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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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open System
type WeekOf<'T> = { Mo:'T; Tu:'T; We:'T; Th:'T; Fr:'T; Sa:'T; Su:'T }
static member FromDays (allDays: (DayOfWeek * 'T)[]) =
let dayFor theDay = snd (allDays |> Array.find (fun (day, data) -> day = theDay))
{ Mo = dayFor DayOfWeek.Monday
Tu = dayFor DayOfWeek.Tuesday
We = dayFor DayOfWeek.Wednesday
Th = dayFor DayOfWeek.Thursday
Fr = dayFor DayOfWeek.Friday
Sa = dayFor DayOfWeek.Saturday
Su = dayFor DayOfWeek.Sunday }
member x.AllDays with get() = [|
DayOfWeek.Monday, x.Mo
DayOfWeek.Tuesday, x.Tu
DayOfWeek.Wednesday, x.We
DayOfWeek.Thursday, x.Th
DayOfWeek.Friday, x.Fr
DayOfWeek.Saturday, x.Sa
DayOfWeek.Sunday, x.Su |]
type SentenceStatus = Remand | Sentenced
type UniqueID = int
type DisplayName = string
type PayLevel = { id:UniqueID; name:DisplayName; amount:decimal }
type AbsentBlame = NotAtFault | AtFault of pay:PayLevel | PartiallyAtFault of pay:PayLevel
type AbsentReason = { id:UniqueID; name:DisplayName; blame:AbsentBlame }
type Attendance = Attended | Absent of reason:AbsentReason
type PayableActivityDetails = { id:UniqueID; name:DisplayName; location:DisplayName; pay:PayLevel }
type PayableActivityAttendance = { activity: PayableActivityDetails; attendance: Attendance }
type DayActivity =
| Unmanaged of pay:PayLevel
| Unemployed of pay:PayLevel
| RefusalToWork of pay:PayLevel
| PayableAcivities of PayableActivityAttendance list
type DayDecision =
| AlreadyPaid
| RefusedToWork
| PayAtLevelNoActivity of pay:PayLevel
| Paid of paid:PayableActivityDetails
| AbsentWithFullPay of paid:PayableActivityDetails
| AbsentWithNoPay of absent:PayableActivityDetails
| AbsentWithPartialPay of paid:PayableActivityDetails
member x.Rank with get() = match x with
| AlreadyPaid -> 1
| RefusedToWork -> 2
| AbsentWithPartialPay _ -> 3
| AbsentWithFullPay _ -> 4
| AbsentWithNoPay _ -> 5
| PayAtLevelNoActivity _ -> 6
| Paid _ -> 7
type DayOfWeekDecision =
/// Chosen day, indicating the day was chosen as one to pay when considered
/// as part of the whole week.
| ChosenDay of decision:DayDecision
/// Ignored day, indicated the day was ignored (i.e. not paid) when considered
/// as part of the whole week.
| IgnoredDay of decision:DayDecision
type RankablePay =
| Forced of pay:PayLevel
| HighPriority of pay:PayLevel
| Normal of pay:PayLevel
with member x.Rank with get() = match x with
| Forced p -> 1
| HighPriority p -> 2
| Normal p -> 3
let private calculatePay (aa: PayableActivityAttendance) : RankablePay =
match aa.attendance, aa.activity with
| Attended, act -> Normal(
| Absent reason, activity ->
match reason.blame with
| NotAtFault -> Normal(
| PartiallyAtFault pay -> HighPriority(pay)
| AtFault pay -> Forced(pay)
let private chooseActivityOnDayToPay (activities) : DayDecision =
let calculateMap activity = activity, calculatePay activity
let rank (_, pay:RankablePay) = pay.Rank
|> calculateMap
|> Seq.sortBy rank
|> Seq.head
|> fun (aa, priority) ->
match aa.attendance with
| Attendance.Attended -> DayDecision.Paid(aa.activity)
| Absent { blame = AtFault(level) } -> AbsentWithNoPay(aa.activity)
| Absent { blame = NotAtFault } -> AbsentWithFullPay(aa.activity)
| Absent { blame = PartiallyAtFault(level) } -> AbsentWithPartialPay(aa.activity)
let private calculateDay (activity: DayActivity) =
match activity with
| Unmanaged level -> activity, DayDecision.PayAtLevelNoActivity(level)
| Unemployed level -> activity, DayDecision.PayAtLevelNoActivity(level)
| RefusalToWork level -> activity, DayDecision.PayAtLevelNoActivity(level)
| PayableAcivities payables -> activity, payables |> chooseActivityOnDayToPay
type CalculatedDayOfWeekDecision = {
dayInWeekDecision:DayOfWeekDecision }
/// Matches a number between (and including) the specifed lo and hi range
let (|BetweenInclusive|_|) lo hi x =
if lo <= x && x <= hi then Some () else None
let calculateWeek (activities: WeekOf<DayActivity>) =
// calculate each day
