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Last active December 23, 2019 05:59
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Perl Weekly Challenge 039
use strict;
use warnings;
# A guest house had a policy that the light remain ON as
# long as the at least one guest is in the house. There
# is guest book which tracks all guest in/out time.
# Write a script to find out how long in minutes the light were ON.
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Duration;
my $lights_on = new DateTime::Duration(
hours => 0,
minutes => 0,
seconds => 0
my $start_time;
while(my $line = <DATA>){
my @fields = split(/:/, $line);
my($in_hour, $in_minute, $out_hour, $out_minute) = @fields[1, 2, 3, 4];
$in_hour =~ tr/ //d;
$in_minute =~ tr/ OUT//d;
$out_hour =~ tr/ //d;
$start_time = DateTime -> now();
my $in = DateTime -> now();
my $out = DateTime -> now();
if(DateTime->compare($start_time, $in) <= 0){
$lights_on -> add_duration($out->subtract_datetime($in));
if(DateTime->compare($start_time, $in) > 0 &&
DateTime->compare($start_time, $out) < 0
$lights_on -> add_duration($out->subtract_datetime($start_time));
$start_time = $out if (DateTime->compare($start_time, $out) < 0);
print $lights_on->hours() . " hours ";
print $lights_on->minutes() . " minutes\n";
1) Alex IN: 09:10 OUT: 09:45
2) Arnold IN: 09:15 OUT: 09:33
3) Bob IN: 09:22 OUT: 09:55
4) Charlie IN: 09:25 OUT: 10:05
5) Steve IN: 09:33 OUT: 10:01
6) Roger IN: 09:44 OUT: 10:12
7) David IN: 09:57 OUT: 10:23
8) Neil IN: 10:01 OUT: 10:19
9) Chris IN: 10:10 OUT: 11:00
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a script to demonstrate Reverse Polish notation(RPN).
use Rpn;
use constant RPN_ADD => "10 8 + \n";
use constant RPN_SUBTRACT => "18 66 - \n";
use constant RPN_MULTIPLY => "10 8 * \n";
use constant RPN_DIVIDE => "52 2 / \n";
use constant RPN => "2 2 + 3 3 + + 1 7 - + \n";
my $parser = new Rpn();
%token NUMBER
line: '\n' | rpn '\n' {print $_[1] . "\n"}
| rpn rpn '+' {$_[1] + $_[2]}
| rpn rpn '-' {$_[1] - $_[2]}
| rpn rpn '*' {$_[1] * $_[2]}
| rpn rpn '/' {$_[1] / $_[2]}
sub lexer{
my($parser) = @_;
$parser->YYData->{INPUT} or return('', undef);
$parser->YYData->{INPUT} =~ s/^[ \t]//;
# send tokens to parser
s/^([0-9]+)// and return ("NUMBER", $1);
s/^(\+)// and return ("+", $1);
s/^(-)// and return ("-", $1);
s/^(\*)// and return ("*", $1);
s/^(\/)// and return ("/", $1);
s/^(\n)// and return ("\n", $1);
sub error{
exists $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG}
and do{
print $_[0]->YYData->{ERRMSG};
print "syntax error\n";
sub parse{
my($self, $input) = @_;
$self->YYData->{INPUT} = $input;
my $result = $self->YYParse(yylex => \&lexer, yyerror => \&error);
return $result;
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