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Last active May 15, 2019 03:29
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Perl Weekly Challenge 008
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a script that computes the first five perfect numbers.
# A perfect number is an integer that is the sum of its positive
# proper divisors (all divisors except itself).
use constant PERFECT_COUNT => 5;
sub factor{
my($n) = @_;
my @factors = (1);
foreach my $j (2..sqrt($n)){
push @factors, $j if $n % $j == 0;
push @factors, ($n / $j) if $n % $j == 0 && $j ** 2 != $n;
return @factors;
my $i = 2;
my $count = 0;
my @factors = factor($i);
my $sum = unpack("%32I*", pack("I*", @factors));
if($sum == $i){
print "$i ";
}while($count < PERFECT_COUNT);
print "\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a function, "center", whose argument is a list of strings, which
# will be lines of text. The function should insert spaces at the beginning
# of the lines of text so that if they were printed, the text would be
# centered, and return the modified lines.
sub center{
my @words = @_;
my @padded_words;
my %line_length;
my $max_length = -1;
my $center;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $line (@words){
$line_length{$i} = do{
$line =~ tr/ [a-z][A-Z]//;
$max_length = $line_length{$i} if $line_length{$i} > $max_length;
$center = int($max_length / 2);
for(my $i = 0; $i < @words; $i++){
my $middle = int($line_length{$i} / 2);
my $padding = $center - $middle;
$padded_words[$i] = " " x $padding . $words[$i];
return @padded_words;
# Main
my @words;
local $/;
@words = split(/\n/, <DATA>);
my @centered = center(@words);
foreach my $w (@centered){
print "$w\n";
a test of the
center function
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