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Last active November 3, 2022 13:52
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Confluent Quick Start Notes

Confluent Quick Start Notes - Kubenetes






Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes.


Create a namespace

  1. Create the namespace to use.

    kubectl create namespace confluent
  2. Set this namespace to default for your Kubernetes context.

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace confluent

Install Confluent for Kubernetes

  1. Add the Confluent for Kubernetes Helm repository.

    helm repo add confluentinc
    helm repo update
  2. Install Confluent for Kubernetes.

    helm upgrade --install confluent-operator confluentinc/confluent-for-kubernetes

Install Confluent Platform

  1. Install all Confluent Platform components.

    kubectl apply -f
  2. Install a sample producer app and topic.

    kubectl apply -f
  3. Check that everything is deployed:

    kubectl get pods

View Control Center

Use Control Center to monitor the Confluent Platform, and see the created topic and data.

  1. Set up port forwarding to Control Center web UI from local machine:

    kubectl port-forward controlcenter-0 9021:9021
  2. Browse to Control Center:


  3. Check that the elastic-0 topic was created and that messages are being produced to the topic.

Install and use Confluent kubectl plugin

  1. Install the Plugin.

  2. Open Confluent Control Center.

    kubectl confluent dashboard controlcenter
  3. View the Confluent Platform version

    kubectl confluent version

Docker Compose

  1. Install the plugin.

  2. Test.

    docker compose version


  1. Start Docker service.

    sudo service docker start
  2. Start cluster.

    minikube start

    For troubleshooting,

    minikube start --alsologtostderr --v=2    
  3. Get Cluster Information

    kubectl get po --namespace confluent
  4. Open Kubernetes Dashboard

    minikube dashboard
  5. Open Confluent Control Center.

    kubectl confluent dashboard controlcenter --namespace confluent


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