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Created August 13, 2021 20:18
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Type level sets
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object hset extends App {
type ??? = Nothing
// Set(1, 2, 3) Set of ints
// Set("Adam", "Kit") Set of strings
// "Adam" :*: 1 :*: true :*: HNil
// HSet
// Type level set
// Design goals:
// 1. We should only ever be able to have one instance of a type in the set CHECK
// 2. Should be commutative and associative HALF CHECK
// 3. We should be able to look up a value in the set CHECK
// 4. We should be able to remove a value from the set CHECK
// 5. We should be able to take the union of two sets CHECK
// 6. We should be able to add values to the set CHECK
// 1 :*: true :*: HNil // okay
// 1 :*: 2 :*: true :*: HNil // not okay
// 1 :*: true :*: HNil === true :*: 1 :*: HNil
// set.get[Int]
// Has[Logging] with Has[Database] with Has[Monitoring]
// Has[Database] with Has[Monitoring] with Has[Logging] with Has[Database]
sealed trait HSet
object HSet {
implicit def identity[A, B, C, Set <: HSet](
set: Set
)(implicit ev1: Includes[A, Set], ev2: Includes[B, Set], ev3: Includes[C, Set]): A :&: B :&: C :&: HEmpty =
ev1(set) :&: ev2(set) :&: ev3(set) :&: HEmpty
case object HEmpty extends HSet { self =>
def :&:[Head](head: Head): Head :&: HEmpty =
hset.:&:(head, self)
def union[That <: HSet](that: That): That =
type HEmpty = HEmpty.type
final case class :&:[Head, Tail <: HSet](head: Head, tail: Tail) extends HSet { self =>
def :&:[That](that: That)(implicit eliminate: Eliminate[That, Head :&: Tail]): That :&: eliminate.Out =
hset.:&:(that, eliminate(self))
def get[Element](implicit includes: Includes[Element, Head :&: Tail]): Element =
def union[That <: HSet](that: That)(implicit union: Union[Head :&: Tail, That]): union.Out =
union(self, that)
// Element = type to elemiminate from set
// Set = original set before elimination
// Out = resulting set after elimination
// Eliminate[Int, Int :&: String :&: HEmpty] === String :&: HEmpty
// Eliminate[Int, String :&: Boolean :&: HEmpty] === String :&: Boolean :&: HEmpty
trait Eliminate[Element, Set <: HSet] {
type Out <: HSet
def apply(set: Set): Out
object Eliminate extends EliminateLowPriority {
// Sometimes, unfortunately "Aux"
type WithOut[Element, Set <: HSet, Out0 <: HSet] = Eliminate[Element, Set] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def empty[Head]: Eliminate.WithOut[Head, HEmpty, HEmpty] =
new Eliminate[Head, HEmpty] {
type Out = HEmpty
def apply(set: HEmpty.type): Out =
implicit def eliminate[Head, Tail <: HSet]: Eliminate.WithOut[Head, Head :&: Tail, Tail] =
new Eliminate[Head, Head :&: Tail] {
type Out = Tail
def apply(set: Head :&: Tail): Out =
trait EliminateLowPriority {
implicit def recurse[Element, Head, Tail <: HSet](implicit
eliminate: Eliminate[Element, Tail]
): Eliminate.WithOut[Element, Head :&: Tail, Head :&: eliminate.Out] =
new Eliminate[Element, Head :&: Tail] {
type Out = Head :&: eliminate.Out
def apply(set: Head :&: Tail): Head :&: eliminate.Out =
hset.:&:(set.head, eliminate(set.tail))
@implicitNotFound("${Element} was not in ${Set}")
trait Includes[Element, Set <: HSet] {
def apply(set: Set): Element
object Includes extends IncludesLowPriority {
implicit def includes[Head, Tail <: HSet]: Includes[Head, Head :&: Tail] =
new Includes[Head, Head :&: Tail] {
