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Created December 2, 2014 03:05
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Google Gantt Functional Refactoring
from pysistence import make_dict
import datetime
d =
DEFAULT_COLOR = '4D89F9FF' # A kind of nice blue.
def uniquify(seq, idfun=None):
Order-preserving uniquify of a list.
Lifted directly from
if idfun is None:
idfun = lambda x: x
seen = {}
result = []
for item in seq:
marker = idfun(item)
if marker in seen:
seen[marker] = 1
return result
def parse_color(color):
"Accept various input formats for color and convert to 8-byte hex RGBA"
if len(color) == 3:
color = color[0]*2 + color[1]*2 + color[2]*2 + 'FF'
if len(color) == 4:
color = color[0]*2 + color[1]*2 + color[2]*2 + color[3]*2
if len(color) == 6:
color = color + 'FF'
return color.upper()
def duration(chart_or_task):
return (chart_or_task['end_date'] - chart_or_task['start_date']).days
def gantt_chart(name, width=650, height=200, progress=None, tasks=()):
return make_dict({
'name': name,
'width': 650,
'height': 200,
'start_date': min(*(t['start_date'] for t in tasks)) if tasks else None,
'end_date': max(*(t['end_date'] for t in tasks)) if tasks else None,
'progress': progress or,
'tasks': tasks
def gantt_category(name, color=None):
if color is None:
return make_dict({
'name': name,
'color': parse_color(color)
def gantt_task(name, start_date=None, end_date=None, **kwargs):
color = parse_color(kwargs.get('color', DEFAULT_COLOR))
category = kwargs.get('category', None)
if category is None:
category = gantt_category('', color)
depends_on = kwargs.get('depends_on')
if depends_on is not None:
start_date = depends_on['end_date']
duration = kwargs.get('duration')
if duration is not None:
end_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=int(duration))
return make_dict({
'name': name,
'start_date': start_date,
'end_date': end_date,
'category': category
def add_task(gc, task):
return gc.using(
start_date=min(gc['start_date'], task['start_date'])
if gc['start_date'] else task['start_date'],
end_date=max(gc['end_date'], task['end_date'])
if gc['end_date'] else task['end_date'],
tasks=gc['tasks'] + (task,)
def add_tasks(gc, tasks):
return reduce(add_task, tasks, gc)
def day_series(gc, format='%d/%m'):
"Get the list of date labels for this chart"
start_date = gc['start_date']
dur = duration(gc) + 1 # Add 1 because we also label 0 days.
if gc['width'] / dur > 80:
skip_n_labels = 1
skip_n_labels = int(1. / (float(gc['width']) / float(dur) / 80.))
for i in range(dur):
if i % skip_n_labels == 0:
yield (start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=i)).strftime(format)
yield ' '
def chart_params(gc, day_format='%d/%m'):
if len(gc['tasks']) == 0:
raise Exception("Must have at least one task")
# Compute the bar width for a desired height
task_size = int((gc['height'] - 50.) / len(gc['tasks'])) - 4
# Compute the grid spacing
axis_step = 100. / duration(gc)
categories = uniquify((t['category'] for t in gc['tasks']), lambda c: c['name'])
colors = (c['color'] for c in categories)
params = {
'cht': 'bhs', #Chart Type: Horizontal Bar
'chco': 'FFFFFF00,' + ','.join(colors), #Colors: Transparent, blue
'chtt': gc['name'],
'chs': '%sx%s' % (int(gc['width']), int(gc['height'])), #Chart size
'chds': '0,%s' % duration(gc), # Data duration
'chbh': '%s,4,0' % task_size, #Bar Width
'chg': '%s,0' % axis_step, # Grid size
'chxt': 'x,y',
'chxl': '0:|' + '|'.join(day_series(gc, format=day_format)) + '|1:|' + '|'.join(t['name'] for t in reversed(gc['tasks'])), # Axes labels
# Add category labels if necessary
if reduce(lambda acc, c: acc or c['name'], categories, False): # If any category has a title
params['chdl'] = '|' + '|'.join([c['name'] for c in categories if c['name']]) # Legend
# Add a progress indicator if progress was passed
if gc['progress'] and gc['progress'] >= gc['start_date'] and gc['progress'] <= gc['end_date']:
days = (gc['progress'] - gc['start_date']).days
params['chm'] = 'r,%s33,0,0,%s' % (DEFAULT_COLOR[:6], float(days) / duration(gc))
# Hold offsets to each task and the duration of each task in days.
offsets = [str((t['start_date'] - gc['start_date']).days) for t in gc['tasks']]
data = []
# Create a separate set of data for each color, but preserve order.
for c in categories:
zeroed_data = ['0'] * len(gc['tasks'])
for i, t in enumerate(gc['tasks']):
if t['category'] != c:
zeroed_data[i] = str(duration(t))
params['chd'] = 't:'+','.join(offsets) + '|' + '|'.join([','.join(d) for d in data])
return params
def get_url(gc):
"Returns a GET url for simple image embedding"
params = chart_params(gc)
return GOOGLE_CHARTS_API_URL + '?' + '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (key, params[key]) for key in params])
if __name__ == "__main__":
late = gantt_category('Late', 'c00')
on_time = gantt_category('On Time', '0c0')
upcoming = gantt_category('Upcoming', '00c')
task1 = gantt_task('Late Task', d(2011, 2, 20), d(2011, 2, 25), category=late)
task2 = gantt_task('On Time Task', depends_on=task1, duration=3, category=on_time)
task3 = gantt_task('Future Task', depends_on=task2, duration=7, category=upcoming)
gc = gantt_chart('Test Chart', width=650, height=200, progress=d(2011, 2, 27), tasks=())
print get_url(add_tasks(gc, (task1, task2, task3)))
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