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Created December 15, 2021 02:33
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.6.8;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { SafeMath } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { IERC721, IERC165 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import { ReentrancyGuard } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { SafeERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";
import {Counters} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
import { IMarket, Decimal } from "@zoralabs/core/dist/contracts/interfaces/IMarket.sol";
import { IMedia } from "@zoralabs/core/dist/contracts/interfaces/IMedia.sol";
import { IAuctionHouse } from "./interfaces/IAuctionHouse.sol";
interface IWETH {
function deposit() external payable;
function withdraw(uint wad) external;
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
interface IMediaExtended is IMedia {
function marketContract() external returns(address);
* @title An open auction house, enabling collectors and curators to run their own auctions
contract AuctionHouse is IAuctionHouse, ReentrancyGuard {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
// The minimum amount of time left in an auction after a new bid is created
uint256 public timeBuffer;
// The minimum percentage difference between the last bid amount and the current bid.
uint8 public minBidIncrementPercentage;
// The address of the zora protocol to use via this contract
address public zora;
// / The address of the WETH contract, so that any ETH transferred can be handled as an ERC-20
address public wethAddress;
// A mapping of all of the auctions currently running.
mapping(uint256 => IAuctionHouse.Auction) public auctions;
bytes4 constant interfaceId = 0x80ac58cd; // 721 interface id
Counters.Counter private _auctionIdTracker;
* @notice Require that the specified auction exists
modifier auctionExists(uint256 auctionId) {
require(_exists(auctionId), "Auction doesn't exist");
* Constructor
constructor(address _zora, address _weth) public {
"Doesn't support NFT interface"
zora = _zora;
wethAddress = _weth;
timeBuffer = 15 * 60; // extend 15 minutes after every bid made in last 15 minutes
minBidIncrementPercentage = 5; // 5%
* @notice Create an auction.
* @dev Store the auction details in the auctions mapping and emit an AuctionCreated event.
* If there is no curator, or if the curator is the auction creator, automatically approve the auction.
function createAuction(
uint256 tokenId,
address tokenContract,
uint256 duration,
uint256 reservePrice,
address payable curator,
uint8 curatorFeePercentage,
address auctionCurrency
) public override nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
"tokenContract does not support ERC721 interface"
require(curatorFeePercentage < 100, "curatorFeePercentage must be less than 100");
address tokenOwner = IERC721(tokenContract).ownerOf(tokenId);
require(msg.sender == IERC721(tokenContract).getApproved(tokenId) || msg.sender == tokenOwner, "Caller must be approved or owner for token id");
uint256 auctionId = _auctionIdTracker.current();
auctions[auctionId] = Auction({
tokenId: tokenId,
tokenContract: tokenContract,
approved: false,
amount: 0,
duration: duration,
firstBidTime: 0,
reservePrice: reservePrice,
curatorFeePercentage: curatorFeePercentage,
tokenOwner: tokenOwner,
bidder: address(0),
curator: curator,
auctionCurrency: auctionCurrency
IERC721(tokenContract).transferFrom(tokenOwner, address(this), tokenId);
emit AuctionCreated(auctionId, tokenId, tokenContract, duration, reservePrice, tokenOwner, curator, curatorFeePercentage, auctionCurrency);
if(auctions[auctionId].curator == address(0) || curator == tokenOwner) {
_approveAuction(auctionId, true);
return auctionId;
* @notice Approve an auction, opening up the auction for bids.
* @dev Only callable by the curator. Cannot be called if the auction has already started.
function setAuctionApproval(uint256 auctionId, bool approved) external override auctionExists(auctionId) {
require(msg.sender == auctions[auctionId].curator, "Must be auction curator");
require(auctions[auctionId].firstBidTime == 0, "Auction has already started");
_approveAuction(auctionId, approved);
function setAuctionReservePrice(uint256 auctionId, uint256 reservePrice) external override auctionExists(auctionId) {
require(msg.sender == auctions[auctionId].curator || msg.sender == auctions[auctionId].tokenOwner, "Must be auction curator or token owner");
require(auctions[auctionId].firstBidTime == 0, "Auction has already started");
auctions[auctionId].reservePrice = reservePrice;
emit AuctionReservePriceUpdated(auctionId, auctions[auctionId].tokenId, auctions[auctionId].tokenContract, reservePrice);
* @notice Create a bid on a token, with a given amount.
