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Last active August 8, 2023 20:02
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;; Custom inspection tool!
;; =======================
(defn appendv
[coll & args]
(apply conj (vec coll) args))
(def *inspections* (atom {}))
(defmacro inspect
(let [env# (->> &env (keys) (mapv (juxt str identity)) (into {}))]
`(swap! *inspections* update ~tag appendv ~env#)))
(defmacro for-inspect
[tag & forms]
(vec (map-indexed (fn [index runs]
`(let ~(vec (mapcat
(fn [[k _v]] [`~(symbol k) `(get-in @*inspections* ~[tag index k])])
(take-last 12 (@*inspections* tag)))))
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