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Last active May 12, 2019 14:53
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Perl Weekly Challenge 007
use strict;
use warnings;
# Print all the niven numbers from 0 to 50 inclusive, each on their own line.
# A niven number is a non-negative number that is divisible by the sum of its digits.
use constant NIVEN_COUNT => 50;
my $i = 1;
my $count = 0;
my @digits = split(//,$i);
my $digit_sum = unpack("%32C*", pack("C*", @digits));
if($i % $digit_sum == 0){
print "$i ";
}while($count < NIVEN_COUNT);
print "\n";
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Given two input words and a file that contains an ordered word list, implement a
# routine (e.g., find_shortest_ladder(word1, word2, wordlist)) that finds the shortest
# ladder between the two input words.
# A word ladder is a sequence of words [w_0, w_1, ..., w_n] such that each word w_i in
# the sequence is obtained by changing a single character in the word wi-1.
use Graph;
use boolean;
use constant OO => "∞";
sub build_graph{
my($words) = @_;
my $graph = new Graph(undirected => true);
foreach my $w0 (@{$words}){
my $length_w0 = do{
$w0 =~ tr/[a-z]//;
foreach my $w1 (@{$words}){
my $differences = eval "\$w1 =~ tr/$w0//";
if(($length_w0 - $differences) == 1){
$graph->add_vertex($w1) unless $graph->has_vertex($w1);
$graph->add_edge($w0, $w1) unless $graph->has_edge($w0, $w1);
return $graph;
sub dijkstra_sssp{
my($graph, $source) = @_;
my %paths;
my %total_edges;
no warnings "once";
local *by_total_edges = sub {
return 1 if $total_edges{$a} eq OO;
return -1 if $total_edges{$b} eq OO;
return $total_edges{$a} <=> $total_edges{$b};
my @vertices = $graph->vertices();
foreach my $v (@vertices){
$total_edges{$v} = OO;
$paths{$v} = $v;
$total_edges{$source} = 0;
@vertices = sort by_total_edges @vertices;
my $closest_vertex = shift @vertices;
foreach my $child_vertex ($graph->successors($closest_vertex)){
if($total_edges{$child_vertex} eq OO){
$total_edges{$child_vertex} = $total_edges{$closest_vertex} + 1;
$paths{$child_vertex} = $closest_vertex;
return \%paths;
sub find_shortest_ladder{
my($source, $target, $words) = @_;
my $graph = build_graph($words);
my $paths=dijkstra_sssp($graph, $source);
foreach my $vertex ($graph->vertices()) {
my @path;
my $next = $vertex;
unshift @path, $next;
while ($next ne $source) {
$next = $paths->{$next};
unshift @path, $next;
return join(" -> ", @path) if(($path[0] eq $source) && ($path[@path - 1] eq $target));
return undef;
# Main
my @words = do{
local $/;
my $words = <DATA>;
my $ladder = find_shortest_ladder($words[0], $words[@words - 1], \@words);
print "$ladder\n";
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