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Last active April 5, 2016 09:51
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  • Save adamelso/830d89637d48dc2feb5358974c6731e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adamelso/830d89637d48dc2feb5358974c6731e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sylius version 0.17 dependencies.
$ composer create-project sylius/sylius shop-one
Installing sylius/sylius (v0.17.0)
- Installing sylius/sylius (v0.17.0)
Downloading: 100%
Created project in shop-one
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
- Installing twig/twig (v1.23.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing psr/log (1.0.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing doctrine/lexer (v1.0.1)
Loading from cache
- Installing doctrine/inflector (v1.1.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing doctrine/collections (v1.3.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing doctrine/cache (v1.5.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/annotations (v1.2.7)
Loading from cache
- Installing doctrine/common (v2.5.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/symfony (v2.7.7)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing a2lix/translation-form-bundle (2.0.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing behat/transliterator (v1.1.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle (1.2.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing jdorn/sql-formatter (v1.2.17)
Loading from cache
- Installing doctrine/dbal (v2.5.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/doctrine-bundle (1.6.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/data-fixtures (v1.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle (v2.21)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/migrations (v1.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle (1.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing ruflin/elastica (2.2.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle (v3.1.6)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing friendsofsymfony/oauth2-php (1.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle (1.4.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing guzzle/guzzle (v3.9.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing psr/http-message (1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.2.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing guzzlehttp/promises (1.0.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing kriswallsmith/buzz (v0.15)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing hwi/oauth-bundle (0.3.9)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing incenteev/composer-parameter-handler (v2.1.2)
Loading from cache
- Installing phpcr/phpcr (2.1.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpcr/phpcr-utils (1.2.8)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing jackalope/jackalope-doctrine-dbal (1.2.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing jackalope/jackalope (1.2.6)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpoption/phpoption (1.5.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing phpcollection/phpcollection (0.4.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing jms/parser-lib (1.0.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing jms/metadata (1.5.1)
Loading from cache
- Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.0.5)
Loading from cache
- Installing jms/serializer (1.1.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing nikic/php-parser (v0.9.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing jms/translation-bundle (1.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing knplabs/gaufrette (0.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing knplabs/knp-gaufrette-bundle (0.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing knplabs/knp-menu (v1.1.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing knplabs/knp-snappy (0.4.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle (v1.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing true/punycode (v2.0.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing league/url (3.3.5)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing imagine/imagine (v0.6.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing liip/imagine-bundle (1.3.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-stdlib (2.7.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-hydrator (1.0.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-eventmanager (2.5.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-code (2.5.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing ocramius/proxy-manager (1.0.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/common (v2.3.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/worldpay (v2.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/targetpay (v2.2.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/stripe (v2.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/securepay (v2.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/sagepay (v2.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/pin (v2.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/paypal (v2.4.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/paymentexpress (v2.1.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/payflow (2.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/payfast (v2.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/netbanx (v2.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/netaxept (v2.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/multisafepay (V2.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/mollie (v3.0.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/migs (v2.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/manual (v2.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/gocardless (2.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/firstdata (v2.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/eway (v2.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/dummy (v2.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/coinbase (v2.0.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/cardsave (2.1.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/buckaroo (v2.0.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/authorizenet (v2.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing omnipay/2checkout (v2.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing payum/iso4217 (1.0.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing payum/payum (1.0.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing payum/omnipay-bridge (1.0.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing payum/payum-bundle (1.0.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sensiolabs/security-checker (v3.0.2)
