
    2. Project Day
  10. day

    1. "hackathon"
    2. Project Day

Personal Website

By the end of this workshop, you will learn to make your own personal website. It will look something like this:

Open the live demo. See the final code.

On the way, you will:

  • Begin to learn the programming languages HTML & CSS
  • Setup the coding tools GitHub, Cloud9, Slack, which you will use throughout your time in Hack Club

Part I: Setup

1) Sign Up for GitHub

GitHub is a website used by millions of programmers to collaborate on code. Think Dropbox, but for code. We'll be using it to store and manage our code in Hack Club.

  1. Open in a new tab and create a new account
    • Choose a username you will be proud to show future employers. (ex.zachlatta and jonleung)
    • Use an email that you have access to, you'll need to access it to verify your account
    • Make sure to remember your username and password, you'll need this at every club meeting
    • When prompted to choose a plan, to choose the "Free" plan
  2. Open your email inbox in a new tab and look for an email from GitHub. Open it and click the button to verify your email
  3. Open in a new tab and star the project by clicking on the button that looks like this on the top right:

2) Create Your First GitHub Repository

GitHub allows us to host our website using a service called GitHub Pages. This means that we can put the files of your website on GitHub and GitHub will give you a URL that you can share with the world.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the green "+ New repository" button
  3. Under "Repository name" write your except instead of writing USERNAME, write your actual GitHub username. So if your username is alice1337, then you would write You have to name your repository this in order for the GitHub Pages functionality to work correctly (more on what this is later).
  4. Make sure that you did the previous step correctly.
    • Is your username entered correctly
    • The repository name should end in .io
  5. After you are sure you entered in the repository name correctly, click the green "Create repository" button at the bottom.
  6. Then copy the "HTTPS link" at the top. It should look like this: You will need this link for the next step.

3) Sign Up for Cloud9

Just like you can use Google Drive to write and organize documents written in English, we'll be using Cloud9 to write, save, and organize our code.

The techy term for a place where you can write, and organize code is "IDE" or "Integrated Development Environment"**

  1. In a new tab, open
  2. In the top right hand corner, click the button that looks like this:
  3. Click the green "Authorize application" button
  4. If there is a popup that asks for your email, go ahead and enter it
  5. Click the gray box that says "Create a new workspace"
  6. Set the "Workspace name", to projects is your GitHub username.
  7. Under "Clone from Git or Mercurial URL", paste the HTTPS Link that you copied your GitHub repository.

  1. Then without changing anything else on the screen, scroll to the bottom and click the green "Create Workspace" button.

You should now see a screen looks something like this:


If you're waiting for a while (more than 10 seconds) and the above screen still doesn't load, try the following:

  1. Open
  2. Click on the green "Open" button**
  3. You should now see screen shown above. If not, ask your facilitator for help

3) Celebrate!

Congratulations, you've officially set up all of your coding tools for the semester!

Now we're ready to start the website!

Part II: Create the Project Folder

We're going to create a new folder for each project in Hack Club.

Let's create a folder for our personal website project:

  1. On the left side of the screen, right click the projects folder
  2. Click "New Folder"
  3. Then name the folder personal_website


Every website is written with HTML code. HTML code is written in HTML files.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

1) Create the HTML file for your website

  1. Right click the personal_website folder you just created
  2. Click "New File"
  3. Then name the file index.html
  4. Double click it to open it


  • Just like Microsoft Word Documents end in .doc, HTML files end in**.html**
  • Your main HTML file has to be named index.html

2) Adding standard HTML template

Every HTML file follows this template:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Let's put this template inside of our HTML file:

  1. Double click the index.html file you just created to open it
  2. Retype the above HTML code into your index.html file, like so:

3) Adding to the Template

There's a lot going on in the below template. For now, let's just understand that there are two sections in this template, the head and the body:

<!DOCTYPE html>   
            ← "this section is called the **`head`** of the **`html document`**"
            ← "this section is called the **`body`** of the **`html document`**"
  • The body of the HTML document is where all the content belongs. This includes all of the words and images on the page.
  • The head of the HTML document is where you set the settings for the page and include other code files you want on your website.

