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Created December 24, 2020 22:02
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class Solution:
# This function updates the lowLink of nodeNum.
def dfs(self, at, parent, bridges):
# Initialize current node
self.visited[at] = True
self.lowLink[at] = self.rankNum
self.ids[at] = self.rankNum
self.rankNum += 1
for to in self.adjList[at]:
# don't consider going back to the node that I came from
if to == parent:
# If I haven't visited this node
if not self.visited[to]:
self.dfs(to, at, bridges)
# backtrack stage
self.lowLink[at] = min(self.lowLink[at], self.lowLink[to])
# If the lowest link (node) reachable from 'to' is not what has already been seen,
# Then there is no cycle, and this edge constitutes a 'bridge'.
if self.ids[at] < self.lowLink[to]:
bridges.append([at, to])
def criticalConnections(self, n: int, connections: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
Key Observation:
A series of edges that make up a cycle are NOT bridges.
Any edge that does not make up a cycle,
Basically, do a cycle detection, but instead of returning T/F,
we want to know the exact cycle that each end of the edge is a part of.
If these nodes are part of the same cycle, then this is not a critical edge.
If they aren't, then this is a critical edge.
We do this with a 'parentId' for each node. This is defined as the MINIMUM id reachable from the node.
This can be done in a DFS manner.
ParentId can be initialized to itself.
As I do DFS, if the outNode is a lower value than the parentId, then adjust.
This needs to be done recursively.
Maintain visited to not go into infinite cycle.
# Build up Adj List
self.adjList = [[] for _ in range(n)]
for u, v in connections:
# Setting up storage
self.visited = [False] * n
self.lowLink = [x for x in range(n)] # starts pointing to myself
self.ids = [-1] * n
self.rankNum = 0
res = []
for nodeNum in range(n):
if self.visited[nodeNum]:
self.dfs(nodeNum, -1, res)
return res
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