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Created November 15, 2018 13:20
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example recipe return
, {
"recipe" : {
"uri" : "",
"label" : "Thomato Chicken",
"image" : "",
"source" : "BBC Good Food",
"url" : "",
"shareAs" : "",
"yield" : 3.0,
"dietLabels" : [ "Low-Carb" ],
"healthLabels" : [ "Peanut-Free", "Tree-Nut-Free", "Alcohol-Free" ],
"cautions" : [ ],
"ingredientLines" : [ "2 chicken breasts", "2 tsp capers", "1 large onion", "6 cherry tomatoes", "1.5 tsp oregano", "3 tsps of tomato puree", "1 red pepper", "1 tin chopped tomatoes", "5 sun-dried tomatoes", "1 tsp basil", "Salt and pepper to taste", "Olive oil for frying chicken" ],
"ingredients" : [ {
"text" : "2 chicken breasts",
"weight" : 348.0
}, {
"text" : "2 tsp capers",
"weight" : 4.733333333573413
}, {
"text" : "1 large onion",
"weight" : 150.0
}, {
"text" : "6 cherry tomatoes",
"weight" : 90.0
}, {
"text" : "1.5 tsp oregano",
"weight" : 1.5
}, {
"text" : "3 tsps of tomato puree",
"weight" : 15.625000000792518
}, {
"text" : "1 red pepper",
"weight" : 119.0
}, {
"text" : "1 tin chopped tomatoes",
"weight" : 190.0
}, {
"text" : "5 sun-dried tomatoes",
"weight" : 10.0
}, {
"text" : "1 tsp basil",
"weight" : 0.5000000000253606
}, {
"text" : "Salt and pepper to taste",
"weight" : 5.576150000006348
}, {
"text" : "Salt and pepper to taste",
"weight" : 2.788075000003174
}, {
"text" : "Olive oil for frying chicken",
"weight" : 12.639273333347722
} ],
"calories" : 2029.384347268452,
"totalWeight" : 1077.701346701793,
"totalTime" : 0.0,
"totalNutrients" : {
"label" : "Energy",
"quantity" : 2029.384347268452,
"unit" : "kcal"
"FAT" : {
"label" : "Fat",
"quantity" : 174.53919416183078,
"unit" : "g"
"FASAT" : {
"label" : "Saturated",
"quantity" : 28.984279548889617,
"unit" : "g"
"FATRN" : {
"label" : "Trans",
"quantity" : 0.3654,
"unit" : "g"
"FAMS" : {
"label" : "Monounsaturated",
"quantity" : 116.13464299220476,
"unit" : "g"
"FAPU" : {
"label" : "Polyunsaturated",
"quantity" : 22.187313543864224,
"unit" : "g"
"CHOCDF" : {
"label" : "Carbs",
"quantity" : 41.32030896258561,
"unit" : "g"
"FIBTG" : {
"label" : "Fiber",
"quantity" : 12.768224641690617,
"unit" : "g"
"SUGAR" : {
"label" : "Sugars",
"quantity" : 23.18378784670602,
"unit" : "g"
"PROCNT" : {
"label" : "Protein",
"quantity" : 79.90005015918656,
"unit" : "g"
"CHOLE" : {
"label" : "Cholesterol",
"quantity" : 222.72,
"unit" : "mg"
"NA" : {
"label" : "Sodium",
"quantity" : 2494.7860878967895,
"unit" : "mg"
"CA" : {
"label" : "Calcium",
"quantity" : 208.2887625292698,
"unit" : "mg"
"MG" : {
"label" : "Magnesium",
"quantity" : 178.92232379645554,
"unit" : "mg"
"K" : {
"label" : "Potassium",
"quantity" : 2284.3039082939067,
"unit" : "mg"
"FE" : {
"label" : "Iron",
"quantity" : 7.636489328423679,
"unit" : "mg"
"ZN" : {
"label" : "Zinc",
"quantity" : 4.070371313787771,
"unit" : "mg"
"P" : {
"label" : "Phosphorus",
"quantity" : 783.0884918336935,
"unit" : "mg"
"VITA_RAE" : {
"label" : "Vitamin A",
"quantity" : 358.291613583624,
"unit" : "µg"
"VITC" : {
"label" : "Vitamin C",
"quantity" : 205.2372833334322,
"unit" : "mg"
"THIA" : {
"label" : "Thiamin (B1)",
"quantity" : 1.5416943710002535,
"unit" : "mg"
"RIBF" : {
"label" : "Riboflavin (B2)",
"quantity" : 0.640347868334326,
"unit" : "mg"
"NIA" : {
"label" : "Niacin (B3)",
"quantity" : 38.97715153059678,
"unit" : "mg"
"VITB6A" : {
"label" : "Vitamin B6",
"quantity" : 2.7321144649177693,
"unit" : "mg"
"FOLDFE" : {
"label" : "Folate equivalent (total)",
"quantity" : 139.83638941682685,
"unit" : "µg"
"FOLFD" : {
"label" : "Folate (food)",
"quantity" : 139.83638941682685,
"unit" : "µg"
"VITB12" : {
"label" : "Vitamin B12",
"quantity" : 1.1832,
"unit" : "µg"
"VITD" : {
"label" : "Vitamin D",
"quantity" : 1.3920000000000001,
"unit" : "µg"
"TOCPHA" : {
"label" : "Vitamin E",
"quantity" : 25.29863988149927,
"unit" : "mg"
"VITK1" : {
"label" : "Vitamin K",
"quantity" : 125.11657579279279,
"unit" : "µg"
"totalDaily" : {
"label" : "Energy",
"quantity" : 101.4692173634226,
"unit" : "%"
"FAT" : {
"label" : "Fat",
"quantity" : 268.52183717204736,
"unit" : "%"
"FASAT" : {
"label" : "Saturated",
"quantity" : 144.9213977444481,
"unit" : "%"
"CHOCDF" : {
"label" : "Carbs",
"quantity" : 13.773436320861869,
"unit" : "%"
"FIBTG" : {
"label" : "Fiber",
"quantity" : 51.07289856676247,
"unit" : "%"
"PROCNT" : {
"label" : "Protein",
"quantity" : 159.80010031837313,
"unit" : "%"
"CHOLE" : {
"label" : "Cholesterol",
"quantity" : 74.24,
"unit" : "%"
"NA" : {
"label" : "Sodium",
"quantity" : 103.9494203290329,
"unit" : "%"
"CA" : {
"label" : "Calcium",
"quantity" : 20.82887625292698,
"unit" : "%"
"MG" : {
"label" : "Magnesium",
"quantity" : 42.600553284870365,
"unit" : "%"
"K" : {
"label" : "Potassium",
"quantity" : 48.60221081476397,
"unit" : "%"
"FE" : {
"label" : "Iron",
"quantity" : 42.424940713464885,
"unit" : "%"
