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Created February 3, 2019 23:41
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module ThrottleDebounce
( ThrottlingContext
, newThrottlingContext
, debounce
, throttle
) where
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Control.Bind (bind, discard, (>>=))
import Data.DateTime (DateTime)
import Data.DateTime as Datetime
import Data.Function (($))
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
import Data.Ord ((<))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Time.Duration (class Duration, Milliseconds, fromDuration, negateDuration)
import Data.Unit (Unit, unit)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff as A
import Effect.Aff.AVar as AV
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Now (nowDateTime)
import Effect.Ref (Ref)
import Effect.Ref as Ref
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Type.Data.Boolean (kind Boolean)
newtype ThrottlingContext a = ThrottlingContext
{ executor :: Ref (Maybe {action :: Aff a, time :: DateTime})
, semaphore :: AV.AVar Unit }
newThrottlingContext :: forall a. Aff (ThrottlingContext a)
newThrottlingContext = do
executor <- liftEffect $ Nothing
semaphore <- AV.empty
pure $ ThrottlingContext { executor, semaphore }
throttle :: forall a d. Duration d => ThrottlingContext a -> d -> Aff a -> Aff (Maybe a)
throttle (ThrottlingContext {executor, semaphore}) delay action = do
_ <- A.forkAff $ do
_ <- liftEffect $ do
time <- nowDateTime
Ref.write (Just {action, time}) executor
pure unit
AV.tryPut unit semaphore >>= case _ of
true -> do
A.delay (fromDuration delay)
exec <- unsafeRead executor
liftEffect $ Ref.write Nothing executor
_ <- AV.take semaphore
Just <$> exec.action
false -> pure Nothing
debounce :: forall a d. Duration d => ThrottlingContext a -> d -> Aff a -> Aff (Maybe a)
debounce (ThrottlingContext {executor, semaphore}) delay action =
let delayMs = (fromDuration delay) :: Milliseconds
in do
_ <- A.forkAff $ do
_ <- liftEffect $ do
time <- nowDateTime
Ref.write (Just {action, time}) executor
pure unit
AV.tryPut unit semaphore >>= case _ of
true ->
let loop x = do
A.delay x
now <- liftEffect nowDateTime
exec <- unsafeRead executor
let td = Datetime.diff now exec.time
if td < delayMs
then loop (delayMs <> negateDuration td)
else do
pure exec.action
in do
exec <- loop delayMs
liftEffect $ Ref.write Nothing executor
_ <- AV.take semaphore
Just <$> exec
false -> pure Nothing
unsafeRead :: forall a . Ref (Maybe a) -> Aff a
unsafeRead r = liftEffect $ do
mr <- r
pure $ unsafePartial $ fromJust mr
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