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adacola / json-parser.ipynb
Last active December 20, 2022 09:12
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adacola / higher-order-function.ipynb
Last active October 22, 2023 14:44
F# の Array.Sort 関数を例にして高階関数を説明
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type FizzBuzz = Fizz | Buzz
let fizzbuzz<'a100>() =
let fizz = nameof Fizz
let buzz = nameof Buzz
let fizzbuzz = nameof FizzBuzz
let three = (nameof int).Length
let five = (nameof float).Length
let one = (nameof System.Math.E).Length
let hundred = nameof<'a100>.ToCharArray() |> Array.tail |> System.String |> int
adacola / topological-sort.fsx
Last active March 5, 2021 05:42
// 上記ページ記載のアルゴリズムを末尾再帰化、効率向上、閉路存在時の例外追加
let topologicalSort edges =
let rec loop removed isolated = function
| [] -> List.rev removed @ Set.toList isolated
| edges ->
let src, dst = edges |> List.unzip
let dstSet = set dst
let noIncomingVertex =
adacola / enigma.fsx
Last active February 6, 2021 05:01
#if run_with_bin_sh
exec dotnet fsi $0 "$@"
// 実装の参考資料 :
// テストに使用したシミュレータ :
#r "nuget: FSharpPlus"
#r "nuget: Argu"
adacola / AdacolaResultExtensions.fs
Created June 8, 2020 19:42
F# Result型の便利関数とコンピュテーション式
namespace Adacola.ResultExtensions
open System
module Result =
let ofOption ifNone op =
match op with
| Some v -> Ok v
| None -> Error ifNone
adacola / extractZipAll.fsx
Created October 23, 2019 20:58
#r "System.IO.Compression.dll"
#r "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll"
open System.IO
open System.IO.Compression
let rec extractAll sourceDir targetDir =
let copyAll sourceDir targetDir =
let rec loop tasks sourceDir targetDir =
let tasks = (tasks, Directory.EnumerateFiles sourceDir) ||> Seq.fold (fun tasks sourceFile ->
adacola / ethanol.fsx
Last active August 21, 2018 14:20
open System
type EthanolBuilder() =
let printWarning() = printfn "飲酒中に書いたコードなので危険です!"
member __.Bind(x, f) = printWarning(); f x
member __.Return(x) = x
member __.ReturnFrom(x) = printWarning(); x
member __.Using(x: #IDisposable, f) = try f x finally if x |> box |> isNull |> not then x.Dispose()
member __.Zero() = ()
member __.Combine(_, f) = f()
adacola / MillerRabinPrimalityTest.fsx
Last active August 1, 2018 13:16
/// Miller-Rabin法を使った素数判定
let isPrime n =
let modPow x k m =
let rec loop result x k m =
if k = 0L then result else
let result = if k &&& 1L = 0L then result else result * x % m
let k = k / 2L
let x = x * x % m
loop result x k m
loop 1L x k m
adacola / kuso.fsx
Last active July 5, 2018 03:00
open System
type KusoBuilder() =
member __.Bind(x, f) = f x
member __.Return(x) = x
member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
member __.Using(x: #IDisposable, f) = try f x finally if x |> box |> isNull |> not then x.Dispose()
member __.Zero() = ()
member __.Combine(_, f) = f()
member __.TryWith(f, g) = try f() with e -> g e