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Created July 6, 2012 20:58
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  • Save adamesque/3062721 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adamesque/3062721 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery plugin to filter images without locking the main thread using HTML5 canvas & web workers.
* Simple jQuery HoverFilter plugin, implemented with Web Workers.
* Looks for an img element within the container element you invoke the plugin
* on. Wraps the image in a div and adds a filtered canvas.
* Adds mouseout/mouseover handlers to the container, revealing the
* filtered image.
* Does nothing if the browser doesn't support Web Workers.
* Usage:
* $(".filter li").hoverFilter("/path/to/worker/filter.js", { optionForFilter: 4 });
* Author:
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
* Plugin Class
* Creates wrapper element, canvas. Filters image and reveals on hover.
var Plugin = function (el, workerUrl, filterOpts) {
this.el = $(el);
this.workerUrl = workerUrl;
this.filterOpts = filterOpts;
}; = 0;
Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
var wrapper, canvas;
this.img = this.el.find("img");
this.img.wrap('<div class="wrapper"></div>');
wrapper = this.wrapper = this.img.parent();
wrapper.css("position", "relative");
this.w = window.parseInt(this.img.attr("width"));
this.h = window.parseInt(this.img.attr("height"));
canvas = this.canvas = $("<canvas />");
id: "hoverfilter-canvas-" +,
width: this.w,
height: this.h
left: 0,
opacity: 0,
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
width: "100%",
zIndex: "10"
this.ctx = canvas.get(0).getContext("2d");
this.worker = new window.Worker(this.workerUrl);
this.worker.addEventListener("message", $.proxy(this.receiveData, this), false);
this.el.hover(function () {
opacity: 1
}, {
duration: 200
}, function () {
opacity: 0
}, {
duration: 200
Plugin.prototype.receiveData = function (e) {
if ( {
if ( {
this.ctx.putImageData(, 0, 0 );
Plugin.prototype.getFilterData = function () {
var top_x = 0;
var top_y = 0;
var width = this.w;
var height = this.h;
// Init the canvas with our image's data.
this.ctx.drawImage(this.img.get(0), 0, 0);
var imageData;
try {
imageData = this.ctx.getImageData( top_x, top_y, width, height );
} catch(e) {
alert("Cannot access image");
throw new Error("unable to access image data: " + e);
// Normally we'd just pass the imageData object, which has its own
// height and width properties, but Safari 5.1 doesn't set those
// fields, and if you set them manually, they're erased once you
// pass the object to a worker. Very weird, but fixed in Webkit
// nightlies.
imageData: imageData,
width: width,
height: height,
opts: this.filterOpts
// Instantiate Plugin obj on selected elements.
$.fn.hoverFilter = function (workerUrl, filterOpts) {
if (!!window.Worker) {
return this.each(function () {
$.data(this, "hoverFilter", new Plugin(this, workerUrl, filterOpts));
} else {
return this;
}(jQuery, window, document));
* Stackblur Canvas Worker
* Contains Stackblur, courtesy of Mario Klingemann:
var mul_table = [
var shg_table = [
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self.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
var data =;
var imageData = data.imageData;
var opts =;
var width =;
var height =;
var pixels =;
stackBlurRGB(pixels, width, height, opts.radius);
self.postMessage({ imageData: imageData });
}, false);
function BlurStack() {
this.r = 0;
this.g = 0;
this.b = 0;
this.a = 0; = null;
// Applies blur to pixels array, modified in-place.