def apply(set: Head :&: Tail): Head =
def includesValue[A](element: A, list: List[A]): A =
list match {
case Nil => throw new Error(s"${element} was not in ${list}")
case head :: next if head == element => head
case head :: tail => includesValue(element, tail)
trait IncludesLowPriority {
implicit def recursive[Element, Head, Tail <: HSet](implicit
includes: Includes[Element, Tail]
): Includes[Element, Head :&: Tail] =
new Includes[Element, Head :&: Tail] {
def apply(set: Head :&: Tail): Element =
trait Union[Left <: HSet, Right <: HSet] {
type Out <: HSet
def apply(left: Left, right: Right): Out
object Union extends UnionLowPriority {
type WithOut[Left <: HSet, Right <: HSet, Out0] = Union[Left, Right] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def leftEmpty[Right <: HSet]: Union.WithOut[HEmpty, Right, Right] =
new Union[HEmpty, Right] {
type Out = Right
def apply(left: HEmpty.type, right: Right): Out =
implicit def removeAndRecurse[LeftHead, LeftTail <: HSet, Right <: HSet](implicit
includes: Includes[LeftHead, Right],
union: Union[LeftTail, Right]
): Union.WithOut[LeftHead :&: LeftTail, Right, union.Out] =
new Union[LeftHead :&: LeftTail, Right] {
type Out = union.Out
def apply(left: LeftHead :&: LeftTail, right: Right): union.Out =
union(left.tail, right)
def unionValue[A](left: List[A], right: List[A]): List[A] =
(left, right) match {
case (Nil, right) => right
case (left, Nil) => left
case (leftHead :: leftTail, right) =>
if (right.contains(leftHead))
unionValue(leftTail, right)
leftHead :: unionValue(leftTail, right)
trait UnionLowPriority {
implicit def recurse[LeftHead, LeftTail <: HSet, RightHead, RightTail <: HSet](implicit
union: Union[LeftTail, RightHead :&: RightTail]
): Union.WithOut[LeftHead :&: LeftTail, RightHead :&: RightTail, LeftHead :&: union.Out] =
new Union[LeftHead :&: LeftTail, RightHead :&: RightTail] {
type Out = LeftHead :&: union.Out
def apply(left: LeftHead :&: LeftTail, right: RightHead :&: RightTail): LeftHead :&: union.Out =
hset.:&:(left.head, union(left.tail, right))
implicit def rightEmpty[Left <: HSet]: Union.WithOut[Left, HEmpty, Left] =
new Union[Left, HEmpty] {
type Out = Left
def apply(left: Left, right: HEmpty.type): Left =
object Example {
val set: String :&: Boolean :&: Int :&: HEmpty.type =
"Kit" :&: true :&: "Adam" :&: 1 :&: HEmpty
val set2 = List(1) :&: List("Adam") :&: List(10) :&: true :&: HEmpty
val myString = set.get[String]
// val myDouble = set.get[Double]
val sameSet: Boolean :&: String :&: Int :&: HEmpty.type =
"Kit" :&: true :&: "Adam" :&: 1 :&: HEmpty
val union1 = set union set
val union2 = set union set2
trait ZIO[-R, +E, +A]
implicit final class HSetOps[R <: HSet, E, A](private val self: ZIO[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal {
def flatMap[R1 <: HSet, E1, B](f: A => ZIO[R1, E1, B])(implicit union: Union[R, R1]): ZIO[union.Out, E1, B] =
def provideSome[R1](r1: R1)(implicit eliminate: Eliminate[R1, R]): ZIO[eliminate.Out, E, A] =
trait Database
trait Logging
trait Monitoring
val sampleDatabase: Database = ???
val zio1: ZIO[Database :&: Logging :&: HEmpty, Nothing, Int] = ???
val zio2: ZIO[Logging :&: Monitoring :&: HEmpty, Nothing, String] = ???
val zio3: ZIO[Database :&: Logging :&: Monitoring :&: HEmpty, Nothing, String] =
zio1.flatMap(_ => zio2)
val zio4: ZIO[Logging :&: Monitoring :&: HEmpty.type, Nothing, String] =
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