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Created February 20, 2016 21:39
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Option Compare Database
Sub ImportFromExcel(filename As String)
' remove any previous data
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_excelImport"
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_requests" ' delete all previously recorded requests
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_clients" ' delete all previously recorded clients
' import data from "Data for 2013-Sept 2015" worksheet
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "tbl_excelImport", filename, True, "Data for 2013-Sept 2015!E1:AK2500"
' transfer from tbl_excelImport to tbl_requests and tbl_clients
End Sub
Sub ExtractFromImportedData()
' open neccesary recordsets
Dim import As DAO.Recordset
Set import = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_excelImport")
Dim req As DAO.Recordset
Set req = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_requests")
Dim cli As DAO.Recordset
Set cli = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl_clients")
Set clientNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' loop through records in tbl_excelImport
Do Until import.EOF = True
' check that there is data in the record
If Not IsNull(import!ClientName) And Not import!ClientName = "" Then
' check if a customer with this name already exists
If Not (clientNames.Exists(import!ClientName)) Then
' add a new client and grab from import fields
cli!ClientName = import!ClientName
cli!Address = import!Address
cli!PostCode = import!PostCode
cli!ReferringAgency = import![Referring Agency]
' cli!ReferringAgencyNumber does not exist in excel spreadsheet
cli!ReferringStaffName = import![Referrer Name]
' cli!ClientComments does not exist in excel spreadsheet
cli![Adults16-21] = ToNumber(import![16-21])
cli![Adults21-40] = ToNumber(import![22-40])
cli![Adults41-60] = ToNumber(import![41-60])
cli![Adults60Plus] = ToNumber(import![60+])
cli![Children0-4] = ToNumber(import![0-4])
cli![Children5-11] = ToNumber(import![5-11])
cli![Children12-15] = ToNumber(import![12-16])
cli![Children16-18] = ToNumber(import![16-18])
clientNames.Add import!ClientName, clientNames.Count ' use an arbritary unique key as this is unimportant
' this is NOT a new customer, so don't add new details
'MsgBox import!ClientName
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
End If
End If
' clean up recordsets
Set import = Nothing
Set req = Nothing
Set cli = Nothing
Set clientNames = Nothing
End Sub
Function ToBool(variantData As Variant) As Boolean
Dim stringData
stringData = CStr(variantData)
If (stringData = "1") Then
ToBool = True
ToBool = False
End If
End Function
Function ToNumber(variantData As Variant) As Integer
If (IsNull(variantData)) Then
ToNumber = 0
ToNumber = CInt(CStr(variantData))
End If
End Function
Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function
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