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Created March 24, 2013 00:31
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Save adamewing/5229892 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempts to fix various validation issues that exist in BAM files generated by mapsplice.
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' Script for correcting broken mapsplice BAMs using pysam
Adam Ewing (
import sys
import pysam
import os
import subprocess
from re import sub
def namesort_bam(bamfile):
sortbase = bamfile + ".namesort"
sortfn = sortbase + ".bam"
sortargs = ['samtools','sort','-n','-m','10000000000',bamfile,sortbase]
print "sorting, cmd: " + " ".join(sortargs)
return sortfn
def possort_bam(bamfile):
sortbase = bamfile + ".sort"
sortfn = sortbase + ".bam"
sortargs = ['samtools','sort','-m','10000000000',bamfile,sortbase]
print "sorting, cmd: " + " ".join(sortargs)
def validate(reads):
if len(reads) > 2:
return False
if len(reads) == 2:
if reads[0].is_unmapped and reads[1].is_unmapped:
return True
has_read1 = has_read2 = False
for read in reads:
if read.is_read1 and read.is_read2:
return False
if not read.mate_is_unmapped and read.mpos < 0:
return False
if read.is_read1:
has_read1 = True
if read.is_read2:
has_read2 = True
if not (has_read1 and has_read2):
return False
# check isize
if abs(reads[0].isize) != abs(reads[1].isize):
return False
# check paired flag
if not (reads[0].is_paired and reads[1].is_paired):
return False
# mate strand agreement
if reads[0].is_reverse != reads[1].mate_is_reverse:
return False
if reads[1].is_reverse != reads[0].mate_is_reverse:
return False
# mate position and refid agreement
if reads[0].tid != reads[1].rnext or reads[1].tid != reads[0].rnext:
return False
if reads[0].pos != reads[1].mpos or reads[1].pos != reads[0].mpos:
return False
return True
def fixmates(reads):
''' if there are more than 2 reads in a pair:
1. if one is marked non-primary, remove it
2. if (1) results in two 'read1' reads mark one as read
3. TODO: try to base (2) on FR read mapping scheme '''
if len(reads) > 2:
newreads = []
for read in reads:
if not read.is_secondary:
if len(newreads) == 2:
if validate(newreads): # if rejecting a non-primary alignment fixes it
return newreads
else: # unsalvagable at present, don't output
sys.stderr.write("rejecting (three primary alignments for pair):" + newreads[0].qname + "\n")
return []
reads = newreads
if len(reads) == 2:
# fix mate strand agreement, position, refid
reads[1].mate_is_reverse = reads[0].is_reverse
reads[0].mate_is_reverse = reads[1].is_reverse
reads[0].rnext = reads[1].tid
reads[1].rnext = reads[0].tid
reads[0].mpos = reads[1].pos
reads[1].mpos = reads[0].pos
if validate(reads):
return reads
# fix unpaired by flag
if not reads[0].is_paired:
if not reads[1].is_paired:
if validate(reads):
return reads
# fix one-end anchored
if (not reads[0].is_unmapped) and reads[1].is_unmapped:
reads[0].mate_is_unmapped = True
if validate(reads):
return reads
elif (not reads[1].is_unmapped) and reads[0].is_unmapped:
reads[1].mate_is_unmapped = True
if validate(reads):
return reads
# fix insert size, set to smallest of the pair (mapsplice sets huge isizes sometimes)
if abs(reads[0].isize) != abs(reads[1].isize):
if (not reads[0].is_unmapped) and (not reads[1].is_unmapped) and (reads[0].tid == reads[1].tid):
reads[0].isize = reads[0].pos - reads[1].pos
reads[1].isize = reads[1].pos - reads[0].pos
reads[0].isize = reads[1].isize = 0
# fix if mates don't have position/tid set
if (not reads[0].mate_is_unmapped and reads[0].mpos < 0) or (not reads[1].mate_is_unmapped and reads[1].mpos < 0):
reads[0].mpos = reads[1].pos
reads[0].rnext = reads[1].tid
reads[1].mpos = reads[0].pos
reads[1].rnext = reads[0].tid
if validate(reads):
return reads
# try to fix both-ended reads (where a read is marked both end1 and end2)
newreads = []
for read in reads:
if read.is_read1 and read.is_read2:
# try to infer correct order from query name
if read.qname.endswith('/1'):
read.is_read2 = False
elif read.qname.endswith('/2'):
read.is_read1 = False
if validate(newreads): # if fixing both-ended reads is enough
return newreads
reads = newreads
# fix situations where there is no read1 or no read2 in a pair
has_read1 = has_read2 = False
for read in reads:
if read.is_read1:
has_read1 = True
if read.is_read2:
has_read2 = True
# try to assign based on qname
newreads = []
if not (has_read1 and has_read2):
for read in reads:
if read.qname.endswith('/1'):
read.is_read1 = True
read.is_read2 = False
elif read.qname.endswith('/2'):
read.is_read2 = True
read.is_read1 = False
reads = newreads
if validate(reads):
return reads
# arbitrary assignment as last ditch option
reads[0].is_read1 = True
reads[0].is_read2 = False
reads[1].is_read1 = False
reads[1].is_read2 = True
if validate(reads):
return reads
sys.stderr.write("rejecting (could not correct):" + reads[0].qname + "\n")
return []
def writereads(reads, outbam):
for read in reads:
read.qname = sub('/[12]', '', read.qname)
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
assert sys.argv[1].endswith('bam')
inbamfile = namesort_bam(sys.argv[1])
outbamfile = sub('bam$','fix.bam',sys.argv[1])
inbam = pysam.Samfile(inbamfile, 'rb')
outbam = pysam.Samfile(outbamfile, 'wb', template=inbam)
reads = []
passed = fixed = 0
lastname = None
for read in inbam.fetch(until_eof=True):
basename = sub('/[12]', '', read.qname)
if basename == lastname:
if validate(reads):
passed += 1
writereads(reads, outbam)
reads = fixmates(reads)
writereads(reads, outbam)
fixed += 1
reads = []
lastname = basename
# handle last reads
if validate(reads):
passed += 1
writereads(reads, outbam)
reads = fixmates(reads)
writereads(reads, outbam)
fixed += 1
print 'groups passed:',passed,'fixed:',fixed,'... sorting'
print "corrects mapsplice .bam files.\n"
print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "<BAM generated by mapsplice>"
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