* @dev If provided a valid bid, transfers the provided amount to this contract.
* If the auction is run in native ETH, the ETH is wrapped so it can be identically to other
* auction currencies in this contract.
function createBid(uint256 auctionId, uint256 amount)
address payable lastBidder = auctions[auctionId].bidder;
require(auctions[auctionId].approved, "Auction must be approved by curator");
auctions[auctionId].firstBidTime == 0 ||
block.timestamp <
"Auction expired"
amount >= auctions[auctionId].reservePrice,
"Must send at least reservePrice"
amount >= auctions[auctionId].amount.add(
"Must send more than last bid by minBidIncrementPercentage amount"
// For Zora Protocol, ensure that the bid is valid for the current bidShare configuration
if(auctions[auctionId].tokenContract == zora) {
"Bid invalid for share splitting"
// If this is the first valid bid, we should set the starting time now.
// If it's not, then we should refund the last bidder
if(auctions[auctionId].firstBidTime == 0) {
auctions[auctionId].firstBidTime = block.timestamp;
} else if(lastBidder != address(0)) {
_handleOutgoingBid(lastBidder, auctions[auctionId].amount, auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency);
_handleIncomingBid(amount, auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency);
auctions[auctionId].amount = amount;
auctions[auctionId].bidder = msg.sender;
bool extended = false;
// at this point we know that the timestamp is less than start + duration (since the auction would be over, otherwise)
// we want to know by how much the timestamp is less than start + duration
// if the difference is less than the timeBuffer, increase the duration by the timeBuffer
if (
) < timeBuffer
) {
// Playing code golf for gas optimization:
// uint256 expectedEnd = auctions[auctionId].firstBidTime.add(auctions[auctionId].duration);
// uint256 timeRemaining = expectedEnd.sub(block.timestamp);
// uint256 timeToAdd = timeBuffer.sub(timeRemaining);
// uint256 newDuration = auctions[auctionId].duration.add(timeToAdd);
uint256 oldDuration = auctions[auctionId].duration;
auctions[auctionId].duration =
extended = true;
emit AuctionBid(
lastBidder == address(0), // firstBid boolean
if (extended) {
emit AuctionDurationExtended(
* @notice End an auction, finalizing the bid on Zora if applicable and paying out the respective parties.
* @dev If for some reason the auction cannot be finalized (invalid token recipient, for example),
* The auction is reset and the NFT is transferred back to the auction creator.
function endAuction(uint256 auctionId) external override auctionExists(auctionId) nonReentrant {
uint256(auctions[auctionId].firstBidTime) != 0,
"Auction hasn't begun"
block.timestamp >=
"Auction hasn't completed"
address currency = auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency == address(0) ? wethAddress : auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency;
uint256 curatorFee = 0;
uint256 tokenOwnerProfit = auctions[auctionId].amount;
if(auctions[auctionId].tokenContract == zora) {
// If the auction is running on zora, settle it on the protocol
(bool success, uint256 remainingProfit) = _handleZoraAuctionSettlement(auctionId);
tokenOwnerProfit = remainingProfit;
if(success != true) {
_handleOutgoingBid(auctions[auctionId].bidder, auctions[auctionId].amount, auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency);
} else {
// Otherwise, transfer the token to the winner and pay out the participants below
try IERC721(auctions[auctionId].tokenContract).safeTransferFrom(address(this), auctions[auctionId].bidder, auctions[auctionId].tokenId) {} catch {
_handleOutgoingBid(auctions[auctionId].bidder, auctions[auctionId].amount, auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency);
if(auctions[auctionId].curator != address(0)) {
curatorFee = tokenOwnerProfit.mul(auctions[auctionId].curatorFeePercentage).div(100);
tokenOwnerProfit = tokenOwnerProfit.sub(curatorFee);
_handleOutgoingBid(auctions[auctionId].curator, curatorFee, auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency);
_handleOutgoingBid(auctions[auctionId].tokenOwner, tokenOwnerProfit, auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency);
emit AuctionEnded(
delete auctions[auctionId];
* @notice Cancel an auction.
