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Last active November 26, 2018 20:17
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pseudo-code for pushing csv to rds
import boto3
import csv
import json
import os
import request
def handler(event, context):
cerebro_api_url = os.getenv('CEREBRO_API_URL')
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
file_name = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
action = event['httpMethod'] # post, get, etc
raw_file = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Object=file_name)
for row_as_array in csv.reader(raw_file, delimiter=','):
table = event['pathParts'].split('/')[-1] # get the last piece of the URL
table_url = '/'.join(cerebro_api_url, table) # join the base url and the table-name for the URL for the api call
new_row = build_record_dictionary(row_as_array, table, action)
# This is where the magic happens, you are sending the new record you created to the database via the cerebro api
new_request = request.getattr(action.downcase) # returns ``, `request.get`, etc based on the action name
new_request(table_url, data=new_row) # invokes the method we just got by using the params we need to send for the api
def build_record_dictionary(row_arr):
"""Create dictionary out of CSV row with custom columns that depend on the resource type"""
if 'EC2 instance' in row_arr[0]:
record = {
'httpMethod': action,
'body': {
'tags': row[-1], # set tags to last column in this row
'instance_id': row[2] # set resource id to column 3, as in the CSV
elif 'EC2 Network Interface' in row_arr[0]:
record = {...}
elif 'VPC Subnet' in row_arr[0]:
record = {
'tags': row[-1], # set tags to last column in this row
'subnet_id': row[2], # set resource id to column 3, as in the CSV
else record = {}
return record
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