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Created November 3, 2011 17:08
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Print out Git stats on a repo using Ruby
require 'yaml'
contributions = {}
`git log --shortstat -z`.each("\0") do |commit|
commit.match(/Author: (\w+) /)
author = $1
commit.match(/(\d+) files changed, (\d+) insertions\(\+\), (\d+) deletions\(\-\)/)
contributions[author] ||=
contributions[author]['commits'] += 1
contributions[author]['files'] += $1.to_i
contributions[author]['insertions'] += $2.to_i
contributions[author]['deletions'] += $3.to_i
contributions[:total] = contributions.values.inject( { |sum, elt| elt.keys.each { |k| sum[k] += elt[k] }; sum }
percentages = {}
contributions.keys.each { |name|
next if :total == name
percentages[name] ||= {}
%w{commits files insertions deletions}.each { |field|
percentages[name][field] = "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * contributions[name][field] / contributions[:total][field])
puts percentages.to_yaml
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