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Created April 22, 2016 21:59
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; Configuration file for AppNeta TraceView PHP instrumentation via the
; `` extension. For help configuring the extension, please visit:
; oboe.tracing: When traces should be initiated for incoming requests. Valid
; options change behavior when the incoming request is already part of a trace:
; "always" - Continue existing traces, otherwise attempt to start a new one.
; This is an appropriate setting for command line PHP scripts that
; are started manually or by cron.
; "through" - Continue existing traces, but never start them. This is the
; default for application layers, like PHP. It assumes that a
; webserver layer above PHP makes the decision whether to trace
; a request and passes it on to lower layers.
; "never" - Never continue existing traces or start new ones.
oboe.tracing = always
; oboe.enable_sanitize_sql: Enable or disable sanitizing SQL query traces using
; one of the following options:
; 0 - disable SQL sanitizing (the default),
; 1 - enable SQL sanitizing and attempt to automatically determine which
; quoting form is used,
; 2 - enable SQL sanitizing and drop double quoted characters, or
; 4 - enable SQL sanitizing and retain double quoted characters.
oboe.enable_sanitize_sql = 0
; oboe.sample_rate: This value reflects the number of requests out of every
; million that will be traced, and must be an integer between 0 and 1000000.
; Setting this value is deprecated because it interferes with automatic sample
; rate configuration via smart tracing:
;oboe.sample_rate = 300000
; oboe.collector_ip: IP address of Tracelyzer daemon. Default is localhost.
oboe.collector_ip =
; oboe.collector_port: Port of Tracelyzer daemon. Default is 7831.
oboe.collector_port = 7831
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