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Forked from Zhuinden/ApplicationComponent.kt
Last active October 1, 2022 17:38
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Dagger + ViewModel + SavedStateHandle
@Component(modules = [AssistedInjectionModule::class])
interface ApplicationComponent {
fun mySavedStateViewModelFactory(): MySavedStateViewModel.Factory
@Module(includes = {AssistedInject_AssistedInjectionModule.class})
public class AssistedInjectionModule {
import androidx.lifecycle.observe
class MySavedStateFragment : Fragment(R.layout.my_saved_state_fragment) {
private val viewModel by navGraphSavedStateViewModels( { handle ->
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
val binding = MySavedStateFragmentBinding.bind(view)
viewModel.blah.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { blah ->
// ...
class MySavedStateViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
private val authenticationManager: AuthenticationManager,
@Assisted private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {
interface Factory {
fun create(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle): MySavedStateViewModel
* Create a shared ViewModel instance across a given navGraphId.
* @receiver Fragment launches ViewModel
* @param navGraphId Int defines ViewModel lifecycle
* @param creator Function1<SavedStateHandle, T>
* @return Lazy<T>
inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> Fragment.navGraphSavedStateViewModels(
@IdRes navGraphId: Int,
crossinline creator: (SavedStateHandle) -> T
): Lazy<T> {
// Wrapped in lazy to not search the NavController each time we want the backStackEntry
val backStackEntry by lazy { findNavController().getBackStackEntry(navGraphId) }
return createViewModelLazy(
viewModelClass = T::class,
storeProducer = { backStackEntry.viewModelStore },
factoryProducer = {
arguments = backStackEntry.arguments ?: Bundle(),
creator = creator
* Create a single instance of the ViewModel with Saved State enabled.
* @receiver Fragment launches ViewModel
* @param creator Function1<SavedStateHandle, T>
* @return Lazy<T>
inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> Fragment.fragmentSavedStateViewModels(
crossinline creator: (SavedStateHandle) -> T
): Lazy<T> {
return createViewModelLazy(
viewModelClass = T::class,
storeProducer = { viewModelStore },
factoryProducer = {
arguments = arguments ?: Bundle(),
creator = creator
* Factory function to create a single instance of the ViewModel.
* @receiver SavedStateRegistryOwner
* @param arguments Bundle?
* @param creator Function1<SavedStateHandle, T>
* @return ViewModelProvider.Factory
inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> SavedStateRegistryOwner.createAbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(
arguments: Bundle,
crossinline creator: (SavedStateHandle) -> T
): ViewModelProvider.Factory {
return object : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(this, arguments) {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(
key: String,
modelClass: Class<T>,
handle: SavedStateHandle
): T = creator(handle) as T
* Configure CoroutineScope injection for production and testing.
* @receiver ViewModel provides viewModelScope for production
* @param coroutineScope null for production, injects TestCoroutineScope for unit tests
* @return CoroutineScope to launch coroutines on
fun ViewModel.getViewModelScope(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope?) =
if (coroutineScope == null) this.viewModelScope
else coroutineScope
* Configure Dispatchers injection for production and testing.
interface DispatcherProvider {
fun main(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Main
fun default(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
fun io(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
fun unconfined(): CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Unconfined
class DefaultDispatcherProvider : DispatcherProvider
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