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Created October 24, 2018 14:11
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Execute the same scriptblock several times in parallel
function Invoke-Tasks {
Invoke a Task
Executes a task with different calls in parallel.
.Parameter TaskScript
The script for the task to be executed.
.Parameter Parameters
An array of hash tables. Each hash table provides
parameter values used in a seperate run of the task.
.Parameter Throttle
The maximum number of parallel executions of this
$task_script = {
param($name, $age)
"$name is $age years old." >> c:\"temp\${name}.txt"
$task_parameters = @(
@{'name' = 'Ross'; 'age' = 28}
@{'name' = 'Riley'; 'age' = 23}
@{'name' = 'Simone'; 'age' = 31}
Invoke-Tasks -TaskScript $task_script -Parameters $task_parameters
, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=2)][Hashtable[]]$Parameters
, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=3)][int] $Throttle = 3
[pscustomobject[]]$threads_all = @()
[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool() | Out-Null
$runspace_pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Throttle)
$runspace_pool.ApartmentState = "STA"
for ($iterator = 0; $iterator -le $Parameters.Count - 1; $iterator++) {
$session = [Powershell]::Create()
$session.AddScript($TaskScript, $false) | Out-Null
$session.AddParameters($Parameters[$iterator]) | Out-Null
$session.RunspacePool = $runspace_pool
$thread_created = [pscustomobject]@{
'session' = $session
'thread_handle' = $session.BeginInvoke()
'IsActive' = $True
$threads_all += $thread_created
Write-Output -NoEnumerate -InputObject $threads_all
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