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Last active February 15, 2017 06:32
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purgeable yumrepo
define std_yumrepo (
String $repo_name = $title,
Optional[Enum['absent', 'present', 'absent']] $ensure = present,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $assumeyes = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^\d+[kMG]?$/]]] $bandwidth = absent,
Optional[String] $baseurl = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Integer]] $cost = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Integer]] $deltarpm_metadata_percentage = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Integer]] $deltarpm_percentage = absent,
Optional[String] $descr = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $enabled = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $enablegroups = absent,
Optional[String] $exclude = absent,
Optional[Enum['absent', 'roundrobin', 'priority']] $failovermethod = absent,
Optional[String] $gpgcakey = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $gpgcheck = absent,
Optional[Variant[String, Array[String]]] $gpgkey = absent,
Optional[Enum['absent', 'packages', 'all', 'none']] $http_caching = absent,
Optional[String] $include = absent,
Optional[String] $includepkgs = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $keepalive = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^([0-9]+[dhm]?|never)$/]]] $metadata_expire = absent,
Optional[String] $metalink = absent,
Optional[String] $mirrorlist = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Integer]] $mirrorlist_expire = absent,
Optional[String] $priority = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $protect = absent,
Optional[Enum['inifile']] $provider = inifile,
Optional[String] $proxy = absent,
Optional[String] $proxy_password = absent,
Optional[String] $proxy_username = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $repo_gpgcheck = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Integer]] $retries = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $s3_enabled = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $skip_if_unavailable = absent,
Optional[String] $sslcacert = absent,
Optional[String] $sslclientcert = absent,
Optional[String] $sslclientkey = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^(true|false|0|1|no|yes)$/]]] $sslverify = absent,
Optional[String] $target = undef,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Pattern[/^\d+[kMG%]?$/]]] $throttle = absent,
Optional[Variant[Enum['absent'], Integer]] $timeout = absent
) {
yumrepo { $repo_name:
ensure => $ensure,
assumeyes => $assumeyes,
bandwidth => $bandwidth,
baseurl => $baseurl,
cost => $cost,
deltarpm_metadata_percentage => $deltarpm_metadata_percentage,
deltarpm_percentage => $deltarpm_metadata_percentage,
descr => $descr,
enabled => $enabled,
enablegroups => $enablegroups,
exclude => $exclude,
failovermethod => $failovermethod,
gpgcakey => $gpgcakey,
gpgcheck => $gpgcheck,
gpgkey => $gpgkey,
http_caching => $http_caching,
include => $include,
includepkgs => $includepkgs,
keepalive => $keepalive,
metadata_expire => $metadata_expire,
metalink => $metalink,
mirrorlist => $mirrorlist,
mirrorlist_expire => $mirrorlist_expire,
priority => $priority,
protect => $protect,
provider => $provider,
proxy => $proxy,
proxy_password => $proxy_password,
proxy_username => $proxy_username,
repo_gpgcheck => $repo_gpgcheck,
retries => $retries,
s3_enabled => $s3_enabled,
skip_if_unavailable => $skip_if_unavailable,
sslcacert => $sslcacert,
sslclientcert => $sslclientcert,
sslclientkey => $sslclientkey,
sslverify => $sslverify,
target => $target,
throttle => $throttle,
timeout => $timeout,
file { "/etc/yum.repos.d/${repo_name}.repo":
ensure => $ensure,
require => Yumrepo[$repo_name],
file { '/etc/yum.repos.d':
ensure => directory,
purge => true,
recurse => true,
force => true,
std_yumrepo { 'base':
ensure => 'present',
descr => 'CentOS-$releasever - Base',
gpgcheck => '1',
gpgkey => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7',
mirrorlist => '$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=os&infra=$infra',
std_yumrepo { 'puppetlabs-pc1':
ensure => 'present',
baseurl => '$basearch',
descr => 'Puppet Labs PC1 Repository el 7 - $basearch',
enabled => '1',
gpgcheck => '1',
gpgkey => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppetlabs-PC1
std_yumrepo { 'foo':
ensure => 'absent',
require 'puppet'
require 'puppet/util/inifile'
Facter.add(:yumrepos) do
setcode do
# Much of this code was inspired from the inifile provider for
# the yumrepo type in the puppet source code.
# This was done because some yum files contain multiple values
# to a single key (gpgkey is an example). Since there is no
# real standard for an inifile, this logic parses the yumrepos
# the same way puppet does internally, so the fact should be
# the same output as a puppet yumrepo instance.
yumrepos = {}
def self.virtual_inifile
unless @virtual
@virtual =
Dir.glob("/etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo").each do |file| if Puppet::FileSystem.file?(file)
return @virtual
virtual_inifile.each_section do |section|
repo_hash = {:name => }
section.entries.each do |key, value|
key = key.to_sym
if key == :name
repo_hash[:descr] = value
repo_hash[key] = value.include?("\n") ? value.gsub(' ', '').split("\n") : value
yumrepos[] = repo_hash
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