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Created September 21, 2016 21:11
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Add AsyncCreatable to typings
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declare namespace ReactSelect {
interface AutocompleteResult {
/** the search-results to be displayed */
data: Option[],
/** Should be set to true, if and only if a longer query with the same prefix
* would return a subset of the results
* If set to true, more specific queries will not be sent to the server.
complete: boolean;
interface Option {
/** Text for rendering */
label: string;
/** Value for searching */
value: string | number;
* Allow this option to be cleared
* @default true
clearableValue?: boolean;
interface MenuRendererProps {
* The currently focused option; should be visible in the menu by default.
* default {}
focusedOption: Option;
* Callback to focus a new option; receives the option as a parameter.
focusOption: (option: Option) => void;
* Option labels are accessible with this string key.
labelKey: string;
* Ordered array of options to render.
options: Option[];
* Callback to select a new option; receives the option as a parameter.
selectValue: (option: Option) => void;
* Array of currently selected options.
valueArray: Option[];
interface ReactSelectProps extends __React.Props<ReactSelectClass> {
* text to display when `allowCreate` is true.
* @default 'Add "{label}"?'
addLabelText?: string;
* blurs the input element after a selection has been made. Handy for lowering the keyboard on mobile devices.
* @default false
autoBlur?: boolean;
* autofocus the component on mount
* @default false
autofocus?: boolean;
* If enabled, the input will expand as the length of its value increases
autosize?: boolean;
* whether pressing backspace removes the last item when there is no input value
* @default true
backspaceRemoves?: boolean;
* CSS className for the outer element
className?: string;
* title for the "clear" control when `multi` is true
* @default "Clear all"
clearAllText?: string;
* title for the "clear" control
* @default "Clear value"
clearValueText?: string;
* whether it is possible to reset value. if enabled, an X button will appear at the right side.
* @default true
clearable?: boolean;
* delimiter to use to join multiple values
* @default ","
delimiter?: string;
* whether the Select is disabled or not
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* whether escape clears the value when the menu is closed
* @default true
escapeClearsValue?: boolean;
* method to filter a single option
filterOption?: (option: Option, filter: string) => Option;
* method to filter the options array
filterOptions?: (options: Array<Option>, filter: string, currentValues: Array<Option>) => Array<Option>;
* whether to strip diacritics when filtering
* @default true
ignoreAccents?: boolean;
* whether to perform case-insensitive filtering
* @default true
ignoreCase?: boolean;
* custom attributes for the Input (in the Select-control) e.g: {'data-foo': 'bar'}
* @default {}
inputProps?: Object;
* whether the Select is loading externally or not (such as options being loaded).
* if true, a loading spinner will be shown at the right side.
* @default false
isLoading?: boolean;
* (legacy mode) joins multiple values into a single form field with the delimiter
* @default false
joinValues?: boolean;
* the option property to use for the label
* @default "label"
labelKey?: string;
* (any, start) match the start or entire string when filtering
* @default "any"
matchPos?: string;
* (any, label, value) which option property to filter on
* @default "any"
matchProp?: string;
* buffer of px between the base of the dropdown and the viewport to shift if menu doesnt fit in viewport
* @default 0
menuBuffer?: number;
* optional style to apply to the menu container
menuContainerStyle?: {}
* renders a custom menu with options
menuRenderer?: (props: MenuRendererProps) => __React.ReactElement<any>;
* optional style to apply to the menu
menuStyle?: {}
* multi-value input
* @default false
multi?: boolean;
* field name, for hidden `<input>` tag
name?: string;
* placeholder displayed when there are no matching search results or a falsy value to hide it
* @default "No results found"
noResultsText?: string;
* onBlur handler: function (event) {}
onBlur?: __React.FocusEventHandler;
* whether to clear input on blur or not
* @default true
onBlurResetsInput?: boolean;
* onChange handler: function (newValue) {}
onChange?: (newValue: Option | Option[]) => void;
* fires when the menu is closed
onClose?: () => void;
* onFocus handler: function (event) {}
onFocus?: __React.FocusEventHandler;
* onInputChange handler: function (inputValue) {}
onInputChange?: (inputValue: string) => void;
* fires when the menu is scrolled to the bottom; can be used to paginate options
onMenuScrollToBottom?: () => void;
* fires when the menu is opened
onOpen?: () => void;
* @deprecated use onValueClick isntead
onOptionLabelClick?: (value: string, event: Event) => void;
* boolean to enable opening dropdown when focused
* @default false
openAfterFocus?: boolean;
* open the options menu when the input gets focus (requires searchable = true)
* @default false
openOnFocus?: boolean;
* option component to render in dropdown
optionComponent?: __React.ComponentClass<any>;
* function which returns a custom way to render the options in the menu
optionRenderer?: (option: Option) => JSX.Element;
* array of Select options
* @default false
options?: Array<Option>;
* field placeholder, displayed when there's no value
* @default "Select..."
