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Created November 5, 2013 23:53
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Save adambom/7328493 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Running "test" task
Running "connect:test" (connect) task
Starting connect web server on localhost:4243.
Running "shell:mochaPhantom" (shell) task
Running "mantriDeps:testCase" (mantriDeps) task
Dependency file created: temp/deps.js
Running "mantriDeps:testCaseTwo" (mantriDeps) task
Dependency file created: temp/deps.two.js
Running "mantriBuild:testCase" (mantriBuild) task
Build complete!
Stats for: temp/
fs: missing callback Error: ENOTEMPTY, rmdir '/var/folders/yp/d6sdwdzd7b37x_rtf0jn70ww0000gn/T/1383695552930.0225'
Compiled size: 0.69 kb (704 bytes)
GZipped size: 0.29 kb (301 bytes) -57.24%
Running "mantriBuild:testCaseAlt" (mantriBuild) task
Build complete!
Stats for: temp/
fs: missing callback Error: ENOTEMPTY, rmdir '/var/folders/yp/d6sdwdzd7b37x_rtf0jn70ww0000gn/T/1383695555093.2502'
Compiled size: 0.71 kb (729 bytes)
GZipped size: 0.31 kb (313 bytes) -57.06%
Running "mantriInit:temp/" (mantriInit) task
Copying /Users/asavitzky/code/msgme-web/node_modules/mantri/lib/../dist/mantri.web.js -> temp/mantri.web.js
Copying /Users/asavitzky/code/msgme-web/node_modules/mantri/lib/../dist/mantriConf.json -> temp/mantriConf.json
You are ready to get started!
Running "mochaTest:gruntTasks" (mochaTest) task
6 -_-_-_-_,------,
0 -_-_-_-_| /\_/\
0 -_-_-_-^|__( ^ .^)
-_-_-_- "" ""
6 tests complete (30 ms)
Done, without errors.
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