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Created May 5, 2011 08:01
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<name>Julian Onions</name>
<name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
<category citation-format="numeric"/>
<category field="science"/>
<summary>The Council of Science Editors style.</summary>
<link href="" rel="documentation"/><!--Issue numbers are left out in this style - most relevant journals by now have continuous pagination - commented out below is the relevant line for issues -->
<rights>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License:</rights>
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<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<text macro="anon"/>
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<text variable="title"/>
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<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
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<date-part name="day" prefix=" "/>
<group prefix=" [" suffix="]" delimiter=" ">
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<date-part name="year"/>
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<date-part name="day" prefix=" "/>
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<if variable="URL">
<text term="internet" prefix=" [" suffix="]" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
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<text term="edition" form="short" suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
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<text macro="year-date"/>
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<key macro="author"/>
<key macro="year-date"/>
<group suffix="." delimiter=" ">
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<text macro="year-date" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
<text macro="title"/>
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<text macro="edition"/>
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<text prefix=" " suffix="" macro="publisher"/>
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<text macro="edition"/>
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<text prefix=" " macro="access"/>
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