4) Opening the Website Preview

Let's see what our website looks like so far:

  1. First, save the file by clicking "File" (on the top right)"Save" (or use the shortcut CTRL + S / Command + S)
  2. Preview what the website looks like by clicking "Preview""Live Preview File"

As you can see, page is still blank. This is because we haven't added any content in the body section yet. Let's add some!

5) Adding My Name to the Body of the HTML

  1. Write your name in the body of the HTML page (between the <body> and </body>). My name is Drizzy Drake so that's what I will write.

Notice that that the HTML code you write is immediately updated in the preview. That's why it's called a "Live Preview"

6) Adding a Description

  1. Underneath on a new line, write one short sentence about yourself. I love my job as a call center representative so I'm going to write MVP hotline answerer.

Notice that the blank line between my name and description isn't reflected on the web page. Adding blank lines or spaces between your words in HTML does will not change what your website looks like.

To add spacing and other formatting, we need to use HTML tags.

7) Formatting the Heading with the Heading Tag

If I want Drizzy Drake to be a heading of my webpage, I can put it inside of what's called a heading tag, like so:

<h1>Drizzy Drake</h1>

HTML tags, like this heading tag, tell the computer how to interpret the text in between the tags.

  1. Make your name look like a heading by surrounding your name with an h1 tag.

    Note: In Cloud9, as soon as you write <h1>, it knows you will eventually want a <h1>, it just adds it for you. This is known as autocomplete.

There are two parts to the h1 tag:

  • <h1> is the opening tag
  • </h1> is the closing h1 tag. The difference is the / before the tag's name

Because the browser knows to interpret anything inside of an h1 tag as a heading, it makes your name big and bold.

5) Formatting the Description with a Paragraph Tag

Similarly to how we told the browser to treat Drizzy Drake as a header, I want to tell the browser to treat MVP hotline answerer. as a paragraph.

  1. Put your description inside of a paragraph tag like so:
<p>MVP hotline answerer</p>

Just like h1 tag, the p tag also has an opening and closing tag.

6) Adding an Image with the Image Tag

Now let's add an image to our website.

Instead of adding a picture of yourself right now, let's just use this picture of me for now and you can change it later:

Here's the URL for the image

To add the above image to the top of the page

  1. Insert this code for image tag just underneath of the opening body tag
  <img src="">

  • img is the tag name
  • img is a self closing tag, meaning that there is no closing tag (like </img>)
  • src is an attribute of the image tag that specifies the URL of the image

Hmm, our image is too big. Luckily we have this other language called CSS that can help!

Part IV: CSS

HTML is the content of a page (words, images, and structure).

CSS is the look and feel (color, spacing, and size).

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet and is sometimes referred to just as a style sheet because it's a "sheet", the specifies all of your "styles".

Therefore, if we want to change the size of the image, we use CSS!

1) Creating the CSS file

  1. Right click the personal_website folder you had previously created
  2. Click "New File"
  3. Then name the file styles.css


  • The .css extension tells the computer to interpret this as a css file (just like .doc and .html)

2) Connecting the CSS to the HTML

Although we've created a CSS file, until we explicitly tell the HTML file to use the CSS file, it will not use it. We have to explicitly link the CSS file in the HTML.

To link the CSS file:

  1. Type the code for the link tag (written below), into the head section of the code.
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">


  • link is the tag name
  • link tags always belong in the head of the HTML document
  • link is a self closing tag like img
  • href is an attribute of the link tag and specifies the location of the CSS file. It stands for hypertext reference.
  • rel is an attribute that tells the browser to interpret the linked file as a stylesheet

3) Using CSS to Resize the Image

Now that we linked our CSS file to our HTML file, let's write some CSS to make the image smaller:

  1. Double click styles.css to open it

  2. Then add the below CSS code to make the image smaller by typing the following code into the CSS file.

    img {
        width: 200px;
  3. Then to save your changes, click "File""Save" (or use the shortcutCTRL + S / Command + S)

Yay! Our image got smaller!

