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Created October 22, 2012 07:30
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Python cheat sheet table problem
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\Large{\textbf{\color{WildStrawberry}{Python REgex cheat sheet}}} \\
\section{Meta characters}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ |X|X|X|X| }
\texttt{re.match('go.', 'gob')} & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
\color{ForestGreen}{\texttt{re.match('go.', 'gob')}} & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
\texttt{*} & 0 or more repetitions\\
\texttt{+} & 1 or more repetitions\\
\texttt{?} & 0 or 1 repetitions\\
\includegraphics[width=6em]{../img/by_nc_sa.eps} This work is licensed under a \href{}{Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License}.
{\copyright\ 2012 \href{}{Adam Matan}.}
Sources: %\href{}{Best of Vim Tips},
%\href{}{Vim Visual Cheat Sheet} questions %\href{} {506075},
%\href{} {12128678}
Graphics credits: %\href{} {Happy icon},
\href{} {Python Logo},
\href{} {Creative Commons License}
Template and general idea based on a \href{}{\LaTeX\ template by Winston Chang}.
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