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Created January 13, 2016 17:47
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* Auto Hold (2015)
* by: SoggySocks
* version: v0.2.1.1
* Description: Holds multiple customizable keys or mouse buttons down for any length of time.
* User Interface:
* Enter key/button
* -----------
* Click inside the grey box and press a key or mouse button. You will see
* the letters change as you press different keys.
* Sensitivity (In miliseconds)
* -----------
* Use this box change the double tap/click sensitivity to your liking. A lower value will
* result in fewer accidental double clicks. A higher value will trigger the autohold much
* easier but will cause more accidental double clicks (an unwanted experience).
* Add
* -----------
* Once your key is entered, press the add button to add it in the list
* Minimize & Close
* -----------
* The minimize button will send the window to your tray to reduce clutter on the taskbar.
* Right click the green H icon in the tray to show the window or exit the applicaiton. Double
* Clicking the icon will show the window too. Simply click the close button to quit the
* program and cancel all running hold functions.
* Usage: While in game (currently only 7 Days To Die), double tap or click one of your pre-defined
* keys to engage the hold function. To release the hold, press the key/button a single time
* to stop it.
* WARNING: In my testing, I have found unwanted double clicks can put you in bad positions and kill
* the player. Use this program at your OWN RISK.
; #Include <debugs>
; Auto Execute
OnMessage(0x201, "Message_Handler") ; 513 WM_LBUTTONDOWN
OnMessage(0x204, "Message_Handler") ; 516 WM_RBUTTONDOWN
OnMessage(0x205, "Message_Handler") ; 517 WM_RBUTTONUP
OnMessage(0x100, "Message_Handler") ; 256 WM_KEYDOWN
OnMessage(0x111, "Message_Handler") ; 273 WM_COMMAND
; Variables
global hks := {}
global hk_times := {}
global var_check := "``-=[]\;',./1234567890"
global var_replacers := {"``":"bt", "-":"mi", "=":"eq", "[":"ob", "]":"cb", "\":"bs"
, ";":"sc", "'":"sq", ",":"cm", ".":"pd", "/":"fs", "1":"on", "2":"tw"
, "3":"th", "4":"fr", "5":"fv", "6":"sx", "7":"sv", "8":"et", "9":"ni"
, "0":"zr"}
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y20 w81 h23 Right,Enter key/button
Gui, Add, Edit, x110 y20 w47 h21 ReadOnly Center hwnded_hwnd_hotkey ved_hotkey
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y50 w81 h23 Right,Sensitivity (ms)
Gui, Add, Edit, x110 y50 w47 h21 Center Number ved_sens,180
Gui, Add, Button, x180 y18 w120 h54 -Default gAdd_KeyButton,Add
Gui, Add, ListView, x20 y80 w280 h193,Key/Button|Sensitivity|On/Off
Gui, Show, w320 h291
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Show
Menu, Tray, Default, Show
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit
if (a_eventInfo == 1)
Gui, Hide
Gui, Show
; Labels
Gui, Submit, NoHide
GuiControlGet, keyButton,, ed_hotkey
while (a_index <= LV_GetCount())
LV_GetText(row_text, a_index)
if (keyButton == row_text)
duplicate := 1
if (duplicate)
MsgBox, Duplicate Found
LV_Add("", keyButton,ed_sens, "On")
; Hk_Set_Hk_Array(keyButton, "Untitled - Notepad", ed_sens)
Hk_Set_Hk_Array(keyButton, "7 Days To Die", ed_sens)
duplicate := 0
; Functions
btn := Hk_Trim_Mods(a_thisHotkey)
if (Hk_Timer(a_thisHotkey))
SendInput, {%btn% Down}
; t(btn,"Good")
SendInput, {%btn% Up}
; t(btn,"Bad")
Hk_Set_Hk_Array(hk_sym, window, sens = 180){
hk_name := Hk_Get_Valid_Name(hk_sym)
hks[hk_name] := {window:window, sens:sens, mods:"~$" hk_sym " UP", norm:hk_sym}
Hotkey, ifWinActive, % hks[hk_name].window
Hotkey, % hks[hk_name].mods, Hk_Hold
hk := Hk_Get_Valid_Name(hk)
hk_times[hk] := {press_cnt:0, press1:0, press2:0}
is_double := 0
hk := Hk_Trim_Mods(hk)
hk := Hk_Get_Valid_Name(hk)
if (hk_times[hk].press_cnt == 1)
hk_times[hk].press1 := a_tickCount
else if (hk_times[hk].press_cnt == 2)
hk_times[hk].press2 := a_tickCount
if (hk_times[hk].press2 - hk_times[hk].press1 < hks[hk].sens)
is_double := 1
is_double := 0
hk_times[hk].press_cnt := 1
hk_times[hk].press1 := a_tickCount
return is_double
if (InStr(var_check, hk))
for k,v in var_replacers
if (k == hk)
hk := v
return hk
RegExMatch(hk, "~\$(\S+)\s", m)
return m1
Message_Handler(wParam, lParam, msg){
; DllCall("User32\HideCaret",uptr,ed_hwnd_hotkey)
if (msg == 273)
; WM_COMMAND help by user: just me (
NotificationCode := (wParam >> 16) & 0xFFFF
if (NotificationCode = 0x0100) ; EN_SETFOCUS
GuiControlGet, FocusedControl, FocusV
if (FocusedControl = "ed_hotkey")
DllCall("HideCaret", "Ptr", lParam)
if (msg == 513 && A_GuiControl == "ed_hotkey")
GuiControl,, ed_hotkey, LButton
else if (msg == 516 && A_GuiControl == "ed_hotkey")
GuiControl,, ed_hotkey, RButton
else if (msg == 517 && a_guiControl == "ed_hotkey")
return 0
else if (msg == 256 && a_guiControl == "ed_hotkey")
GuiControl,, ed_hotkey, % GetKeyName(Format("VK{:x}", wParam))
; GuiControl,, ed_hotkey, % GetKeyName("VK" Format( "{:x}", wParam ) )
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