Loading from cache
- Installing sensio/distribution-bundle (v3.0.34)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sonata-project/cache (1.0.6)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing cocur/slugify (v1.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sonata-project/core-bundle (2.3.10)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing gedmo/doctrine-extensions (v2.4.9)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle (v1.2.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony-cmf/core-bundle (1.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sonata-project/block-bundle (2.2.13)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/phpcr-odm (1.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/phpcr-bundle (1.2.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony-cmf/block-bundle (1.2.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony-cmf/content-bundle (1.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing kriswallsmith/assetic (v1.3.2)
Loading from cache
- Installing symfony/assetic-bundle (v2.7.1)
Loading from cache
- Installing midgard/createphp (1.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing willdurand/negotiation (1.5.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing willdurand/jsonp-callback-validator (v1.1.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle (1.7.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony-cmf/create-bundle (1.2.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony-cmf/media-bundle (1.2.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing knplabs/knp-menu-bundle (v1.1.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony-cmf/menu-bundle (1.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony-cmf/routing (1.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony-cmf/routing-bundle (1.4.0-RC1)
Loading from cache
- Installing monolog/monolog (1.17.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/monolog-bundle (v2.8.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.0.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-icu (v1.0.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.0.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v5.4.1)
Loading from cache
- Installing symfony/swiftmailer-bundle (v2.3.9)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing twig/extensions (v1.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
Downloading: 100%
- Installing pagerfanta/pagerfanta (v1.0.3)
Loading from cache
- Installing white-october/pagerfanta-bundle (v1.0.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing willdurand/hateoas (v2.9.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing jms/serializer-bundle (1.1.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing willdurand/hateoas-bundle (1.1.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing winzou/state-machine (0.2.2)
Loading from cache
- Installing winzou/state-machine-bundle (v0.2.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sebastian/recursion-context (1.0.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sebastian/exporter (1.2.1)
Loading from cache
- Installing sebastian/diff (1.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sebastian/comparator (1.2.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (2.0.4)
Loading from cache
- Installing phpspec/prophecy (v1.5.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpspec/php-diff (v1.0.2)
Loading from cache
- Installing phpspec/phpspec (2.4.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing akeneo/phpspec-skip-example-extension (v1.2.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing behat/mink (v1.7.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing behat/mink-browserkit-driver (v1.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing instaclick/php-webdriver (1.4.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing behat/mink-selenium2-driver (v1.3.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing behat/gherkin (v4.4.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing behat/behat (v3.0.15)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing behat/symfony2-extension (v2.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing bossa/phpspec2-expect (1.0.3)
Loading from cache
- Installing openlss/lib-array2xml (0.0.10)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing coduo/php-to-string (2.0.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing coduo/php-matcher (dev-master c4917b1)
Cloning c4917b16314900eb186de2422f81191afb7125a3
- Installing container-interop/container-interop (1.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-validator (2.6.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-servicemanager (2.7.5)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-paginator (2.6.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-filter (2.6.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-inputfilter (2.6.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-form (2.6.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-mvc (2.6.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-cache (2.5.3)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing zendframework/zend-authentication (2.5.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/doctrine-module (1.0.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing fabpot/php-cs-fixer (v1.11.1)
Loading from cache
- Installing hamcrest/hamcrest-php (v1.2.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing mockery/mockery (0.9.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing polishsymfonycommunity/symfony-mocker-container (v1.0.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sebastian/version (1.0.6)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sebastian/global-state (1.1.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing sebastian/environment (1.3.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects (2.3.8)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpunit/php-timer (1.0.7)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (1.4.1)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpunit/php-token-stream (1.4.8)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (2.2.4)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.8.18)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing fzaninotto/faker (v1.5.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing nelmio/alice (2.1.2)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing doctrine/orm (v2.4.8)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing lakion/api-test-case (dev-master 466bd22)