Understanding The CSS More Deeply

If we were to translate the code into English, this

img {
    width: 200px;

would say

  • Select every img tag on this HTML page and set the width to be**200px**

px stands for pixels. Pixels are the tiny dots that make up a computer screen. By setting the width to 200px, we are saying we want every image on the page to span the length of 200 pixels (which is about 2 inches on a screen). If you want to learn more about pixels, you can Google "What is a pixel?"

4) Centering the Body

Then to center everything on the page

  1. Type the below CSS code underneath our previous CSS code. Remember, don't copy and paste.
   body {
       text-align: center;
  1. Save the file by clicking "File""Save" (or use the shortcutCTRL + S / Command + S)

Now everything should be centered on the page.

Understanding More Deeply

If we were to translate the code into English, this

body {
    text-align: center;

would say:

  • Select every body tag on this HTML page and set the alignment of the text within the body tag to be centered

This centers everything on our page because all of the content in our HTML file is written inside the body tag.

And because everything is in the body tag, everything is centered.

You can Google "CSS text align" to see what other alignment options are available besides center

5) Changing the Font

Finally let's change the font of the page to Arial.

Add another CSS attribute to the body selector so that your CSS code for your body looks like this:

  body {
      text-align: center;
      font-family: Arial;

Not all computers have the same fonts on them. To figure out what fonts most computers have on them, you can Google "web safe fonts"

6) Celebrate!

W0000t! You've successfully added the CSS to this web page!

Now to share your creation with the world.

Part V: Deployment

Right now we can only see our website on our own computer. Let's get a link that we can share with anyone on the internet!

1) Hosting on Cloud9

In the live preview of the website:

  1. Click the button that looks like this

  1. Then in the new window that pops up, copy the URL of the address bar
  2. You can send this URL to anyone else in the world and they will be able to view your website!

But there's a problem:

This URL won't work indefinitely, it will stop working when you don't use your Cloud9 for a couple of days. We want something that other people will be able to open even if it's a year from now.

We can use GitHub Pages to host our website instead!

2) Pushing to GitHub Pages

Instead we can send our updates to GitHub.

  1. Open the terminal by pressing alt + t on the keyboard at the same time. Then type in the following commands:

    • git add --all
    • git commit -am "Initial commit"
    • git push -u origin master
  2. GitHub will now ask you for your username and password.

    • Go ahead and enter your username and then press the enter.
    • Then enter your password and press enter. Note that the characters don't show up on the screen but rest assured, you are still typing.
  3. Now try to view your website by going to

Make sure to change username to your own username

3) Celebrate!

Yes! Your website is now public on the internet and will stay! Feel free to share this with your friends!

Part VI: Sharing with the Community

Now that you have finished building your website

  1. In a new tab, open and follow these directions to signup for our Slack
  2. Join your club's channel by asking your club leader for the name of the channel
  3. Post the link to your website
    • In your club's channel
  4. Post it in the Ship It gallery!

Part VII: Hacking

Until now, you've been following a decently rigid tutorial. Now is your chance to to take your website and make it your own.

Below are some websites from other Hack Clubs from around the world to give you some inspiration!


Websites Made by Other Hack Club Hackers

Professional Websites

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources that you can use to learn more about HTML & CSS.

Resource Pros Cons
HTML Dog Very beginner focused. If you're not sure which one of these to choose, choose this one. Isn't too rich in content.
Free Code Camp Interactive and very methodical. Not made for you to learn to make something that you want to show your friends.
Team Tree House Their videos are extremely comprehensive an thorough It takes a very long time to get through and are very passive.

