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Last active April 26, 2019 20:28
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Perl Weekly Challenge 005
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a program which prints out all anagrams for a given word.
use constant DICTIONARY => "/usr/share/dict/words";
my %word_product;
my %letter_factor = (
e => 2,
t => 3,
a => 5,
o => 7,
i => 11,
n => 13,
s => 17,
h => 19,
r => 23,
d => 29,
l => 31,
c => 37,
u => 41,
m => 43,
w => 47,
f => 53,
g => 59,
y => 61,
p => 67,
b => 71,
v => 73,
k => 79,
j => 83,
x => 89,
q => 97,
z => 101
# Main
my $test_word = $ARGV[0];
$test_word =~ tr/-//d;
my @letters = split(//, $test_word);
my $test_word_product = 1;
map {$test_word_product *= $_} map{$letter_factor{$_}} @letters;
my $word = lc($_);
$word =~ tr/-//d;
@letters = split(//, $word);
my $product = 1;
map {$product *= $_} map{$letter_factor{$_}} @letters;
$word_product{$word} = $product;
my @anagrams = grep {$word_product{$_} == $test_word_product} keys(%word_product);
print "$test_word: " . join(" ", @anagrams) . "\n";
print "$test_word: No anagrams found.\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a program to find the sequence of characters that has the most anagrams.
my %word_product;
my %letter_factor = (
e => 2,
t => 3,
a => 5,
o => 7,
i => 11,
n => 13,
s => 17,
h => 19,
r => 23,
d => 29,
l => 31,
c => 37,
u => 41,
m => 43,
w => 47,
f => 53,
g => 59,
y => 61,
p => 67,
b => 71,
v => 73,
k => 79,
j => 83,
x => 89,
q => 97,
z => 101
my %factor_letter = reverse(%letter_factor);
sub prime_factor{
my $x = shift(@_);
my @factors;
for (my $y = 2; $y <= $x; $y++){
next if $x % $y;
$x /= $y;
push @factors, $y;
return @factors;
# Main
my $word = lc($_);
$word =~ tr/-//d;
my @letters = split(//, $word);
my $product = 1;
map {$product *= $_} map{$letter_factor{$_}} @letters;
$word_product{$word} = $product;
my @words = keys(%word_product);
my %product_count;
for my $word (@words){
$product_count{$word_product{$word}} ||= 0;
my @sorted = sort {$product_count{$b} <=> $product_count{$a}} keys %product_count;
print join(" ", map {$factor_letter{$_}} prime_factor($sorted[0])) . "\n";
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