"ZN" : {
"label" : "Zinc",
"quantity" : 37.003375579888825,
"unit" : "%"
"P" : {
"label" : "Phosphorus",
"quantity" : 111.8697845476705,
"unit" : "%"
"VITA_RAE" : {
"label" : "Vitamin A",
"quantity" : 39.81017928706933,
"unit" : "%"
"VITC" : {
"label" : "Vitamin C",
"quantity" : 228.04142592603577,
"unit" : "%"
"THIA" : {
"label" : "Thiamin (B1)",
"quantity" : 128.4745309166878,
"unit" : "%"
"RIBF" : {
"label" : "Riboflavin (B2)",
"quantity" : 49.257528333409695,
"unit" : "%"
"NIA" : {
"label" : "Niacin (B3)",
"quantity" : 243.60719706622987,
"unit" : "%"
"VITB6A" : {
"label" : "Vitamin B6",
"quantity" : 210.1626511475207,
"unit" : "%"
"FOLDFE" : {
"label" : "Folate equivalent (total)",
"quantity" : 34.95909735420671,
"unit" : "%"
"VITB12" : {
"label" : "Vitamin B12",
"quantity" : 49.300000000000004,
"unit" : "%"
"VITD" : {
"label" : "Vitamin D",
"quantity" : 9.280000000000001,
"unit" : "%"
"TOCPHA" : {
"label" : "Vitamin E",
"quantity" : 168.65759920999514,
"unit" : "%"
"VITK1" : {
"label" : "Vitamin K",
"quantity" : 104.26381316066066,
"unit" : "%"
"digest" : [ {
"label" : "Fat",
"tag" : "FAT",
"schemaOrgTag" : "fatContent",
"total" : 174.53919416183078,
"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 268.52183717204736,
"unit" : "g",
"sub" : [ {
"label" : "Saturated",
"tag" : "FASAT",
"schemaOrgTag" : "saturatedFatContent",
"total" : 28.984279548889617,
"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 144.9213977444481,
"unit" : "g"
}, {
"label" : "Trans",
"tag" : "FATRN",
"schemaOrgTag" : "transFatContent",
"total" : 0.3654,
"hasRDI" : false,
"daily" : 0.0,
"unit" : "g"
}, {
"label" : "Monounsaturated",
"tag" : "FAMS",
"schemaOrgTag" : null,
"total" : 116.13464299220476,
"hasRDI" : false,
"daily" : 0.0,
"unit" : "g"
}, {
"label" : "Polyunsaturated",
"tag" : "FAPU",
"schemaOrgTag" : null,
"total" : 22.187313543864224,
"hasRDI" : false,
"daily" : 0.0,
"unit" : "g"
} ]
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"label" : "Carbs",
"tag" : "CHOCDF",
"schemaOrgTag" : "carbohydrateContent",
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"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 13.773436320861869,
"unit" : "g",
"sub" : [ {
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"tag" : "",
"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"hasRDI" : false,
"daily" : 0.0,
"unit" : "g"
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"label" : "Fiber",
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"schemaOrgTag" : "fiberContent",
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"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 51.07289856676247,
"unit" : "g"
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"daily" : 0.0,
"unit" : "g"
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"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"daily" : 0.0,
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"daily" : 159.80010031837313,
"unit" : "g"
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"tag" : "CHOLE",
"schemaOrgTag" : "cholesterolContent",
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"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 74.24,
"unit" : "mg"
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"tag" : "NA",
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"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 103.9494203290329,
"unit" : "mg"
}, {
"label" : "Calcium",
"tag" : "CA",
"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 20.82887625292698,
"unit" : "mg"
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"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"daily" : 42.600553284870365,
"unit" : "mg"
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"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 37.003375579888825,
"unit" : "mg"
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"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"daily" : 128.4745309166878,
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"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"daily" : 34.95909735420671,
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"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"daily" : 0.0,
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"daily" : 0.0,
"unit" : "µg"
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"daily" : 49.300000000000004,
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"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 168.65759920999514,
"unit" : "mg"
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"tag" : "VITK1",
"schemaOrgTag" : null,
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"hasRDI" : true,
"daily" : 104.26381316066066,
"unit" : "µg"
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"bookmarked" : false,
"bought" : false
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