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Created October 30, 2014 18:11
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(ns whatlang.core
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.set :as sets]
(defn load-data
"Read the country data file from the resource. The data has been
mangled in to lines like so:
1|English|68|American Samoa, Antigua and Barbuda, ...
So, some secondary splitting on the country values is necessary.
(with-open [reader (io/reader (io/resource file))]
(into {}
(for [line (line-seq reader)]
(let [[rank language country-count country-str] (str/split line #"\|")]
[language {:rank rank :countries (set (str/split country-str #", "))}])))) )
(defn all-countries
"Not used, but handy in the repl"
(into #{} (mapcat :countries (vals langs-data))))
(defn countries-covered
"The union of the sets of countries for each language provided"
[data languages-learned]
(apply sets/union (map #(:countries (get data %)) languages-learned)))
(defn all-pairs-result
"Get the set of all countries covered by each pair of languages"
(let [data (load-data "languages.txt")
langs (keys data)]
(for [lang1 langs
lang2 langs
:when (not (= lang1 lang2)) ]
{:langs #{lang1 lang2} :countries (countries-covered data #{lang1 lang2})}
(defn all-triples-result
"The same as the other one except for triplets"
(let [data (load-data "languages.txt")
langs (keys data)
(for [lang1 langs
lang2 langs
lang3 langs
:when (and (not (= lang1 lang2))
(not (= lang2 lang3))
(not (= lang1 lang3)))
{:langs #{lang1 lang2 lang3} :countries (countries-covered data #{lang1 lang2 lang3})})))
(defn report [result]
(->> result
(map #(vector (:langs %) (count (:countries %)))) ; Just want counts
(into {}) ; To remove duplicate keys
(into []) ; Because we don't want a map
(sort-by last)
(reverse) ; Results from best to worst
(map #(str (apply str (interpose ", " (first %))) ": " (last %))) ; Pretty rendering
(defn -main []
(report (all-pairs-result))
(report (all-triples-result))
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   :let [langs #{lang1 lang2 lang3}]
   :when (= (count langs) 3)]
 {:langs langs :countries (countries-coverd data langs)}

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