Introduction to Twilio

Short link to this workshop:

In this workshop, you will learn how to use the a modified version of the Twilio API to make phone calls and send text messages that allow you to make group texting apps.

An API is an agreed upon way for one program to interact with another. APIs are cool because they let even our very simple programs to interact with very powerful programs with minimal code.

For Beginners

You will learn how to do really cool things with really simple code. You won't understand how it all works and that's totally cool. Your objective is to learn how to make things happen. You can come back later and figure out how it all works.

For More Experienced Folk

This tutorial will likely show you things that you didn't know you could do. I'd recommend skipping around in the tutorial and find what interests you.

Part 1: Setup And Making Your First Phone Call with Twilio

We're going to write some code that calls your phone and speaks some text.


Open this JS Bin* in a new tab. Leave this tab open for the rest of the tutorial.

*JS Bin is a website for easily writing code.

We are going to use a service called Twilio to send text messages and make phone calls.

Step 1: Adding the Twilio API

To add the capability to send text messages and make phone calls, copy and paste the below script tag to the bottom of the body tag.

<script src="//"

Like so:

Note for people who happen to be using their own IDE, just copy the HTML code into your own HTML file.

Step 2: Set your sid and token

Before anything will work, we need to change "YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID_HERE" and "YOUR_TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE" to your actual sid and token

The facilitator should have given you an SID and a token. If not, you should ask them for one.

Note: If you are the facilitator (or if you're just doing this workshop by yourself), follow the directions here to get your own Twilio SID and token.

Once we have the sid and token, replace YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID_HERE and YOUR_TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE with your actual SID and authentication token.

Step 3: Turn off "Auto-run JS"

In the top right hand corner, turn off "Auto-run JS" so that your code doesn't automatically run every time you type something:

Step 4: Writing One Line of Code to Make a Phone Call

Then type exactly the code below into the JavaScript tab of JS Bin:

Twilio.callAndSay("555-555-5555", "You just subscribed to Gossip Girl");

Note for people who happen to be using their own IDE, create and link your own JavaScript file to the HTML file you created earlier.

Don't forget the parentheses commas, and quotation marks.

This code calls the phone number 555-555-5555 and says the message You just subscribed to Gossip Girl. We don't want that.

Instead, change 555-555-5555 to your own phone number. Feel free to change the message too.

Now go ahead and press the "Run" button.

Your phone should ring shortly! Answer it!

If it doesn't work, ask a neighboring group to see if they can see what's wrong. Otherwise, raise your hand to ask a facilitator for help!

Having Some Fun

If you want, you can now duplicate the code to call more people's phones! Ask your neighbors for their phone number!

Now go ahead and press the "Run" button.


The remainder of this workshop will be focused on free-form hacking. We'll provide a bunch of examples of what you can do with Twilio and you'll have until demos to branch off and hack on your own project.

Examples of things other people have built (open each example in a new tab to view, don't forget to replace YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID_HERE and YOUR_TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE with your values to test the examples out):

Twilio Documentation

Send Text Message

Send a text message to the given phone number.

Twilio.sendMessage("1-555-555-5555", "This is a text message");
Call and Say

Call the given phone number and say the given words.

Twilio.callAndSay("1-555-555-5555", "Words words words");
Call and Play

Call the given phone number and play the given music file (in the below example, an MP3).

Twilio.callAndPlay("1-555-555-5555", "");
Receive Text Messages

Listen for messages and run the given function whenever one is received.

// When a text message is received...
Twilio.listenForMessages(function (msg) {
  // log the received message to the console
Get Latest Text Message

Get the most recently received text message.

// Get the most recent text message...
Twilio.getLatestMessage(function (msg) {
  // And once it's retrieved, log it to the console
Get All Text Messages

Retrieve all of the received text messages.

Twilio.getAllMessages(function (msgs) {
  // Print the number of received messages


One last thing. Please click a rating below to rate this workshop. It'll only take 3 seconds.

How likely is it that you would recommend this workshop to a friend?

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