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Last active September 13, 2020 19:49
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Perl Weekly Challenge 077
use strict;
use warnings;
# You are given a positive integer $N.
# Write a script to find out all possible combination
# of Fibonacci Numbers required to get $N on addition.
# Repeated numbers are not allowed. Print 0 if none found.
sub nearest_fibonacci{
my($n) = @_;
my @f = (1, 1);
while($f[@f - 1] <= $n){
my $f = $f[@f - 1] + $f[@f - 2];
push @f, $f;
pop @f;
return @f;
sub fibonacci_sum{
my($n, $fibonacci) = @_;
my @sum_terms;
my $number_terms = @{$fibonacci};
for my $i (0 .. (2**$number_terms - 1)){
my $b = sprintf("%0" . $number_terms . "b", $i);
my @b = split(//, $b);
my @f;
for my $i (0 .. (@b - 1)){
push @f, $fibonacci->[$i] if $b[$i] == 1;
my $sum = unpack("%32I*", pack("I*", @f));
push @sum_terms, \@f if $sum == $n;
return @sum_terms;
my $n = $ARGV[0];
my @f = nearest_fibonacci($n);
my @sum_terms = fibonacci_sum($n, \@f);
print "No Fibonacci Terms sum to $n.\n" if !@sum_terms;
for my $term (@sum_terms){
print join(" + ", @{$term}) . " = $n\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
# You are given m x n character matrix consists of O and X only.
# Write a script to count the total number of X surrounded by O only.
# Print 0 if none found.
use boolean;
use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate;
my $test0 = [["O", "O", "X"], ["X", "O", "O"], ["X", "O", "O"]];
my $test1 = [["O", "O", "X", "O"], ["X", "O", "O", "O"], ["X", "O", "O", "X"], ["O", "X", "O", "O"]];
sub check_x{
my($i, $matrix) = @_;
my @indices = (
# For any X we have a maximum of eight places to check
# which are labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H.
# A B C
# D X E
# F G H
[$i->[0] - 1, $i->[1] - 1], #A
[$i->[0] - 1, $i->[1]], #B
[$i->[0] - 1, $i->[1] + 1], #C
[$i->[0], $i->[1] - 1], #D
[$i->[0], $i->[1] + 1], #E
[$i->[0] + 1, $i->[1] - 1], #F
[$i->[0] + 1, $i->[1]], #G
[$i->[0] + 1, $i->[1] + 1] #H
for my $check (@indices){
next if($check->[0] < 0 || $check->[1] < 0);# ignore any impossible (negative index) locations
next if($check->[0] >= @{$matrix} || $check->[1] >= @{$matrix->[0]});# ignore any impossible (row or column index out of bounds) locations
return false if($matrix->[$check->[0]]->[$check->[1]] eq "X");
return true;
sub x_search{
my($matrix) = @_;
my @x;
my $row_index = -1;
for my $row (0 .. (@{$matrix} - 1)){
my $column_index = 0;
for my $column (0 .. (@{$matrix->[$row_index]} - 1)){
if($matrix->[$row]->[$column] eq "X"){
push @x, [$row, $column] if(check_x([$row, $column], $matrix));
return @x;
my @x = x_search($test0);
for my $row (@{$test0}){
for my $column (@{$row}){
print "$column ";
print "\n";
print "1 X found at Row " . ($x[0]->[0] + 1) . " Column " . ($x[0]->[1] + 1) . ".\n";
print "\n";
@x = x_search($test1);
for my $row (@{$test1}){
for my $column (@{$row}){
print "$column ";
print "\n";
for my $i (0 .. (@x - 1)){
print ordinate($i+1) . " X found at Row " . ($x[$i]->[0] + 1) . " Column " . ($x[$i]->[1] + 1) . ".\n";
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