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Created June 27, 2012 13:03
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This game requires a decent group of people at a party, maybe 6-10, and a case or two (read: five). Also, duct tape.

Start of the night by explaining the game in it's entirety, while everyone is cracking their first beer or so. Get everyone in on it, more fun that way.

The idea of the game is to drink beer, and level up your Wizardly skills. Once you finish a beer, you get a new beer, and tape it to the top of the old can. This puts you at level 2 (2 cans). Drink that beer, get new beer, tape to top of old beer can, welcome to level 2. You get the idea. In case you haven't figured it out by now, you are constructing a staff.

Your staff is an indicator of your level of Wizardry and intoxication. It also brings me to the most entertaining part of the game- spells. More spells are unlocked by being a higher level, and they typically will cost cans to cast. Here's a list of spells, but feel free to fuck with these.

  1. No spells at level one you little bitch, just drink your damn beer.
  2. Can to the Face - Call out someone of a lower level than you and make them take a drink. Abusing this too much is stupid and shitty and will get you shunned by true Beer Wizards.
  3. Wizard's Duel - Challenge someone to a common drinking activity. For example, shotgunning a beer, chugging a beer, game of pong, flippy, etc. Make the activity consume one beer per participant. The winner uses the can to level up, the loser removes a can from their staff.
  4. Counterspell - If anyone casts a spell on you, you may instantly, with no hesitation shout Counterspell. To the best of your ability, reverse the effects- if you were told to shotgun, they must shotgun. If you told to drink, they drink. Etc etc.
  5. Beerekinesis - Retrive a beer through Magic, ie, making someone who's a lower level than you get you a beer. Only works if a beer is needed, ie for a game or because you finished the beer on your staff.
  6. The Archmage - When you reach this level, create a rule that all must follow under penalty of drinking (or losing a can, I prefer drinking- it's more fun when everyone wins) from their staff. A recommended side note is to limit this to the first 4 or so people who reach 6, so there aren't a fuckton of stupid rules going around. Another way to do it is to allow people who reach this point to remove rules rather than add more.
  7. Beer Blast - Fire a beer-powered spell at another Wizard, forcing them to shotgun a beer. This is another rule that cannot be abused. In fact, if any of you could think of a way to limit the power of this one, feel free to chime in.
  8. The Hat of Shame - Humiliate a pathetic lesser Wizard by forcing them to wear a humorous headpiece for your enjoyment. Only cast this spell on Wizards with half or less levels than you (so, 4 or less at 8, 5 or less at 10). Typically, you'd make them put a case on their head, as there is most likely an empty at this point.
  9. The Wise Wizard- Who gives a fuck what spells you have? Walk around being the most badass fucking Wizard around. No one can cast spells on you, and you can do as you damn well please. If someone else reaches your level of greatness, you must fight for your honor. Use your staves to compete in Wizard Combat. The loser is the one whose staff breaks first. He may keep the longer end of his staff, but the shorter end is lost. The winner is the new Wisest Wizard. The person who remains the Wisest Wizard at the end of the night wins (but who gives a fuck?).

In addition to fucking each other over with spells, the game is based upon beating bosses. Decide from the beginning how often to fight bosses (every 2 levels, every 3, etc), but regardless, there must be a boss before level 10. Before the game, choose a few types of liquors to serve as bosses. Assign them to every third level. Before you ascend to that level, take a shot of the liquor. So say we did it like this-

1 2 3- Boss Morgan (shot of Captain Morgan) 4 5 6- Boss Daniels (shot of Jack Daniels) 7 8 9- Boss Cuervo (shot of Jose Cuervo) 10- Boss Smirnoff (shot of Smirnoff)

Note that there must be a boss before ascending to 10. You can make it fun and make them harder, I just kinda picked some. Usually you'd do something big for the last one. Make it funny, fuck.

Some additional rules-

Beers from other things don't count (playing flip cup, beer pong, crossfire, that shit. only the beer you added to your staff or that you've earned from spells).

Edit the spells to your preference. If anyone plays this and knows more fun spells, throw them out there, I'd love to hear them. Don't be a bitch with the spells, just have a good time. Everyone wins because there's beer involved. Make a night of it, you won't soon remember it.

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