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Created May 6, 2022 23:10
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Some functions to simplify CF scraping
from seleniumrequests import Chrome
from import Options
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import as ui
import getpass
import time
# initiate headless browser driver
# should be run once before any other function
def init():
global driver
opt = Options()
driver = Chrome(options=opt)
def check_login():
login_url = ''
if driver.current_url != login_url:
print('logged in as ' + driver.current_url.split('/')[-1])
return True
print('logged out')
return False
def try_login(handle, password):
login_url = ''
if driver.current_url == login_url:
driver.find_element('id', 'handleOrEmail').send_keys(handle)
driver.find_element('id', 'password').send_keys(password + Keys.ENTER)
# successful login redirects to a different page, unsuccessful brings up an error message
wait = ui.WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
wait.until(lambda driver:
driver.current_url != login_url or
driver.find_element('css selector', '.error.for__password'))
if driver.current_url != login_url:
print('successfully logged in as ' + handle)
print('unsuccessful login attempt')
else: # redirects to
print('already logged in')
def request_login():
try_login(input('handle: '), getpass.getpass('password: '))
def logout():
if check_login():
print('logging out...')
driver.find_element('link text', 'Logout').click()
def submitSource(sId):
url = ''
csrf = driver.execute_script("return Codeforces.getCsrfToken()")
data = {'submissionId':str(sId),'csrf_token':csrf}
return driver.request('POST', url, data=data)
# wrapper for HTTP requests to Codeforces API
def cf_get(method, params):
return driver.request('get', '' + method, params=params)
# list of all submissions on which this user got AC
def ac_subs(user):
r = cf_get('user.status', {'handle':user})
return [(it.get('contestId', None), it['id']) for it in r.json()['result'] if it['verdict'] == 'OK']
# Dictionary (contestId, submissionId) -> source code
def scrape_ac(user):
acs = ac_subs(user)
if not check_login():
print('it is recommended to be logged in to get restricted submissions')
print('you can skip authentication process if you don\'t feel like it')
res = dict()
for cId, sId in acs:
sS = submitSource(sId)
if sS:
res[(cId, sId)] = sS.json()['source']
time.sleep(0.3) # recommended wait so that submitSource keeps working
return res
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