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Created February 29, 2024 21:21
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01:20:26 adam@Adams-MBP reclient ±|main|→ bazel-bin/cmd/rewrapper/rewrapper_/rewrapper --help
Usage of bazel-bin/cmd/rewrapper/rewrapper_/rewrapper:
-action_log string
If set, write a reproxy log entry for this remote action to the named file.
log to standard error as well as files
Replaces local working directory with a canonical value when running on RE server. The feature makes actions working-dir agnostic and enables to cache them across various same depth (e.g. out/default and out/rbe-build) local working directories (default: false)
-cfg string
Optional configuration file containing command-line argument settings
-command_id string
An identifier for the command for use in future debugging
Boolean indicating whether to compare chosen exec strategy with local execution. Default is false.
-dial_timeout duration
Timeout for dialing reproxy. Default is 3 minutes. (default 3m0s)
Boolean indicating whether to download outputs after the command is executed. Default is true. (default true)
Boolean indicating whether to download outputs atomically in remote/remote_local_fallback modes. Default is true. (default true)
-env_var_allowlist value
List of environment variables allowed to pass to the proxy.
-exec_root string
The exec root of the command. The path from which all inputs and outputs are defined relatively. Defaults to current working directory.
-exec_strategy string
one of [local remote remote_local_fallback racing]. Defaults to remote. (default "remote")
-exec_timeout duration
Timeout for the command on RBE. Default is 1 hour. (default 1h0m0s)
-input_list_paths value
Comma-separated paths to files containing lists of inputs (rsp files). Used when inputs are too long to add to the command line. Paths contained in this file should be relative to the exec_root.
-inputs value
Comma-separated command input paths, relative to exec root. Each path may be either a file or a directory.
-invocation_id string
An identifier for a group of commands for use in future debugging
-labels value
Comma-separated key value pairs in the form key=value. This is used to identify the type of command to help the proxy make decisions regarding remote execution. Defaults to type=tool.
-local_wrapper string
Wrapper path to execute locally only. Relative to the current working directory of rewrapper.
-log_backtrace_at value
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dir string
If non-empty, write log files in this directory
Boolean indicating whether to pass the entire environment of the rewrapper to the reproxy for logging. Default is false.
-log_link string
If non-empty, add symbolic links in this directory to the log files
-logbuflevel int
Buffer log messages logged at this level or lower (-1 means don't buffer; 0 means buffer INFO only; ...). Has limited applicability on non-prod platforms.
log to standard error instead of files
-num_local_reruns int
Number of times the action should be rerun locally.
-num_remote_reruns int
Number of times the action should be rerun remotely.
-num_retries_if_mismatched int
Deprecated: Number of times the action should be remotely executed to identify determinism. Used only when compare is set to true.
-output_directories value
Comma-separated command output directory paths, relative to exec root.
-output_files value
Comma-separated command output file paths, relative to exec root.
-output_list_paths value
Comma-separated paths to files containing lists of outputs (rsp files). Used when outputs are too long to add to the command line. Paths contained in this file should be relative to the exec_root.
-platform value
Comma-separated key value pairs in the form key=value. This is used to identify remote platform settings like the docker image to use to run the command.
Boolean indicating whether to preserve symlinks in input tree. Default is false.
Boolean indicating whether or not to preserve mtimes of unchanged outputs when they are downloaded. Default is false.
-reclient_timeout duration
Timeout for remotely executed actions to wait for a response from RBE. Default is 1 hour. (default 1h0m0s)
Boolean indicating whether to accept remote cache hits. Default is true. (default true)
Boolean indicating whether to cache the command result remotely. Default is true. (default true)
-remote_wrapper string
Wrapper path to execute on remote worker. Relative to the current working directory of rewrapper.
-server_address string
The server address in the format of host:port for network, or unix:///file for unix domain sockets. (default "")
-stderrthreshold value
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
-tool_name string
The name of the tool to associate with executed commands
-toolchain_inputs value
Comma-separated command toolchain inputs relative to the exec root, which are paths to binaries needed to execute the action. Each binary can have a <binary>_remote_toolchain_inputs file next to it to refer to all dependencies of the toolchain binary. Paths in the <binary>_remote_toolchain_inputs file should be normalized.
-v value
log level for V logs
If provided, print the current binary version and exit. If version_sdk is also provided, it takes precedence.
If provided, print the current binary version and the version of the SDK used by this binary and then exit.
-vmodule value
comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
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