Cloning 466bd22a228c96a2dba971045ac8c0b0400df6d1
- Installing behat/mink-extension (v2.1.0)
Downloading: 100%
- Installing lakion/mink-debug-extension (v1.0.3)
Loading from cache
- Installing malukenho/kawaii-gherkin (0.1.2)
Loading from cache
- Installing matthiasnoback/symfony-config-test (v1.4.0)
Loading from cache
- Installing matthiasnoback/symfony-dependency-injection-test (v0.7.6)
Loading from cache
- Installing se/selenium-server-standalone (v2.52.0)
Loading from cache
a2lix/translation-form-bundle suggests installing a2lix/i18n-doctrine-bundle (For A2lix strategy)
a2lix/translation-form-bundle suggests installing knplabs/doctrine-behaviors (For Knp strategy)
a2lix/translation-form-bundle suggests installing prezent/doctrine-translatable-bundle (For Prezent strategy)
doctrine/data-fixtures suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (For loading MongoDB ODM fixtures)
ruflin/elastica suggests installing egeloen/http-adapter (Allow using httpadapter transport)
ruflin/elastica suggests installing munkie/elasticsearch-thrift-php (Allow using thrift transport)
friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle (*)
friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle suggests installing propel/propel-bundle (If you want to use Propel with Symfony2, then you will have to install the PropelBundle)
friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle suggests installing willdurand/propel-typehintable-behavior (The Typehintable behavior is useful to add type hints on generated methods, to be compliant with interfaces)
hwi/oauth-bundle suggests installing friendsofsymfony/user-bundle (to connect FOSUB with this bundle)
phpcr/phpcr-utils suggests installing ramsey/uuid (A PHP 5.4+ library for generating RFC 4122 version 1, 3, 4, and 5 universally unique identifiers (UUID).)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing amazonwebservices/aws-sdk-for-php (to use the legacy Amazon S3 adapters)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (to use the Amazon S3 adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing dropbox-php/dropbox-php (to use the Dropbox adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing ext-apc (to use the APC adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing ext-mongo (*)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing google/apiclient (to use GoogleCloudStorage adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing herzult/php-ssh (to use SFtp adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing microsoft/windowsazure (to use Microsoft Azure Blob Storage adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing phpseclib/phpseclib (to use PhpseclibSftp adapter)
knplabs/gaufrette suggests installing rackspace/php-opencloud (to use Opencloud adapter)
knplabs/knp-menu suggests installing pimple/pimple (for the built-in implementations of the menu provider and renderer provider)
knplabs/knp-menu suggests installing silex/silex (for the integration with your silex application)
knplabs/knp-snappy suggests installing h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 (Provides wkhtmltoimage-amd64 binary for Linux-compatible machines, use version `~0.12` as dependency)
knplabs/knp-snappy suggests installing h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-i386 (Provides wkhtmltoimage-i386 binary for Linux-compatible machines, use version `~0.12` as dependency)
knplabs/knp-snappy suggests installing h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 (Provides wkhtmltopdf-amd64 binary for Linux-compatible machines, use version `~0.12` as dependency)
knplabs/knp-snappy suggests installing h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-i386 (Provides wkhtmltopdf-i386 binary for Linux-compatible machines, use version `~0.12` as dependency)
knplabs/knp-snappy suggests installing wemersonjanuario/wkhtmltopdf-windows (Provides wkhtmltopdf executable for Windows, use version `~0.12` as dependency)
imagine/imagine suggests installing ext-gmagick (to use the Gmagick implementation)
imagine/imagine suggests installing ext-imagick (to use the Imagick implementation)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing amazonwebservices/aws-sdk-for-php (Add it if you'd like to use aws v1 resolver)
liip/imagine-bundle suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Add it if you'd like to use aws v2 or v3 resolver)
zendframework/zend-stdlib suggests installing zendframework/zend-serializer (Zend\Serializer component)
zendframework/zend-hydrator suggests installing zendframework/zend-serializer (^2.5.1, to use the SerializableStrategy)
ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing ocramius/generated-hydrator (To have very fast object to array to object conversion for ghost objects)
ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-json (To have the JsonRpc adapter (Remote Object feature))
ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-soap (To have the Soap adapter (Remote Object feature))
ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-xmlrpc (To have the XmlRpc adapter (Remote Object feature))
payum/payum suggests installing authorizenet/authorizenet (If you want to use Authorizenet.NET install authorizenet/authorizenet:~1.8 library)
payum/payum suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (If you want to store models to mongo doctrin2 ODM)
payum/payum suggests installing fp/klarna-invoice (If you want to use Klarna Invoice install fp/klarna-invoice:0.1.* library)
payum/payum suggests installing klarna/checkout (If you want to use Klarna Checkout install klarna/checkout:~1|~2.0 library)
payum/payum suggests installing paypal/rest-api-sdk-php (If you want to use PayPal REST API install paypal/rest-api-sdk-php:0.5.* library)
payum/payum suggests installing propel/propel (If you want to store models to Propel2 ORM)
payum/payum suggests installing propel/propel1 (If you want to store models to Propel1 ORM)
payum/payum suggests installing stripe/stripe-php (If you want to use Stripe install stripe/stripe-php:~1.0 library)
payum/payum suggests installing zendframework/zend-db (If you want to store models to Zend Db ORM)
payum/payum-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/admin-bundle (If you want to configure payments in the backend.)
