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Last active December 13, 2016 14:00
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from itertools import combinations
class Generator(object):
def __init__(self, element):
self.elem = element
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.elem) + ' Generator'
class Chip(object):
def __init__(self, element):
self.elem = element
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.elem) + ' Chip'
def get_moves():
temp_moves = []
floor = state[0]
for x in combinations(distrib[floor], 2):
if floor < 4:
temp_moves.append(x + ('UP',))
if floor > 1:
temp_moves.append(x + ('DOWN',))
for x in combinations(distrib[floor], 1):
if floor < 4:
temp_moves.append(x + ('UP',))
if floor > 1:
temp_moves.append(x + ('DOWN',))
final_moves = []
for move in temp_moves:
safe = True
if move[-1] == 'UP':
new_floor = distrib[floor + 1].copy()
elev_dest = floor + 1
new_floor = distrib[floor - 1].copy()
elev_dest = floor - 1
new_floor += move[0:-1]
old_floor = [x for x in distrib[floor] if x not in move[0:-1]]
while safe:
# Dont move down to floor 1 if it is empty
if floor == 2 and elev_dest == 1:
if len(distrib[1]) == 0:
safe = False
# Dont move down to floor 2 if 1 and 2 are empty
elif floor == 3 and elev_dest == 2:
if len(distrib[1]) == 0 and len(distrib[2]) == 0:
safe = False
# Test if old floor is safe to move from
for chip in [x for x in old_floor if type(x) is Chip]:
gennies = [x for x in old_floor if type(x) is Generator]
if gennies:
if not any([x.elem == chip.elem for x in gennies]):
# chip is missing it's generator, but another is present
safe = False
if not safe:
# Test that new floor is safe to move to
for chip in [x for x in new_floor if type(x) is Chip]:
gennies = [x for x in new_floor if type(x) is Generator]
if gennies:
if not any([x.elem == chip.elem for x in gennies]):
# chip is missing it's generator, but another is present
safe = False
if not safe:
# If move has already been done, skip
temp_dstr = distrib.copy()
temp_dstr[floor] = old_floor
temp_dstr[elev_dest] = new_floor
temp_state = (elev_dest, 0, temp_dstr)
if _hash(temp_state) in visited:
safe = False
if safe:
final_moves.append((tuple(state), move))
for direction in ([item[1][-1] for item in final_moves if len(item[1]) == 3]):
for mov in [x for x in final_moves if len(x[1]) == 2]:
if mov[1][-1] == direction:
return final_moves
def get_pairs(state):
pairs = set()
dstr = state[2]
chip_floor = 0
for chips in dstr.values():
chip_floor += 1
for chip in [x for x in set(chips) if type(x) is Chip]:
gen_floor = 0
paired = False
for gens in dstr.values():
gen_floor += 1
for gen in [x for x in set(gens) if type(x) is Generator]:
if gen.elem == chip.elem:
pairs.add((chip_floor, gen_floor))
paired = True
if paired:
return pairs
def _hash(state):
temp_table = (state[0],)
temp_table += (tuple(get_pairs(state)),)
return hash(temp_table)
def add_to_visited(state):
distrib = {}
with open('11.txt', 'r') as file:
floor = 0
for line in file.readlines():
floor += 1
if 'nothing' in line:
distrib[floor] = []
line = line.strip().replace(',', '').replace('.', '').replace('and', '').split(' a ')[1:]
distrib[floor] = []
for item in line:
if 'generator' in item:
elem = item.split(' ')[0]
elem = item.split('-')[0]
# (floor, moves, placements)
state = (1, 0, distrib)
visited = set()
moves = get_moves()
while moves:
move = moves.pop(0)
state, move = move
floor = state[0]
distrib = state[2].copy()
if move[-1] == 'UP':
new_floor = distrib[floor + 1].copy()
elev_dest = floor + 1
new_floor = distrib[floor - 1].copy()
elev_dest = floor - 1
new_floor += move[0:-1]
old_floor = [x for x in set(distrib[floor]) if x not in move[0:-1]]
distrib[floor] = old_floor
distrib[elev_dest] = new_floor
state = (elev_dest, state[1] + 1, distrib.copy())
if len(state[2][1] + state[2][2] + state[2][3]) == 0:
# All items on 4th floor
moves += get_moves()
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