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Last active December 10, 2020 00:39
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An extension of the iOS class UIColor to provide conversion to and from YCbCr colors.
/// An extension to provide conversion to and from Y′CbCr colors.
extension UIColor {
/// The Rec.601 (standard-definition) coefficients used to calculate luma.
private static let encoding: (r: CGFloat, g: CGFloat, b: CGFloat) = (0.299, 0.587, 0.114)
/// The Y′CbCr components of a color - luma (Y′) and chroma (Cb,Cr).
struct YCbCr: Hashable {
/// The luma component of the color, in the full range [0, 255] (black to white).
var Y: CGFloat
/// The blue-difference chroma component of the color, in the full range [0, 255].
var Cb: CGFloat
/// The red-difference chroma component of the color, in the full range [0, 255].
var Cr: CGFloat
/// The Y′CbCr components of the color using Rec.601 (standard-definition) encoding.
var yCbCr: YCbCr {
var (r, g, b) = (CGFloat(), CGFloat(), CGFloat())
getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: nil)
let k = UIColor.encoding
var Y = (k.r * r) + (k.g * g) + (k.b * b)
var Cb = 0.5 * ((b - Y) / (1.0 - k.b))
var Cr = 0.5 * ((r - Y) / (1.0 - k.r))
Y = (Y * 255.0)
Cb = (Cb * 255.0) + 127.5
Cr = (Cr * 255.0) + 127.5
return YCbCr(Y: Y, Cb: Cb, Cr: Cr)
/// Initializes a color from Y′CbCr components.
/// - parameter yCbCr: The components used to initialize the color.
/// - parameter alpha: The alpha value of the color.
convenience init(_ yCbCr: YCbCr, alpha: CGFloat = 1.0) {
let Y = (yCbCr.Y / 255.0)
let Cb = (yCbCr.Cb / 255.0) - 0.5
let Cr = (yCbCr.Cr / 255.0) - 0.5
let k = UIColor.encoding
let kr = (Cr * ((1.0 - k.r) / 0.5))
let kgb = (Cb * ((k.b * (1.0 - k.b)) / (0.5 * k.g)))
let kgr = (Cr * ((k.r * (1.0 - k.r)) / (0.5 * k.g)))
let kb = (Cb * ((1.0 - k.b) / 0.5))
let r = Y + kr
let g = Y - kgb - kgr
let b = Y + kb
self.init(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: alpha)
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