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Created November 3, 2019 05:44
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Perl Weekly Challenge 032
* Create a script that either reads standard input
* or one or more files specified on the command-line.
* Count the number of times and then print a summary,
* sorted by the count of each entry.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
int main(int argc, char** argv){
std::string input;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> v;
std::map<std::string, int> word_counts;
getline(std::cin, input);
if(word_counts.find(input) != word_counts.end()){
word_counts[input] += 1;
word_counts[input] = 1;
std::copy(word_counts.begin(), word_counts.end(), std::back_inserter<std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>>>(v));
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(),[](const std::pair<std::string, int> &l, const std::pair<std::string, int> &r){
if(l.second != r.second)
return l.second > r.second;
return l.first > r.first;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>>::iterator iter = v.begin();
while(iter != v.end()){
std::cout << iter->first << "\t" << iter->second << std::endl;
# Create a script that either reads standard input
# or one or more files specified on the command-line.
# Count the number of times and then print a summary,
# sorted by the count of each entry.
sub MAIN{
my %word_counts;
for $*IN.lines -> $line {
for %word_counts.sort(*.value).reverse -> $pair {
say $pair.key ~ "\t" ~ $pair.value;
# Create a script that either reads standard input
# or one or more files specified on the command-line.
# Count the number of times and then print a summary,
# sorted by the count of each entry.
my %word_counts;
my @sorted_keys = sort {$word_counts{$b} <=> $word_counts{$a}} keys %word_counts;
for my $key (@sorted_keys){
print "$key\t$word_counts{$key}\n";
* Write a function that takes a hashref where the keys
* are labels and the values are integer or floating
* point values. Generate a bar graph of the data and
* display it to stdout.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"
#include "boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp"
#define MAX_LENGTH 10
int main(int argc, char** argv){
int max, min;
std::map<std::string, int> counts;
std::stringstream s;
std::string input(argv[1]);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> v;
s << input;
boost::property_tree::ptree json_tree;
boost::property_tree::read_json(s, json_tree);
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &v, json_tree){
counts[] = stoi(;
std::copy(counts.begin(), counts.end(), std::back_inserter<std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>>>(v));
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(),[](const std::pair<std::string, int> &l, const std::pair<std::string, int> &r){
if(l.second != r.second)
return l.second > r.second;
return l.first > r.first;
std::map<std::string,int>::iterator find_max = std::max_element(counts.begin(),counts.end(),[] (const std::pair<std::string,int>& a, const std::pair<std::string,int>& b)->bool{ return a.second < b.second; } );
std::map<std::string,int>::iterator find_min = std::min_element(counts.begin(),counts.end(),[] (const std::pair<std::string,int>& a, const std::pair<std::string,int>& b)->bool{ return a.second < b.second; } );
max = find_max->second;
min = find_min->second;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>>::iterator iter = v.begin();
while(iter != v.end()){
float scaled = (iter->second - min + 1.0) / (max - min);
std::string bar ((int)(scaled*MAX_LENGTH),'#');
std::cout << iter->first << "\t|" << bar << std::endl;
# Write a function that takes a hashref where the keys
# are labels and the values are integer or floating
# point values. Generate a bar graph of the data and
# display it to stdout.
use JSON::Fast;
sub term:<MAX-LENGTH> { 10 };
sub MAIN($input) {
my %data = from-json $input;
my @sorted = %data.sort(*.value);
my $min = @sorted[0].value;
my $max = @sorted[@sorted.end].value;
for %data.sort(*.value).reverse -> $pair {
print $pair.key ~ "\t| ";
say "#" x ($pair.value - $min + 1) / ($max - $min) * MAX-LENGTH;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a function that takes a hashref where the keys
# are labels and the values are integer or floating
# point values. Generate a bar graph of the data and
# display it to stdout.
use JSON::PP;
use constant MAX_LENGTH => 10;
my $input = $ARGV[0];
my $data = decode_json($input);
my @sorted_keys = sort {$data->{$b} <=> $data->{$a}} keys %{$data};
my @sorted_values = sort {$a <=> $b} values %{$data};
my $min = $sorted_values[0];
my $max = $sorted_values[@sorted_values - 1];
for my $key (@sorted_keys){
my $scaled = ($data->{$key} - $min + 1)/($max - $min);
print "$key\t| ";
print "#" x int(MAX_LENGTH * $scaled) . "\n";
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