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Last active June 2, 2019 13:10
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Perl Weekly Challenge 010
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a script to encode/decode Roman numerals.
use boolean;
use Fstream;
use Parse::YYLex;
use RomanParser;
use constant DEBUG => false;
my $s = new Fstream(\*STDIN, "STDIN");
my $lexer = new Parse::YYLex;
my $parser = new RomanParser(\&RomanParser::yylex, \&RomanParser::yyerror, DEBUG);
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a script to find Jaro-Winkler distance between two strings.
use boolean;
use constant P => 0.1;
use constant STRING_A => "cats";
use constant STRING_B => "rabbits";
use constant LENGTH_A => length(STRING_A);
use constant LENGTH_B => length(STRING_B);
sub max{
my($a, $b) = @_;
return $a > $b ? $a : $b;
use constant MATCH_DISTANCE => max(LENGTH_A, LENGTH_B) / 2 - 1;
sub min{
my($a, $b) = @_;
return $a < $b ? $a : $b;
sub jaro{
my($a, $b) = @_;
my $matches = 0;
my $transpositions = 0;
my @a_matches;
my @b_matches;
for(my $i = 0; $i < LENGTH_A; $i++){
my $end = min($i + MATCH_DISTANCE + 1, LENGTH_B);
for(my $j = max(0, $i - MATCH_DISTANCE); $j < $end; $j++){
if(!$b_matches[$j] && $a->[$i] eq $b->[$j]){
$a_matches[$i] = true;
$b_matches[$j] = true;
return 0;
my $j = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i < LENGTH_A; $i++){
if($a->[$i] ne $b->[$j]){
$transpositions += 0.5;
return (($matches / LENGTH_A) + ($matches / LENGTH_B) + (($matches - $transpositions) / $matches)) / 3;
sub jaro_winkler{
my($a, $b, $jaro) = @_;
my $prefix_length = 0;
for my $i (0..3){
if($a->[$i] eq $b->[$i]){
my $sim_w = $jaro + (($prefix_length * P)*(1 - $jaro));
return 1 - $sim_w;
# Main
my @a = split(//, STRING_A);
my @b = split(//, STRING_B);
my $r = sprintf("%1.3f", jaro_winkler(\@a, \@b, jaro(\@a, \@b)));
print "Jaro-Winkler distance of " . STRING_A . " <-> " . STRING_B . ": $r\n";
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