* @dev Transfers the NFT back to the auction creator and emits an AuctionCanceled event
function cancelAuction(uint256 auctionId) external override nonReentrant auctionExists(auctionId) {
auctions[auctionId].tokenOwner == msg.sender || auctions[auctionId].curator == msg.sender,
"Can only be called by auction creator or curator"
uint256(auctions[auctionId].firstBidTime) == 0,
"Can't cancel an auction once it's begun"
* @dev Given an amount and a currency, transfer the currency to this contract.
* If the currency is ETH (0x0), attempt to wrap the amount as WETH
function _handleIncomingBid(uint256 amount, address currency) internal {
// If this is an ETH bid, ensure they sent enough and convert it to WETH under the hood
if(currency == address(0)) {
require(msg.value == amount, "Sent ETH Value does not match specified bid amount");
IWETH(wethAddress).deposit{value: amount}();
} else {
// We must check the balance that was actually transferred to the auction,
// as some tokens impose a transfer fee and would not actually transfer the
// full amount to the market, resulting in potentally locked funds
IERC20 token = IERC20(currency);
uint256 beforeBalance = token.balanceOf(address(this));
token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
uint256 afterBalance = token.balanceOf(address(this));
require(beforeBalance.add(amount) == afterBalance, "Token transfer call did not transfer expected amount");
function _handleOutgoingBid(address to, uint256 amount, address currency) internal {
// If the auction is in ETH, unwrap it from its underlying WETH and try to send it to the recipient.
if(currency == address(0)) {
// If the ETH transfer fails (sigh), rewrap the ETH and try send it as WETH.
if(!_safeTransferETH(to, amount)) {
IWETH(wethAddress).deposit{value: amount}();
IERC20(wethAddress).safeTransfer(to, amount);
} else {
IERC20(currency).safeTransfer(to, amount);
function _safeTransferETH(address to, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) {
(bool success, ) ={value: value}(new bytes(0));
return success;
function _cancelAuction(uint256 auctionId) internal {
address tokenOwner = auctions[auctionId].tokenOwner;
IERC721(auctions[auctionId].tokenContract).safeTransferFrom(address(this), tokenOwner, auctions[auctionId].tokenId);
emit AuctionCanceled(auctionId, auctions[auctionId].tokenId, auctions[auctionId].tokenContract, tokenOwner);
delete auctions[auctionId];
function _approveAuction(uint256 auctionId, bool approved) internal {
auctions[auctionId].approved = approved;
emit AuctionApprovalUpdated(auctionId, auctions[auctionId].tokenId, auctions[auctionId].tokenContract, approved);
function _exists(uint256 auctionId) internal view returns(bool) {
return auctions[auctionId].tokenOwner != address(0);
function _handleZoraAuctionSettlement(uint256 auctionId) internal returns (bool, uint256) {
address currency = auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency == address(0) ? wethAddress : auctions[auctionId].auctionCurrency;
IMarket.Bid memory bid = IMarket.Bid({
amount: auctions[auctionId].amount,
currency: currency,
bidder: address(this),
recipient: auctions[auctionId].bidder,
sellOnShare: Decimal.D256(0)
IERC20(currency).approve(IMediaExtended(zora).marketContract(), bid.amount);
IMedia(zora).setBid(auctions[auctionId].tokenId, bid);
uint256 beforeBalance = IERC20(currency).balanceOf(address(this));
try IMedia(zora).acceptBid(auctions[auctionId].tokenId, bid) {} catch {
// If the underlying NFT transfer here fails, we should cancel the auction and refund the winner
return (false, 0);
uint256 afterBalance = IERC20(currency).balanceOf(address(this));
// We have to calculate the amount to send to the token owner here in case there was a
// sell-on share on the token
return (true, afterBalance.sub(beforeBalance));
// TODO: consider reverting if the message sender is not WETH
receive() external payable {}
fallback() external payable {}
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