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Last active February 9, 2017 21:28
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import graphene
import six
from graphene import relay
from graphene import ObjectType
from graphene.core.types import ObjectTypeMeta
from graphene.core.types.scalars import String
from graphene.utils.str_converters import to_snake_case
schema = graphene.Schema(name='My Schema')
class DjangoQueryMeta(ObjectTypeMeta):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
super_new = super(DjangoQueryMeta, cls).__new__
attr_meta = attrs.get('DjangoMeta')
if not attr_meta:
return super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)
nodes = getattr(attr_meta, 'nodes', [])
for node in nodes:
# Make the attributes for this node
for k, v in cls.make_node_attrs(node).items():
# Set the attribute as the default value
attrs.setdefault(k, v)
return super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)
def make_node_attrs(cls, node):
"""Create the attributes related to a given node
This will create the following (and return in the form of a dict):
- all_{field_name}s -> ConnectionField
- {field_name} -> NodeField
- resolve_{field_name} -> Callable
TODO: Do not mandate field naming in the form 'all_{field_name}s'.
The developer should have control of this.
name = to_snake_case(node.__name__)
# Create connection field (with naive pluralisation)
connection_field_name = 'all_{}s'.format(name)
connection_field = relay.ConnectionField(
description='Get all {} nodes'.format(node.__name__),
# Create relay field
relay_field_name = name
relay_field = relay.NodeField(node)
# Create resolve method
resolve_method_name = 'resolve_{}'.format(connection_field_name)
resolve_method = cls.make_resolve_method(node)
return {
connection_field_name: connection_field,
relay_field_name: relay_field,
resolve_method_name: resolve_method,
def get_node_args(cls, node):
"""Get the args which will become attributes on the new Query class"""
args = {}
for field in node._meta.fields:
# ID field is included automatically, do not include here
if == 'id':
# TODO: Determine correct field type!
args[field.attname] = String()
return args
def make_resolve_method(cls, node):
"""Factory for creating resolve_{field_name}() methods."""
def resolver(self, args, info):
# Crude generalised filtering
ignore = ['first', 'last', 'before', 'after']
filter_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in args.items() if k not in ignore}
model = node._meta.model
return model.objects.filter(**filter_kwargs)
return resolver
class DjangoQuery(six.with_metaclass(DjangoQueryMeta, ObjectType)):
class Query(DjangoQuery):
class DjangoMeta:
# I called this DjangoMeta rather than Meta to avoid
# thowing up 'invalid attribute' errors. This may not
# even be the right place for this (i.e. could auto-load
# nodes from apps, or could be list in
nodes = [
... your DjangoNodes here...
schema.query = Query
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