function stackBlurRGB (pixels, width, height, radius) {
var x, y, i, p, yp, yi, yw, r_sum, g_sum, b_sum,
r_out_sum, g_out_sum, b_out_sum,
r_in_sum, g_in_sum, b_in_sum,
pr, pg, pb, rbs;
if ( isNaN(radius) || radius < 1 ) return;
radius |= 0;
var div = radius + radius + 1;
var w4 = width << 2;
var widthMinus1 = width - 1;
var heightMinus1 = height - 1;
var radiusPlus1 = radius + 1;
var sumFactor = radiusPlus1 * ( radiusPlus1 + 1 ) / 2;
var stackStart = new BlurStack();
var stack = stackStart;
for ( i = 1; i < div; i++ )
stack = = new BlurStack();
if ( i == radiusPlus1 ) var stackEnd = stack;
} = stackStart;
var stackIn = null;
var stackOut = null;
yw = yi = 0;
var mul_sum = mul_table[radius];
var shg_sum = shg_table[radius];
for ( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
r_in_sum = g_in_sum = b_in_sum = r_sum = g_sum = b_sum = 0;
r_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * ( pr = pixels[yi] );
g_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * ( pg = pixels[yi+1] );
b_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * ( pb = pixels[yi+2] );
r_sum += sumFactor * pr;
g_sum += sumFactor * pg;
b_sum += sumFactor * pb;
stack = stackStart;
for( i = 0; i < radiusPlus1; i++ )
stack.r = pr;
stack.g = pg;
stack.b = pb;
stack =;
for( i = 1; i < radiusPlus1; i++ )
p = yi + (( widthMinus1 < i ? widthMinus1 : i ) << 2 );
r_sum += ( stack.r = ( pr = pixels[p])) * ( rbs = radiusPlus1 - i );
g_sum += ( stack.g = ( pg = pixels[p+1])) * rbs;
b_sum += ( stack.b = ( pb = pixels[p+2])) * rbs;
r_in_sum += pr;
g_in_sum += pg;
b_in_sum += pb;
stack =;
stackIn = stackStart;
stackOut = stackEnd;
for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
pixels[yi] = (r_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
pixels[yi+1] = (g_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
pixels[yi+2] = (b_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
r_sum -= r_out_sum;
g_sum -= g_out_sum;
b_sum -= b_out_sum;
r_out_sum -= stackIn.r;
g_out_sum -= stackIn.g;
b_out_sum -= stackIn.b;
p = ( yw + ( ( p = x + radius + 1 ) < widthMinus1 ? p : widthMinus1 ) ) << 2;
r_in_sum += ( stackIn.r = pixels[p]);
g_in_sum += ( stackIn.g = pixels[p+1]);
b_in_sum += ( stackIn.b = pixels[p+2]);
r_sum += r_in_sum;
g_sum += g_in_sum;
b_sum += b_in_sum;
stackIn =;
r_out_sum += ( pr = stackOut.r );
g_out_sum += ( pg = stackOut.g );
b_out_sum += ( pb = stackOut.b );
r_in_sum -= pr;
g_in_sum -= pg;
b_in_sum -= pb;
stackOut =;
yi += 4;
yw += width;
for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
g_in_sum = b_in_sum = r_in_sum = g_sum = b_sum = r_sum = 0;
yi = x << 2;
r_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * ( pr = pixels[yi]);
g_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * ( pg = pixels[yi+1]);
b_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * ( pb = pixels[yi+2]);
r_sum += sumFactor * pr;
g_sum += sumFactor * pg;
b_sum += sumFactor * pb;
stack = stackStart;
for( i = 0; i < radiusPlus1; i++ )
stack.r = pr;
stack.g = pg;
stack.b = pb;
stack =;
yp = width;
for( i = 1; i <= radius; i++ )
yi = ( yp + x ) << 2;
r_sum += ( stack.r = ( pr = pixels[yi])) * ( rbs = radiusPlus1 - i );
g_sum += ( stack.g = ( pg = pixels[yi+1])) * rbs;
b_sum += ( stack.b = ( pb = pixels[yi+2])) * rbs;
r_in_sum += pr;
g_in_sum += pg;
b_in_sum += pb;
stack =;
if( i < heightMinus1 )
yp += width;
yi = x;
stackIn = stackStart;
stackOut = stackEnd;
for ( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
p = yi << 2;
pixels[p] = (r_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
pixels[p+1] = (g_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
pixels[p+2] = (b_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
r_sum -= r_out_sum;
g_sum -= g_out_sum;
b_sum -= b_out_sum;
r_out_sum -= stackIn.r;
g_out_sum -= stackIn.g;
b_out_sum -= stackIn.b;
p = ( x + (( ( p = y + radiusPlus1) < heightMinus1 ? p : heightMinus1 ) * width )) << 2;
r_sum += ( r_in_sum += ( stackIn.r = pixels[p]));
g_sum += ( g_in_sum += ( stackIn.g = pixels[p+1]));
b_sum += ( b_in_sum += ( stackIn.b = pixels[p+2]));
stackIn =;
r_out_sum += ( pr = stackOut.r );
g_out_sum += ( pg = stackOut.g );
b_out_sum += ( pb = stackOut.b );
r_in_sum -= pr;
g_in_sum -= pg;
b_in_sum -= pb;
stackOut =;
yi += width;
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