sonata-project/cache suggests installing ext-apc (Caching with ext/apc)
sonata-project/cache suggests installing ext-memcached (Caching with ext/memcached)
sonata-project/cache suggests installing predis/predis (Install redis php)
gedmo/doctrine-extensions suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (to use the extensions with the MongoDB ODM)
stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle (to use the MongoDB ODM extensions)
symfony-cmf/core-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/admin-bundle (To be able to enable the publish_workflow_listener extension, ~2.2)
sonata-project/block-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/admin-bundle (~2.2)
sonata-project/block-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/cache-bundle (~2.1)
doctrine/phpcr-odm suggests installing jackalope/jackalope-jackrabbit (^1.0)
doctrine/phpcr-bundle suggests installing burgov/key-value-form-bundle (to edit assoc multivalue properties. require version 1.0.*)
doctrine/phpcr-bundle suggests installing jackalope/jackalope-jackrabbit (if you want to connect to jackrabbit. require version ~1.0.1)
doctrine/phpcr-bundle suggests installing phpcr/phpcr-shell (If you want native access to PHPCR-Shell to manage the PHPCR repository)
symfony-cmf/block-bundle suggests installing eko/feedbundle (When using the RssBlock)
symfony-cmf/block-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/cache-bundle (To add caching support for block loading)
symfony-cmf/content-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/doctrine-phpcr-admin-bundle (To provide admin interfaces for the content)
kriswallsmith/assetic suggests installing leafo/lessphp (Assetic provides the integration with the lessphp LESS compiler)
kriswallsmith/assetic suggests installing leafo/scssphp (Assetic provides the integration with the scssphp SCSS compiler)
kriswallsmith/assetic suggests installing leafo/scssphp-compass (Assetic provides the integration with the SCSS compass plugin)
kriswallsmith/assetic suggests installing patchwork/jsqueeze (Assetic provides the integration with the JSqueeze JavaScript compressor)
kriswallsmith/assetic suggests installing ptachoire/cssembed (Assetic provides the integration with phpcssembed to embed data uris)
symfony/assetic-bundle suggests installing kriswallsmith/spork (to be able to dump assets in parallel)
friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle suggests installing sensio/framework-extra-bundle (Add support for route annotations and the view response listener, requires ~3.0)
symfony-cmf/media-bundle suggests installing helios-ag/fm-elfinder-bundle (When using the elFinder media browser)
symfony-cmf/menu-bundle suggests installing burgov/key-value-form-bundle (if you want to edit the advanced options on the node with the menu options extension)
symfony-cmf/menu-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/doctrine-phpcr-admin-bundle (if you want to have editing capabilities)
symfony-cmf/routing-bundle suggests installing sonata-project/doctrine-phpcr-admin-bundle (To provide an admin interface for the PHPCR ODM documents (^1.1))
monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB)
monolog/monolog suggests installing doctrine/couchdb (Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-amqp (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required))
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-mongo (Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing graylog2/gelf-php (Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-console/php-console (Allow sending log messages to Google Chrome)
monolog/monolog suggests installing raven/raven (Allow sending log messages to a Sentry server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages to Rollbar)
monolog/monolog suggests installing videlalvaro/php-amqplib (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing doctrine/mongodb-odm (To use the DoctrineODMMongoDBAdapter.)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing mandango/mandango (To use the MandangoAdapter.)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing propel/propel1 (To use the PropelAdapter)
pagerfanta/pagerfanta suggests installing solarium/solarium (To use the SolariumAdapter.)
jms/serializer-bundle suggests installing jms/di-extra-bundle (Required to get lazy loading (de)serialization visitors, ~1.3)
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock suggests installing dflydev/markdown (~1.0)
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock suggests installing erusev/parsedown (~1.0)
phpspec/phpspec suggests installing phpspec/nyan-formatters (~1.0 – Adds Nyan formatters)
behat/mink suggests installing behat/mink-goutte-driver (fast headless driver for any app without JS emulation)
behat/mink suggests installing behat/mink-zombie-driver (fast and JS-enabled headless driver for any app (requires node.js))
behat/behat suggests installing behat/yii-extension (for integration with Yii web framework)
zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-db (Zend\Db component)
zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-i18n (Zend\I18n component to allow translation of validation error messages as well as to use the various Date validators)
zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-i18n-resources (Translations of validator messages)
zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-math (Zend\Math component)
zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-session (Zend\Session component)
zendframework/zend-validator suggests installing zendframework/zend-uri (Zend\Uri component, required by the Uri and Sitemap\Loc validators)
zendframework/zend-servicemanager suggests installing zendframework/zend-di (Zend\Di component)
zendframework/zend-paginator suggests installing zendframework/zend-db (Zend\Db component)
zendframework/zend-paginator suggests installing zendframework/zend-json (Zend\Json component)
zendframework/zend-paginator suggests installing zendframework/zend-view (Zend\View component)
zendframework/zend-filter suggests installing zendframework/zend-crypt (Zend\Crypt component, for encryption filters)
zendframework/zend-filter suggests installing zendframework/zend-i18n (Zend\I18n component for filters depending on i18n functionality)
zendframework/zend-filter suggests installing zendframework/zend-uri (Zend\Uri component, for the UriNormalize filter)
zendframework/zend-form suggests installing zendframework/zend-captcha (Zend\Captcha component)
