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Created April 14, 2022 15:28
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vcsrepo CVE-2022-24765 workaround

vcsrepo CVE-2022-24765 workaround

Adds system-wide entries for all vcsrepo git invocations, as presumably, you should only be dealing with safe things?

Slap the git_zz.rb into a module somewhere, as something like <module dir>/lib/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git_zz.rb... then, running Puppet with --debug, you should be able to see when it creates the entries.

require 'puppet'
Puppet.debug('Found our "vcsrepo" git provider monkey patch.')
Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provider(:git).class_eval do
[:exec_git].each do |item|
old_item = instance_method(item)
# XXX: CVE-2022-24765 threw a wrench in things. vcsrepo has two separate
# properties: "owner" which identifies a user to whom the managed resources
# should belong, and "user" which identifier the user as whom commands to
# manage the resource should be performed... CVE-2022-24765 effectively
# requires these two properties to have the same value, or, to otherwise
# work around to mark our repos as "safe"... so let's mark 'em.
# @see
define_method(item) do |*args|
Puppet.debug("In monkey-patched/overridden #{}.#{item.to_s} method for: #{@resource.value(:path)}")
return old_item.bind(self).call(*args)
rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => error
kwargs = {failonfail: true, combine: true}
rethrow = false
Puppet.debug("Checking for existence of '' entry for #{@resource[:path]}.")
pattern = "^#{@resource[:path]}$"
Puppet::Util::Execution.execute([:git, ['config', '--system', '--get-all', '', pattern]], **kwargs)
Puppet.debug("'' entry for #{@resource[:path]} existed, so something else went wrong... rethrowing.")
rethrow = true
rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
Puppet.debug("Failed to find '' entry for #{@resource[:path]}; attempting to add one.")
Puppet::Util::Execution.execute([:git, ['config', '--system', '--add', '', @resource[:path]]], **kwargs)
Puppet.debug("Added '' for #{@resource[:path]}; attempting original command again.")
if rethrow
return old_item.bind(self).call(*args)
[:destroy].each do |item|
old_item = instance_method(item)
# XXX: CVE-2022-24765 threw a wrench in things. vcsrepo has two separate
# properties: "owner" which identifies a user to whom the managed resources
# should belong, and "user" which identifier the user as whom commands to
# manage the resource should be performed... CVE-2022-24765 effectively
# requires these two properties to have the same value, or, to otherwise
# work around to mark our repos as "safe"... there's a good chance that we
# have added the "" thing, so... let's nuke it if it's
# present.
# @see
define_method(item) do
pattern = "^#{@resource[:path]}$"
kwargs = {failonfail: true, combine: true}
Puppet.debug("Attempting to remove '' entry for #{@resource[:path]}.")
Puppet::Util::Execution.execute([:git, ['config', 'system', '--unset-all', pattern]], **kwargs)
Puppet.debug("Removed '' entry for #{@resource[:path]}.")
rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
Puppet.debug("Failed to remove '' entry for #{@resource[:path]}; might not have been one?")
return old_item.bind(self).call
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Just a note for others: git_exec requires versions of vcsrepo that require Puppet 6 or greater.

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