|> (fun (dayOfWeek, activity) -> dayOfWeek, (calculateDay activity))
// rank the decisions and sort by them
|> Array.sortBy (fun (day, (activity, decision)) -> decision.Rank)
//choose top 5
|> Array.mapi (
fun index (dayOfWeek, (activity, decision)) ->
let makeDecision diwd =
dayOfWeek, { activities = activity; dayDecision = decision; dayInWeekDecision = diwd }
match index with
| BetweenInclusive 0 4 -> makeDecision (ChosenDay(decision))
| _ -> makeDecision (IgnoredDay(decision))
|> WeekOf.FromDays
// Learn more about F# at See the 'F# Tutorial' project
// for more guidance on F# programming.
#load "Pay.fs"
module pay =
let level0 = { id=0; name="Level 0"; amount=0.0m; }
let level1 = { id=1; name="Level 1"; amount=4.5m; }
let level4 = { id=4; name="Level 4"; amount=4.431m; }
let level5 = { id=5; name="Level 5"; amount=6.5m; }
let level6 = { id=6; name="Level 6"; amount=7.777m; }
module absent =
let sick = Absent({ id=1; name="Sick"; blame=NotAtFault })
let refuseToAttend = Absent({ id=2; name="Refused to attend"; blame=AtFault(pay.level0) })
let atWork = Absent({ id=3; name="At work"; blame=NotAtFault })
let atCourt = Absent({ id=4; name="At court"; blame=NotAtFault })
let attendedEducation = Absent({ id=5; name="Attended Education"; blame=NotAtFault })
let attendedProgram = Absent({ id=6; name="Attended Program"; blame=NotAtFault })
let suspended = Absent({ id=7; name="Suspended"; blame=NotAtFault })
let lopSepcon = Absent({ id=8; name="LOP/SEPCON"; blame=PartiallyAtFault(pay.level1) })
module job =
let headChefKitchen = { id=100; name="Head Chef"; location="Kitchen"; pay=pay.level6 }
let chefKitchen = { id=101; name="Chef"; location="Kitchen"; pay=pay.level5 }
let cleanerBlock5b = { id=102; name="Cleaner"; location="Block 5B"; pay=pay.level4 }
module program =
let reintegration = { id=200; name="Reintegration"; location="Classroom 1"; pay=pay.level1 }
let lifeSkills = { id=201; name="Life Skills 101"; location="Classroom 2"; pay=pay.level1 }
let weekForAdam =
{ Mo = Unmanaged(pay.level0)
Tu = DayActivity.RefusalToWork(pay.level0)
We = Unemployed(pay.level1)
Th = Unemployed(pay.level1)
Fr = PayableAcivities([ { activity=job.chefKitchen; attendance=Attended }
{ activity=program.lifeSkills; attendance=Attended } ])
Sa = PayableAcivities([ { activity=job.headChefKitchen; attendance=absent.atCourt }
{ activity=job.headChefKitchen; attendance=absent.suspended }])
Su = PayableAcivities([ { activity=job.cleanerBlock5b; attendance=Attended }
{ activity=job.headChefKitchen; attendance=Attended }]) }
let weekPay = weekForAdam |> calculateWeek
|> (fun (day, decision) ->
day, (decision.ToString(), decision.activities))
|> WeekOf.FromDays
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You can simplify with member x.Rank with get() = -> member x.Rank =

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let private chooseActivityOnDayToPay (activities) : DayDecision =
    let calculateMap activity = activity, calculatePay activity
    let rank (_, pay:RankablePay) = pay.Rank
    |> calculateMap
    |> Seq.sortBy rank
    |> Seq.head

Seq.head will raise an exception if activities is an empty sequence.

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let private calculateDay (activity: DayActivity) =
    match activity with
    | Unmanaged level -> activity, DayDecision.PayAtLevelNoActivity(level)
    | Unemployed level -> activity, DayDecision.PayAtLevelNoActivity(level)
    | RefusalToWork level -> activity, DayDecision.PayAtLevelNoActivity(level)
    | PayableAcivities payables -> activity, payables |> chooseActivityOnDayToPay


let private calculateDay = function
    | Unmanaged level
    | Unemployed level
    | RefusalToWork level -> DayDecision.PayAtLevelNoActivity level
    | PayableAcivities payables -> chooseActivityOnDayToPay payables

And you can pipe activity right here

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Re: Seq.head actually it's a domain rule I have figured out how to encode in the types. Must be at least one activity.

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