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Created July 28, 2012 12:27
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Investigation into applicationStop():
// Application.cfc
component { = "testApplicationStop";
this.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 0);
function onApplicationStart(){
application.key = createUuid();
application.startedAt = timeFormat(now(), "HH:MM:SS.LLL") & "<br />";
application.firstVar = "First var using #application.startedAt#";
application.secondVar = "Second using #application.startedAt#";
param name="server.requestCount" default=0;
function onRequestStart(){
request.requestId = ++server.requestCount;
request.appKey = application.key;
writeLog(, text="Request #request.requestId# of #listLast(getBaseTemplatePath(), "\")# started at #formattedNow()# for application key: #application.key# (#request.appKey#)");
function onRequestEnd(){
writeLog(, text="Request #request.requestId# of #listLast(getBaseTemplatePath(), "\")# ended at #formattedNow()# for application key: #application.key# (#request.appKey#)");
function formattedNow(){
return timeFormat(now(), "HH:MM:SS.LLL");
<!--- long.cfm --->
<cfflush interval="1">
#application.firstVar#<br />
<!---emulate a long-running request --->
<cfset sleep(10000)>
#application.secondVar#<br />
<!--- other.cfm --->
<cfflush interval="1">
#application.firstVar#<br />
#application.secondVar#<br />
<!--- start.cfm --->
<cfdump var="#application#" label="Started">
<!--- stop.cfm --->
<cfset applicationStop()>
<cfdump var="#application#" label="Stopped">
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