placeholder?: string | __React.ReactElement<any>;
* applies HTML5 required attribute when needed
* @default false
required?: boolean;
* value to use when you clear the control
resetValue?: any;
* whether the viewport will shift to display the entire menu when engaged
* @default true
scrollMenuIntoView?: boolean;
* whether to enable searching feature or not
* @default true;
searchable?: boolean;
* whether to select the currently focused value when the [tab] key is pressed
tabSelectsValue?: boolean;
* initial field value
value?: Option | Option[] | string | string[] | number | number[];
* the option property to use for the value
* @default "value"
valueKey?: string;
* function which returns a custom way to render the value selected
* @default false
valueRenderer?: (option: Option) => JSX.Element;
* optional style to apply to the control
style?: any;
* optional tab index of the control
tabIndex?: string;
* value component to render
valueComponent?: __React.ComponentClass<any>;
* optional style to apply to the component wrapper
wrapperStyle?: any;
* onClick handler for value labels: function (value, event) {}
onValueClick?: (value: string, event: Event) => void;
* pass the value to onChange as a simple value (legacy pre 1.0 mode), defaults to false
simpleValue?: boolean;
interface ReactAsyncSelectProps extends ReactSelectProps {
* object to use to cache results; can be null to disable cache
cache?: Object | boolean;
* whether to strip diacritics when filtering (shared with Select)
ignoreAccents?: boolean;
* whether to perform case-insensitive filtering (shared with Select)
ignoreCase?: boolean;
* overrides the isLoading state when set to true
isLoading?: boolean;
* function to call to load options asynchronously
loadOptions: (input: string, callback: (err: any, result: AutocompleteResult) => any) => any;
* replaces the placeholder while options are loading
loadingPlaceholder?: string;
* the minimum number of characters that trigger loadOptions
minimumInput?: number;
* placeholder displayed when there are no matching search results (shared with Select)
noResultsText?: string;
* field placeholder; displayed when there's no value (shared with Select)
placeholder?: string;
* label to prompt for search input
searchPromptText?: string;
* message to display while options are loading
searchingText?: string;
interface ReactCreatableSelectProps extends ReactSelectProps {
* Searches for any matching option within the set of options. This function prevents
* duplicate options from being created.
isOptionUnique?: (arg: { option: Option, options: Option[], labelKey: string, valueKey: string }) => boolean;
* Determines if the current input text represents a valid option.
isValidNewOption?: (arg: { label: string }) => boolean;
* factory to create new options
newOptionCreator?: (input: string) => Option;
* Creates prompt/placeholder for option text.
promptTextCreator?: (filterText: string) => string;
* Decides if a keyDown event (eg its 'keyCode') should result in the creation of a new option.
shouldKeyDownEventCreateNewOption?: (arg: { keyCode: number }) => boolean;
interface ReactAsyncCreatableSelectProps extends ReactAsyncSelectProps, ReactCreatableSelectProps {
placeholder?: string;
class ReactSelectCreatableClass extends __React.Component<ReactCreatableSelectProps, {}> {
class ReactSelectAsyncClass extends __React.Component<ReactAsyncSelectProps, {}> {
class ReactSelectAsyncCreatableClass extends __React.Component<ReactAsyncSelectProps, {}> {
class ReactSelectClass extends __React.Component<ReactSelectProps, {}> {
static Async: ReactSelectAsyncClass;
static Creatable: ReactSelectCreatableClass;
static AsyncCreatable: ReactAsyncCreatableSelectProps;
declare module "react-select" {
export = ReactSelect.ReactSelectClass;
declare module "react-select-props" {
import Option = ReactSelect.Option;
import MenuRendererProps = ReactSelect.MenuRendererProps;
import ReactSelectProps = ReactSelect.ReactSelectProps;
import ReactAsyncSelectProps = ReactSelect.ReactAsyncSelectProps;
import ReactCreatableSelectProps = ReactSelect.ReactCreatableSelectProps;
export { MenuRendererProps, ReactSelectProps, ReactAsyncSelectProps, ReactCreatableSelectProps, Option };
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