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Last active August 11, 2023 18:51
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  • Save adamhrv/db317dd87cef7e05a311 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adamhrv/db317dd87cef7e05a311 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert Chrome sqlite file containing browsing history to a line-delimited text file for use in OpenWPM
// Stratosphere of Surveillance
// ITP Fall 2015
// Read Chrome "History" sqlite database (rename to "History.sqlite")
// Export history of URLs to line-delimited text file
// Note: Firefox conversion does not yet work
// 1: copy "History" sqlite file into your data directory
// 2: run script to export urls to txt file
// 3. use the text file as the input for the OpenWPM python script
SQLite db;
void setup()
size( 100, 100 );
exportChromeHistory("History.sqlite", "chrome-urls.txt"); // export url history from Chrome
// firefox .sqlite does not yet work
//exportFFHistory("places.sql", "firefox-urls.txt"); // export url history from Firefox (not working yet)
void draw() {
void exportChromeHistory(String sqlFile, String outFile) {
PrintWriter pw = createWriter(outFile);
db = new SQLite( this, "data/" + sqlFile ); // open database file
if ( db.connect() ) {
db.query("SELECT url FROM %s", "urls");
while ( ()) {
String url = db.getString("url");
if ( url.startsWith("http") ) {
} else {
println("error: could not connect to db");
void exportFFHistory(String sqlFile, String outFile) {
PrintWriter pw = createWriter(outFile);
db = new SQLite( this, "data/" + sqlFile ); // open database file
if ( db.connect() ) {
db.query("SELECT moz_places FROM %s", "moz_places");
while ( ()) {
} else {
println("error: could not connect to db");
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