zendframework/zend-form suggests installing zendframework/zend-i18n (Zend\I18n component)
zendframework/zend-form suggests installing zendframework/zend-view (Zend\View component)
zendframework/zend-form suggests installing zendframework/zendservice-recaptcha (ZendService\ReCaptcha component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-config (Zend\Config component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-console (Zend\Console component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-di (Zend\Di component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-http (Zend\Http component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-i18n (Zend\I18n component for translatable segments)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-json (Zend\Json component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-log (Zend\Log component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-modulemanager (Zend\ModuleManager component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-serializer (Zend\Serializer component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-session (Zend\Session component for FlashMessenger, PRG, and FPRG plugins)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-text (Zend\Text component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-uri (Zend\Uri component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-version (Zend\Version component)
zendframework/zend-mvc suggests installing zendframework/zend-view (Zend\View component)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing ext-dba (DBA, to use the DBA storage adapter)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing ext-memcache (Memcache >= 2.0.0 to use the Memcache storage adapter)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing ext-memcached (Memcached >= 1.0.0 to use the Memcached storage adapter)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing ext-mongo (Mongo, to use MongoDb storage adapter)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing ext-redis (Redis, to use Redis storage adapter)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing ext-wincache (WinCache, to use the WinCache storage adapter)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing ext-xcache (XCache, to use the XCache storage adapter)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing mongofill/mongofill (Alternative to ext-mongo - a pure PHP implementation designed as a drop in replacement)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing zendframework/zend-serializer (Zend\Serializer component)
zendframework/zend-cache suggests installing zendframework/zend-session (Zend\Session component)
zendframework/zend-authentication suggests installing zendframework/zend-crypt (Zend\Crypt component)
zendframework/zend-authentication suggests installing zendframework/zend-db (Zend\Db component)
zendframework/zend-authentication suggests installing zendframework/zend-http (Zend\Http component)
zendframework/zend-authentication suggests installing zendframework/zend-ldap (Zend\Ldap component)
zendframework/zend-authentication suggests installing zendframework/zend-session (Zend\Session component)
zendframework/zend-authentication suggests installing zendframework/zend-uri (Zend\Uri component)
sebastian/global-state suggests installing ext-uopz (*)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1)
Generating autoload files
Creating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file
Some parameters are missing. Please provide them.
sylius.database.driver (pdo_mysql): (
sylius.database.port (null): (sylius): shop_one
sylius.database.path (null):
sylius.database.user (root):
sylius.database.password (null):
sylius.mailer.transport (smtp): (
sylius.mailer.port (null):
sylius.mailer.user (null):
sylius.mailer.password (null):
sylius.secret (EDITME):
sylius.locale (en_US):
sylius.currency (USD): GBP
sylius.cache ({ type: file_system }):
sylius.phpcr.backend ({ type: doctrinedbal, connection: default, caches: { meta: doctrine_cache.providers.phpcr_meta, nodes: doctrine_cache.providers.phpcr_nodes } }):
sylius.phpcr.workspace (default):
sylius.phpcr.user (EDITME):
sylius.phpcr.pass (EDITME):
sylius.uploader.filesystem (sylius_image):
sylius.currency_importer.open_exchange_rates (EDITME):
sylius.currency_importer.ecb.base_currency (EUR): (EDITME): (EDITME):
sylius.oauth.facebook.clientid (EDITME):
sylius.oauth.facebook.clientsecret (EDITME): (EDITME): (EDITME):
sylius.inventory.backorders_enabled (true):
sylius.inventory.tracking_enabled (true):
sylius.inventory.holding.duration ('15 minutes'):
sylius.order.allow_guest_order (false):
sylius.order.pending.duration ('3 hours'):
wkhtmltopdf.bin_path (/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf):
wkhtmltoimage.bin_path (/usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage):
Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug true
Download or update create
Download or update ckeditor
Installing assets as hard copies.
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\AttributeBundle into web/bundles/syliusattribute
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\ShippingBundle into web/bundles/syliusshipping
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\ReportBundle into web/bundles/syliusreport
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\PromotionBundle into web/bundles/syliuspromotion
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\AddressingBundle into web/bundles/syliusaddressing
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle into web/bundles/syliususer
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\MetadataBundle into web/bundles/syliusmetadata
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\ReviewBundle into web/bundles/syliusreview
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\WebBundle into web/bundles/syliusweb
Installing assets for Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle into web/bundles/syliusresource
Installing assets for Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\CreateBundle into web/bundles/cmfcreate
Installing assets for Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle into web/bundles/framework
Installing assets for JMS\TranslationBundle into web/bundles/jmstranslation
Installing assets for WhiteOctober\PagerfantaBundle into web/bundles/whiteoctoberpagerfanta
Installing assets for A2lix\TranslationFormBundle into web/bundles/a2lixtranslationform
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